Reviews for Dark Before the Sun
luvfarscape1 chapter 8 . 12/26/2014
HAZMOT chapter 8 . 12/25/2014
I'm glad you decided to continue this. I've missed the Farscape gang. I hope you're finally getting to what happened to Aeryn and Chiana. I know you have to draw it out, but it's fustrating. heheh Anywho, Aeryn feels lost, unloved and wants to escape what she's feeling and that alone makes Chiana that little voice in her head that makes her want to return to Moya and John. Chiana infuriates her to no end, knowing she knows her more than Aeryn wants to admit. Chiana may be brash, free spirited, but she can see through all of Aeryn's fears and only wants to be friends with Aeryn or say a mother figuire at the least. Aeryn wants to say the right things to Chiana and certainly wants to know how John really feels about her. But Aeryn can't fathom that someone or everyone on Moya cares about her. Not just because she was a peacekeeper, but who Aeryn really is. A protector, warrior and sometimes even a friend. I just hope whatever happened to Aeryn and Chiana will not destroy them both.
Frell me Dead chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Name me I don't mind
My Muse Committed Suicide chapter 7 . 11/11/2014
Fantastic story so far. I hope you continue it.
Thyqua chapter 7 . 8/27/2014
I love that you're writing a story that's so focused on Aeryn... Please tell me you're going to update with more?!
Wordcaster chapter 7 . 6/24/2014
Just found this and I'm happy it has a fairly recent update as it'll mean this godawful cliffhanger will probably not be left hanging for long. It even looks like you have the story fairly planned out so the possibilities of being abandoned are low too (I hope!) Love your prideful Aeryn Sun. Not many good Farscape fics out there that are Aeryn centric so I'm savoring this with relish. Update soon!
Frell me Dead chapter 7 . 4/29/2014
OMG! Poor Aeryn! John loves her, Chiana adores her like a sister what happened in those missing days that would make Aeryn want that option?'s wrong for john to constantly try to change Aeryn, she is a capable, strong and protective woman she doesn't need to be "more" she already is. Love the narration it's like being inside of Aeryn's head. Your style of writing is amazing, it's like being there with Aeryn!...I will be patiently waiting for the next chapter :) 3
HAZMOT chapter 7 . 4/28/2014
This is a great story of Aeryn and how she despises herself, regardless on how much Chrichton, and Chiana are trying to save her. Whatever happened to Aeryn is having repercussions on all the crew of Moya. I hope we find out piece by piece what happened to Aeryn and Chiana on that planet. :D
Cuclata chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
The dark thoughts of a rouge Peacekeeper delivered with incredible accuracy. Thank you for this story and for taking me into a Peacekeeper's mind. If you want to check out my stories :)
Frell me Dead chapter 2 . 1/5/2014
Crichton can be such an idiot sometimes you just want to smack him. Can I? lol Aeryn is more concerned for Chiana than she is letting on you can tell , re-reading the whole story again and loving it! 3
Guest chapter 6 . 11/25/2013
Eww, hope you're not going the sex slave route, mainly because Aeryn is too bad a$$ for that and she would get out of that situation before 43 days, lol. I always got the impression that most beings underestimated her for one reason or another. I could see Chiana in the brothel of course and would probably own it but Aeryn would probably be chained in the mines or something.
I. M. Frelling-Wonko chapter 6 . 11/22/2013
I'm glad you've taken a non-linear approach to writing this. I love when a story doesn't follow a nice, straight line and you've done it well. And the interaction between Aeryn and Chiana is very good. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Amber chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
This is really good. You use the second person narrative really well and really manage to capture the reader. It has been a long time since I have read more than 10 000 words of fic in one sitting but I couldnt stop with this fic. Thank you for writing.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/19/2013
Wow, this is a really good. You have an excellent grasp of Aeryn. I'd really like to know where Aeryn and Chiana have been. I would think that Chiana got them into trouble as usual, but then you keep saying that Aeryn didn't want to go back to Moya. Unless Aeryn had to do terrible things to get them out of trouble and is tired of being judged by Crichton and the others. And Crichton did always seem to have a problem with keeping this mouth shut. He hurts Aeryn whether he means to or not.
HAZMOT chapter 6 . 11/21/2013
It's been a very long, long time since I read a good Farscape story. This is is just as exceptional. Farscape is back on cable on Pivot. It's wonderful to see there are those who still appreciate a great story to write it down. Enough said, I'm dying to find out what happened to Aeryn as well as Chiana that Aeryn is near death. Chiana certainly points out that Chrichton has always had feeling for Aeryn and whether Aeryn excepts that remains to be seen in and if she recovers. :D
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