Reviews for Hide and Seek
Nicki-fics086 chapter 15 . 5/1
Update, this story is amazing and it can't end here. Please, please, I want to know what will happen to Shunsui and Nanao's relationship ・ᴗ・
Nanao Kyouraku chapter 15 . 4/19/2017
This story is wonderful ... The plot is amazing and very well do not abandon the story.I am curious to know how Nanao will learn to use Shunsui's esperitual , please...
Renn chapter 6 . 8/16/2015
Please update.. i'm eagerly want to read later chapter..
asimbelmyne chapter 15 . 8/2/2015
Shunsui would totally say something pertaining to Nanao's leg in his own perverse way. I really liked that segment; it goes to show how much you've grown to understand the characters you attempt to portray. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to read more in the future.
monoprotic chapter 15 . 7/31/2015
Wow, their encounter for the first time in 4 months was better than I would have imagined. Who would have think one of Shunsui's first words were about his adorations to Nanao's leg haha. Sounds very like him~ Yeah, he might have a vague clue as to what the real reason Nanao called him specifically.

Too bad for Nanao though...associating the trauma she had to the darkness and to Shunsui's presence somewhat. It'll be tricky to rebuild trust again, but awww, it seems they are already warming up with each other at the end. Making someone smile, I think, is one of the best feelings in life. :) !
Guest chapter 15 . 7/31/2015
Yeah, I can say that I enjoyed about this chapter :) First words were worth of reading :D And yes, you wrote their conversation just like I'd imagine that it'd go. I just wonder if Shunsui is going to notice his zanpakuto and its plans at some point. Or why wouldn't he hear it from Nanao's zanpakuto? ;)

Anyway, thank you for this chapter :) Waiting for the next one!
I am Telgar chapter 14 . 7/26/2015
Sui-Feng blew the perfect chance chance to get rid of her lieutenant. She should have told Yamanato that she wanted to have Nanao Ise transfer to her division to be undersupervision. To transfer Omaeda as a lieutenant of the Eighth division to work undercover. To make sure that there is not a co-conspirator. After all Nanao Ise with out reista or very little. No one would be able to sense her. She would be a perfect fit for the stealth force. Nanao Ise has I believe has some qualities that Sui-Feng would like. Yep, she missed her chance to do her happy dance. Hell I bet she would jump Kisuke's bones and have his children if she got rid of Omaeda.
monoprotic chapter 14 . 7/18/2015
Ouch, Soi Foi really tried to waste time instead of giving the data Shunsui wanted, but it kinda got backfired on her since she was the one who got exasperated herself. Shunsui's calm demeanor helped him in this case because he needs patience dealing with her. Then again, he never had a "good" interaction with Soi Fon in the manga, I think, even when he became the C.C (if you're keeping up w/ the recent chapters/Final Arc), their dialogues are all tense.

And it's sad that Soi Fon would never care about her lieutenant. Surprisingly, they were a decent team back when they fought one of the Espada. Such an odd duo, but I also think she's warming up with Omaeda in the recent arc as well.

Can't wait for Shun/Nanao finally meeting! Very solid chapter as always. Keep up the great work! I'm curious how you would plan the ending. :D
Aysteral chapter 13 . 7/18/2015
(my phone just had a complete spaz and prematurely sent that review lol oops) far its going great! And I think I know who's responsible...
I'm also glad there's some interaction between other characters too, such as nanao and momo!
Anyway keep up the excellent writing!
Aysteral chapter 14 . 7/18/2015
This is fantastic so far! it is one of my personal favorite shunsui and nanao fanfics.
Firstly I'd like to say that it is VERY well written, their actions are descriptive and your words covey their emotions very clearly to the reader, something I love to see in written pieces.
This is also the first fanfic that made me FEEL for a character, for example, I felt awful for Nanao during that meeting, I really wanted her to stay strong!
In the last chapter , soifons portrayal was very interesting. Her aggressive demenor took me by surprise but I realized that this takes place before yoruichi comes back, a good pickup of her character prior to her development!
I'm not sure if I have any negative feedback, because so far
Guest chapter 14 . 7/17/2015
The great chapter again! One thing that bothered me was Sui-Feng's emotionless but I have to again say that your choice was good to this fic :) I mean that I don't think that she's so cold than she seems and everyone thinks that she is. But it's my opinion. Shunsui's and Sui-Feng's meeting was amusing and terrible :) Probably new best friends.

I look forward the next chapter :) Let's see how Shunsui's and Nanao's meeting goes. Hardly Nanao jumps into the lap of a guy who she thinks as a murder? At least when his zanpakuto was so lovely... Come on, she pointed her with a sword many times! And then you should believe that her master wasn't a murder? Well, Nanao obviously believed. Or then a meeting is a trap? Huh, it could be a little too. Anyway, waiting for the next chapter!
monoprotic chapter 13 . 7/10/2015
I always love it when fanfics talk about how she really dislikes green tea haha. (Green tea isn't so bad, idk why she and Shunsui dislikes it). Poor Momo, she didn't get the memo.

The imagery of Nanao's spirit world is beautiful! I think it's fitting that one of the memorable symbolisms of Shunsui in her world is that biggest sakura tree. Shunsui very much encompasses Nanao's life. ;_; And Katen Kyoukotsu is so snarky, I love it!

So excited about the next chapter, and sorry to spam you with my continual reviews~
Guest chapter 13 . 7/9/2015
Are all of zanpakutos bitches? I must admit that I liked Shunsui's zanpakuto though :) 'Shut up and listen, little girl.' Everything is your fault, why didn't you kill an enemy or die before my master had time to act stupidly? :D It seems like she blames everyone expect herself.
I wait that you write how their zanpakutos remind them. At least I think that they remind them somehow? For example Nanao's zanpakuto avoids Shunsui's zanpakuto, like Nanao avoids Shunsui now.
And one stupid thing more from me: how Shunsui's zanpakuto dared to say that Nanao is bad in Hide and seek when she didn't find Nanao's zanpakuto? :D
You updated so soon! But yeah, I understand if you aren't able to continue so quickly. It doesn't bother so long than you continue this fic and I remember this :) But because I don't read lots of Shunsui x Nanao -fics and this is good, I probably remember this long time :)
But still, update please as soon as possible!
asimbelmyne chapter 13 . 7/10/2015
This story continues to grow more and more intriguing. You've improved so much! Great job! :)
Guest chapter 12 . 7/8/2015
Oh thank you! Now I can concentrate to scare only for Nanao and Shunsui :) At least I fear for Nanao because she's going to meet her zanpakuto...hrr. I understand well why Nanao doesn't want to meet her...are you sure that it isn't her zanpakuto who did all of this to Nanao? With Aizen, maybe?
Anyway, thank you again for great chapter! I wait the next chapter -and I hope that you update soon. The first I scared that because this is so good fic, you probably update very seldom...because any fic can't be perfect, right?
And then I was so irritated because I had read all your chapters. But you saved me and updated! I hope that you update again soon! :)
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