Reviews for Weakness
Olmo chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
You go Winnie! And good for pointing out the similarities and differences between the trio.
The Bonecrusher Hyena chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Wow, this is realy great! I can actully see it happening!
jikanet-tanaka chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
I've read all the AJK stories you've posted (they're all very good!), but I have to admit this one is my very favourite! Obviously, something like this would have been too hardcore for the cartoon, but through your amazing writing - especially with dialogues, they're all very snappy! - and the already great characterization from the original show, I can really believe something like this could have happened in-between the scenes. And you made me sad for Dolf, something my kid-self would have never thought possible, lol!

Keep up the good work!