Reviews for Divergent Pasts
Guest chapter 13 . 10h
Tambien creo que seria mejor incorporar a los Recolectores y sus amos Reaper dentro del marco mas amplio en la relacion entre el Covenant y Consejo de la Ciudadela,asi como una batalla espacial masiva.
Guest chapter 11 . 11h
La forma en que metes la relacion entre la Humanidad y los Forerunner dentro de este Fanfiction es uno de los unicos detalles mas cutres,el otro es que confundan tecnologia Forerunner con la Prothean,asi como el material(es decir,la aleacion)de la que ambas estan hechos y otros detalles subsidiarios de estos es lo que entorpecen la perfeccion posible de este Fanfiction,son una hilera de detalles a corregir

Tambien seria interesante ver la aparicion de mas naves y vehiculos Covenant y una mejor forma de establecer la superioridad tecnologica del Covenant sobre Citadel,ademas,queda otro error cutre que los Consejeros no se sorprendan de que el Covenant no utilice Elemento Cero en sus aleaciones.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/25
Seria tambien interesante observar la aparicion de Rtas'Vadum,Thel Vadam,Jul'dama y Ripa'Moramee entre otros personajes Sangheili y Jiralhanae asi como San'Shyuum notables de la faccion Covenant.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/25
Seria interesante tambien observar una turba manifestada Covenant a bordo de Gran Caridad compuesta de Kig-Yar y Unggoy junto con varios Yanme'e y Sangheili protestando fervientemente en contra de los Humanos por sus campañas recientes contra ellos,asi como seria interesante ver la reaccion de la galaxia por parte de las especies Citadel ante la tecnologia y capacidades Covenant.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/25
Aunque quizas los misiles podrian dañar los tanques,antes deberian agotar sus escudos personales o golpear la parte trasera del vehiculo,entre sus costados,es decir,el chasis,parte vulnerable del Wraith.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/25
Tambien estaria bien ver aparecer todas las diferentes naves del Covenant,tanto clases como singulares ,eso quiere decir desde una clase general como el Crucero Clase CCS y el Supercarguero clase CSO hasta naves singulares tanto de algunas de estas clases como de clases sin especificar,por ejemplo,el Rapid Conversion o el Valorous Salvation,ambos 2 barcos que no pertenecen a una clase generalizada, aunque se categorizen como un Crucero,Carguero o Destructor entre otras clases segun la jerarquia y sistemas de clasificacion de naves espaciales de Halo,por favir,aplica todo esto que te he propuesto y tambien incluye rangos de unidades militares Covenant.


.Operaciones Especiales
.Entre otras clases de rangos



.Cacique de Guerra
.Capitan Mayor
.Capitan Ultra

.Operaciones Especiales
Guest chapter 6 . 8/25
La historia es bakana y potencialmente excelente,pero a partir del capitulo 6 resulta complicada de entender y no tiene mucho sentido,no queda claro si son los Humanos a los que estan atacando o si son los Recolectores de ME 2 atacando a los Covenant,seria interesante que arreglaras este asunto.

Detalles excelentes a incorporar en este Fanfiction serian...
.La reaccion ante la tecnologia Covenant por parte de las especies miembro del Consejo de la Ciudadela
.Los eventos de ME 2 y el resurgimiento de Shepard a la par que el surgimiento del Covenant influye en la galaxia tanto social como ideologica,tecnologica y socialmente en grandes escalas de muchas formas
.La relacion,diferencias,conexiones y periodos de tiempo similares o distintos entre los Forerunner y los Prothean,asi como la conexion y relacion entre los Reaper y Forerunner en la historia galactica
.La relacion entre el Covenant y sus especies con la raza Humana y otras especies de la Ciudadela
Jguy762 chapter 14 . 10/14/2016
Don't take this as an insult, but if your trying to base the alliance Marines of current day American/British Marines, your about as accurate as a Rusty ak being being used by an Iraqi blind firing
DejDem chapter 3 . 10/14/2016
Huh so this Arbiter is a moron. Hope we don't have to follow his story very long.
HyperionATLAS chapter 14 . 10/8/2016
this has been one of the most amazing halo/mass effect crossovers i have seen please keep up the amazing story.
A Very Thirsty Megalomaniac chapter 2 . 6/7/2015
Now this was interesting. It's odd to see a species other than humanity kicking the teeth in of ME universe technology, and the reasons are refreshing as well. The folks on Noveria are defending their home, but the Covenant has arrived and is engaging the planet for religious reasons - they believe these aliens are hiding Precursor relics and have no patience for their shrieking. It's amusing, in a dark way.

