Reviews for love is not a victory march
0nce Upon My Story chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
This was really good and well-written... BUT as an avid Tedoire shipper, I'm in agony because they didn't end up together. Why do you do this to me? Whyyyyy?
(Sorry, I do tend to get a tad dramatic when fanfics don't turn out the way I want.)
So, yeah, this was good, and it's particularly good that they can end up with other people and be happy... BUT I'M NOT HAPPY. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to troll you or anything, because let's be honest your writing is waaay too good for that. I just wish, wish, wish they could have ended up together.
But you can't always have what you want, can you? I guess that's kind of the point of this fic - that, and that you can be happy, even if it's not in the way you expect. That's a really important message nowadays, so I take my hat off to you for that.
empyreanangels chapter 1 . 11/8/2018
Though the ending was strangely bittersweet, this was an amazing piece of work from the beginning towards the end. I loved it!
RainyDaysAndGoodBooks chapter 1 . 1/28/2017
Ooooh. I like how they didn't marry each other in the end. I also really like your version of Victoire.
gummy204 chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
oh god this killed me your writing is just so beautiful and lyrical and now Im sobbing but this was so amazing and j don't even mind that she didn't end up with teddy even tho I ship them so hard?
xxEmmy chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
This was so sad and beautiful at the same time.
At first I thought it was just another story about Teddy and Victoire, but I'm glad I was wrong.
I loved the story, even though they didn't end up together in the end, I really loved it.
thingstogoandplacestodo chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
This was so sweet, and really lovely! I love the happy ending!
hawkeyeforever chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
This is beautiful
Clarity and Verity chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
I really loved this! It was beautiful.- Verity
Diane.Y chapter 1 . 7/5/2014
I really loved it. The fact that they love each other, but that it isn't enough, and that life is a story we write ourself, maybe far away from destiny... Thank you very much :)
BetterThanOdgeon's chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Really liked this! I normally ADORE teddy and victoire together but in this he didn't deserve her and I'm glad she married this Max and was still happy without him even if there was always something there. I think that's actually what I love about Teddy and Victoire stories- that everyone always portrays them as being like magnetically drawn together, like two people that are perfect for each other. I liked how even though they didn't end up together there's still that sense of what should have been between them if life hadn't have gotten in their way and its all the more poignant for that. :) sorry this is so long- I just love Teddy and Victoire!
Nimbelle chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
I really liked this. You write well. The story is a very simple love story, but there is something about your voice and style of writing that makes it memorable and interesting.

The long sentences generally work very well, which is rare. Most fanfic authors have long sentences that are run-ons, but some of yours have a lyrical turn. Sometimes they don't just work, they work beautifully, as in "She tells him at the altar, 'Lets move to California,' and he smiles and kisses her again, and he's not Teddy, but it's all right." But sometimes it can get tricky to trace the subject through the sentence, so break up when needed.

I loved the quote in the title - it is a profound quote and the story unpacks it in a nice way.
WeasleyGrangerPotter chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
I really enjoyed this story though it wasn't Teddy/Vic at the end as I ship them really hard. I really like your style of writing especially in this piece :)
allisonarrgent chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
So to be completely honest I looked at this and at first glance I was just like “Oh great… Teddy/Victoire and weddings… What a recurring theme…” except it’s not your fault of course, it’s just this generalization in my head based on what I’ve seen from the Teddy/Victoire fandom for the most part, but I didn’t underestimate this at all because I knew it was your writing and you’d find a way to make something typically cliche much more original and something of your own, and you did exactly that. I loved the anti-climactic nature of this all, the fact that though this was a fic about Teddy and Victoire, Teddy and Victoire didn’t end up together. And I don’t feel that way because Teddy/Victoire aren't one of my favorite ships, but because the way you portrayed how things turned out between them is actually very realistic and in sync with what tends to happen in real life. I mean, it’s probably just me being pessimistic, but there’s a rare number of people who actually get what they want in life, or get what they initially thought they wanted, if that makes sense. So what I’m trying (and probably failing) at explaining is that I liked how you didn’t sugar coat the issues in this at all, that even though Teddy cheated on his wife with Victoire, Teddy and Victoire actually didn’t end up together because Victoire ended up getting married to someone else, because that’s far more comparable to reality than if Teddy and Victoire had resolved all their problems and ran back into each other’s arms.

As always, your writing made me want to scream (“As if he didn't know every curve on her body intimately, as if she hadn't seen all his scars and kissed away all his demons. As if.” - I’m done) because it was so elegant while not overdoing anything (Sidenote: all the descriptions of Teddy’s eyes completely destroyed me, so thanks for that). You’re better at writing angst than you think - like the subtle irony in the beginning of summer weddings vs. winter weddings was brilliant, as well as the inevitable conclusion of “Everything between them always seems to fade to nothing.” Also thank you for this: “And maybe the look in his eyes as he watches her means something more than she's willing to make of it, but maybe it doesn't. The thing about life is that you never end up where you're supposed to, and when she kisses Max, she thinks that maybe there's no such thing as supposed to in the first place. Maybe it's just boys and girls, falling in and out of love with no rhyme or reason to anything.” because it’s absolutely the raw truth and I love you for including it. Lastly, shout out to the references of New York during Christmas/winter in general. You’re the best and this was tragic and gorgeous in all the right ways. Don’t ever stop writing! xx
Nia chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
Oh, this story was wonderful! Please, please, please write more TeddyVictoire. They are the best pairing ever! And your TeddyVictoire stories are the best I've ever read.
Stinkyx3 chapter 1 . 11/22/2013
I love your writing style a lot :)
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