Reviews for The Ups and Downs of Naruto Fanfiction
May525 chapter 5 . 11/24/2019
It would mean... Cool
KarmaAladdin chapter 14 . 4/21/2019
Those are good points
Guest chapter 30 . 7/21/2018
Ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu?

A: Taijutsu. Punch straight to the fucking jaw and my foot up your ass. Hell yeah.

Taijutsu sounds badass a fuck, but WAYYYYY to much effert. I just wouldn’t be able to expend that much effert. Then I am not creative or imaginative as shit so genjutsu is out. That only leaves ninjustu and it’d be just my luck to panic or forget the best to use, but I’m still gunna stick with ninjustu because that’s all that’s left, that or ya know, death...yayyyy
Guest chapter 10 . 7/21/2018
What Clan, throughout all of Naruto, is the most interesting (Not the strongest, but the most INTERESTING)?

That’s a good question...maybe the Uzumaki? We don’t hear much about them and their abilities kinda differ? But the Kyuga? Clan has a really intresting Kekki Gekki? And I wanna know how closely their related to the actual Kyuga and if their bloodthirst is their main trait/side effect why didn’t Orochimarus Kyuga (who’s name I can’t remember embarrassingly enough)? Oooo or Sugestus he can turn into flipping WATER I want to hear about them.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/21/2018
Q: Who is your favorite Akatsuki member?

A: I'm a bit torn between Kakuzu and Pein, just because they're amazing as shit. To me, anyways.

I agree Kakuzu is a badass! His abilities are fascinating as well!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/21/2018
Question: Which Hidden Village would you like to learn more about?

VenaHope chapter 31 . 9/15/2017
I was expecting you to rant about the Orochimaru x Sasuke fics... Why people? Just... Why? I know that he wants Sasuke's body... but not like that.
Rose Rain 7 chapter 28 . 9/9/2017
Yo gurl! Your bitch is back! After 3 years!

(The idea is: When people haven't updated in like, forever and then they release a chapter which is basically a fucking authors note advertising other fics or some other stupid goddamned shit)

I know! You got all your hopes up just to get crushed.

(Seriously, of Korohime's tale was so 'GREAT11!' then why the hell do you need to advertise it on your more popular fic? That you stopped writing ages ago? If I liked Korohime's tale I would have found it on my own. If it was good I would have read it already.)

Seriously! I take ages to update but I've never been this insensitive. If I update with an actual chapter.

(If that other fic was meant to be, it wouldn't need your other fics help to stand up. A good fic can stand on its own legs without crutches.)

O.o wow, wise words! Never thought I would find deep meaning in here lol

A: Tsunade. I don't get the hype around Jiraiya tbh.


(*Makes obligatory opening joke*

*audience breathes slightly out of their nose, and types "LOL I'M DYING SO FUNNY ROFL"*

*Gets encouraged and takes joke too far*



(Kurama scratched the ground impatiently, waiting for the impudent girl to cease making noise so he could propose his deus-ex-machina plan that would make everything better.)


("Okay." Kurama started doing the complicated jutsu. "Bullshit-name-no-jutsu!")

Bullshit no jutsu LMAO Naruto have many of that.

I love time travel fic. It been years since I last read- wait, naah, it been years since I read the genin ones but not the war warring ones

A: Definitely not suna. I'll go with Amegakure.


(Why are all rape-fics in the romance genre? They should be in the horror genre. Or maybe the crime genre. But romance? Do 14 year olds really see rape as sexy? What am I missing here?)

*starts clapping* I've read a bit in the OLD Gaara X Sakura fanfiction (2009 or something) and I keep coming across these weird ass topic!

(And why does the rape-victim usually love their rapist in the end? or they fall in love or some shit. The fuck, bitch.)

Seriously! I read the first chapter :

Me: THIS IS SOME GOOD SHIT! You wrote the characters so good-

Next chapter: Rape scene.

ME:... Wtf? I take back everything I said!

Don't know why it's a trend in the past.

A: Taijutsu! It's the coolest.


Ambassador666 chapter 7 . 11/29/2016
I'm laughing my ass off at how true this is. Brilliant.
yorushihe chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
this is a notice!
Just letting you know that I've transfered this fic from my subscribe list to the favorite one! :)
(so you won't be alarmed by dropping numbers!)
Thank you for completing this story,
I've enjoyed very much!
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 30 . 9/23/2016
All :)
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 29 . 9/23/2016
Konoha or sand :)
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 25 . 9/17/2016
A SI fanfiction :)
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 24 . 9/17/2016
Lightening :)
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 22 . 9/17/2016
Toad or snake summoning :)
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