Only major concern I saw was speech tags. I just shudder inside when I see a short back and forth between people using tags other than "said" or maybe "asked," I just think it looks silly. That just might be though.

Hmm, something else I noticed: how the hell did poor Matsuo know what the sound of a celestial starship sounded like off the top of her head? That...would not be the first thing I would think when I hear a resounding boom or crack. Thunder first, maybe. Starship, probably not. Also, her perspective at the beginning jumps around a fair bit. She goes fairly quick from feeling a little ill-at-ease to jumping into action. It's not unnatural, I guess, it just felt jarring.

I'm guessing the Carnifex rounds bounced off due to shielding, right? Because those things were marketed to stop charging krogan for a reason. I hope you try to maintain balance between the two universes, because Noveria isn't going to hold out very long against the Covenant if things go as easily as it did here for them.

This is...interesting. I'm really not a fan of Halo and I rather loathe the fandom, but this is solidly written and the perspective jumps are good. I'm looking forward to more.
A Very Thirsty Megalomaniac chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
So, this chapter kicks off with a personal peeve of mine, and an odd one at that. I really dislike timelines and synopses such as these because, well, I'd much rather see those things in person, and I feel it's the author's responsibility/honor to set the scene (galactic scene in this case) using proper prose and exposition through writing. The Collectors are gone. The Reapers used the Flood (!) to wipe out the Forerunners. But I didn't get to witness any of that. It's your call, and this was written about two years ago, but I would think about trying other methods of introduction in the future, as a challenge.

Alright. First off, I didn't see any spelling errors. Maybe a few extra commas here or there, but this read like it had been properly edited. Nice job! It's rare that I get to say that I saw no errors.

I have a hard time believing the Reapers would use the Flood to wipe out the Forerunners. The Flood are anathema to life, and it's OOC for the Reapers for two reasons:
1. They believe they are inherently superior to all races in the cycle, and will have and have had no trouble with their harvests.
2. The Flood eat EVERYTHING. The Reapers do preserve lesser forms of life for future harvest. Here, the Forerunners kinda had to perform their role for them by using the Halo Array. Um, I would argue that is OOC to the point of being a plot hole. If the Flood are easily programmable and Gravemind is under control, fine. I would include a line about that, though.

To conclude, I'm impressed that you decided to adhere to both storylines at the same time. Halo is well in the future, ME is in the 2100's. This also makes me optimistic that humanity will not be hilariously overpowered and lead to the curbstomps the Halo fans seem so fond of. And the story's finished - congratulations on that. I might take a look at your sequel for future tag, so I can provide criticisms that are more relevant, as that story is still ongoing.
Phant0m5 chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
Right from the prologue your concept of the story you plan to write is flawed. The forerunners would of course have had Slipstream technology capable of antiquating the Mass Relays, but the Covenant do NOT. The Covenant slipstream engines are of comparable speeds to the non-relay FTL of most Mass Effect species; the ME species are only restricted to the areas around a relay because they need gas giants to release the static buildup their engines generate. But allowing for Relay travel, the Collectors would have made it back to their base long before the Covenant got there, unless the Covenant had a nearby fleet to send for an ambush.

At which point the Collector ship would have done a defensive action, taking pot shots against the approaching fleet while they get pummelled by the massive debris inherent from being so close to the galactic core. The Normandy managed by being small enough to evade the debris. Forerunners lack the miniaturizing effect that Element Zero allows for (and necessitates, but whatever), so the only ships they'd have to work with that would survive the area are huge targets. Cue incoming streams of relativistic wire.

Now, that may or may NOT be instant death. There were calcs done on the Thanix Canon at one point or another but I can't remember what they were like. But given that forerunner ships could be taken down by repeated MAC fire, a MAC is comparable to a ME Dreadnought main gun, and the Thanix is orders of magnitude more powerful than that, I'd say that at worst it takes two shots to kill a Covie ship. The gun can be fired reliably every five seconds. Because it is a mass based projectile, the only limit to range is the maneuverability of the enemy (and with relativistic munitions, the max range can be quite obscene), whereas plasma energy disperses over long distances, forcing a minimum range. A long range defending action in the Collectors favour is a nightmare for Covie ships.

Admittedly, the Collectors still probably lose. I only know of the one collector ship, and it's not in so much a better position as to stave off an entire fleet. But the problem isn't that your start scenario is flawed; it's that your entire premise is. You're giving an unfair bias to non-forerunner Halo tech that just doesn't make sense. What the hell?
SpecH82T chapter 10 . 3/5/2015
Mow not movie lol, stupid phone changed the word on my last review :)
SpecH82T chapter 11 . 3/5/2015
Hell yeeees Ash, movie the Heretics down :)
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