Reviews for Reality
wintercat18 chapter 24 . 6/24
I've went back and reread this story and it's still one of the best doctor who fanfics I've ever found! It's been awhile since an update I hope everything is alright and that you are doing well :)
AlidaLynn chapter 26 . 6/8
Okay, so my main theories on the Lilly thing so far are: (1) there really is a parallel version of her in this universe that is a terrorist/villain, or (2) this is a future-Lilly who goes off the deep end and is working to create the paradox the Doctor senses (maybe desperate to get home or just plain angry and trying to hurt the Doctor), but right now that future is in flux because Lilly hasn't seen details about her (a la The Angels Take Manhattan) or just hasn't chosen that path yet (meaning she can still make a different choice).
On things you actually asked for, I think Mickey makes sense. From what I recall of Series 1 and 2, he was slow to trust and very protective of Rose and Jackie. Also, he just went through a year of being blamed for murder because of the last mysterious stranger that blew through his life. Plus, he's only, what, 20 or so? All in all, some moodiness is justified XD
Also, Slitheen are now so much more terrifying than they were before.
I hope real life isn't beating you up too much, and I hope you know how good this story is.
lilium-tigris chapter 26 . 4/12
I think Mickey was portrayed very well. I can understand why he was frustrated with her and I think you do a very good job of getting into his headspace. This is an excellent story- I've read it many times over and I sincerely hope that you will decide to update once more. Lilly is a great character and is definitely one of the more realistic OCs I've encountered in fanfiction in a very long time. Thank you and great writing!
ReturningFan chapter 1 . 3/27
I can not remember my login for FFN. But I have been lwatching some classic Who and looking through Doctor Who fics and rediscovered yours! I have been rereading it and I absolutely adore this story and really hope you are planning to continue it!

I also hope you are staying safe and healthy!
JessicaRae95 chapter 9 . 3/27
Love this! On chapter 8 and cant wait to finish it. This is really good :D
EchoTheHybrid chapter 26 . 3/25
I really love this story! I can't wait for more!
LuciferRedeemed chapter 26 . 3/20
Hope you update soon! I need more realistic Doctor who in my life!
Pinkchihua chapter 26 . 3/9
Hi, I hope everything is well with you and your family. I just wanted to say that I really love your story and I know it has been a long time, but it would be amazing if you continued it. It seems like you have set up a great plot line and I am dying to read the end of it.
ollybear chapter 24 . 3/11
we need more fanfics like this! it's brilliantly written believable and Lily is a believable human being. she has faults and redeeming qualities and not everyone understands her right away. I love everything about this fic and I really hope it continues.
izhetbean chapter 26 . 1/17
it's been a good while since your last update, but I have to say, I really love how you've flipped the script with this story. It's exactly the way you say, more real. Which is definitely a welcome change from the fairy tales that every other fic tends to feel like.
I hope that eventually you decide to come back to this story, it's really quite good.
emily88034 chapter 26 . 12/2/2019
Hey, I really love your story! I like your more realistic look at the Doctor and the realities of traveling with him.
I was sad to see your stance on the female doctor.
You’re definitely right about time lord DNA, but I think a less obscure piece of the Doctor’s cannon is that he values compassion and open-mindedness in his companions (I use “he” because I haven’t seen the new Doctor yet).
I think the doctor would have compassion for the more than 1/5 transgender youths who have attempted suicide, and the 2/3 who self-harm. I think if a female doctor can help people think more open minded-ly about gender and give transgender kids someone to relate to it could cut down on the rate at witch these kids are killing themselves.
I know how great it felt to see Inara on Firefly and finally feel less confused about myself, I hope that trans kids can have that same experience. You said it best when you said, “Can you imagine how insane you'd be if you were suddenly forced to think like a gender not your own?” That’s what gender dysphoria is. I hope you come to a place where you’re ready to share the Doctor with people who are dying from loneliness and a world that doesn’t accept or understand them.
Until then, I hope you keep writing. This is an amazing story, keep it up!
ShawnoftheLitter chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
Wait. Never mind. This is the same story I was thinking about but the scene isn't. Sorry.
ShawnoftheLitter chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
Sorry I just needed to say this to someone.

I just went to work after having a dream of DW, in which I met a British dude that I had to run after to keep up with, and the shelves kept shocking me all day.

Okay. Piece said.

I stopped reading this a while back, and I remember the exact scene that I stopped at but, alas, I cannot find it. You probably don't remember, but I figured I'd ask. The first time she makes a joke to the Doctor, and the Doctor scolds her for it, ruining the entire mood of happiness and friendship. I can't find that part and I'm sad, because I wanna know what happens next but I'm not willing to reread what I've already read. 9th Doctor still, if you've moved on. Rose was there, too.

I'll continue scanning but so far I haven't found it.
Gabrielle chapter 26 . 11/17/2019
I love the stary!
SchnazzyCreations chapter 26 . 11/17/2019
Oh it always pains me to reach the end. I know eventually there'll be more, and I really look forward to it!

1. I thought Mickey was really well written. I loved how you added little bits of background info and built on what the show had. I fully believe that is your greatest strength..

it been were especially cool and scary! I love how you set up early on that this world is darker than the show was because the show is for the family while they're in real life and how it ties in with the Slitheen. The fact that the skin suits WERE STILL ALKVE IS TERRIFYING! Omg it's the creepiest thing I've ever read, much less in a fanfic. And the fact that they fuse together?! It makes it more believable that they've passed as human for so long, and gives them a new strength and weakness.

I'm really curious about the numbers. She couldn't read the keypad, but it still worked. And the sonic screwdriver making noise and the golden lights in the Tardis makes me think this was building up to something big. My theory is its because she's from another universe. She's sort of outside their time and space, so she sees it differently, like with the sky and the spicy pickles. That actually gave me some ideas for my own fanfic. You inspired me to make my own oc in the Multiverse story and I'm really excited. Honestly, if it ends up half as good as yours I'd be happy. I love your story and I hope you're doing alright! Have a wonderful life :3
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