Reviews for Dream a Better Dream
Mezz64 chapter 10 . 5/9/2018
I think you ended it the best way you could - yes you could have gone on but then we had the cancer to deal with and so many other things so this was probably the best way to end and really interesting fiction
U.K. Kudos
Mezz64 chapter 9 . 5/9/2018
Helena was the last person she saw in her dream and the first she saw when she woke up
Now will they be honest with eachother and realise they are eachothers ones?
Mezz64 chapter 8 . 5/9/2018
I love the way you begin each chapter and now Helena knows if Myka’s Cancer what can or will she do - she will stay but what of Myka after her dream what is she going to want and can she have it? So many questions you bring up I must read on
Mezz64 chapter 6 . 5/9/2018
This is such an interesting take - which word would you want and if she dies in her real time dies she die in her old life? If she wakes us she going to want what she saw in her dream now she knows it’s possibe But what about Helena she loves Myka there’s no doubt and she’s doing everything she can to find the manuscript. Very interesting idea
Mezz64 chapter 5 . 5/9/2018
Wow this is so good two timelines both real but are they what is happening in the other timeline must read on utterly brilliant
Mezz64 chapter 4 . 5/9/2018
This is utterly fantastic - heartbreaking as it’s whatvMyka wanted,to be with Helena but she has a dog and a daughter - can the two tumemunes become one. Oete is being an ass he knows deep down how Myna feels about Helena and would she really be happy with him throwing Helena out of her hospital room? Would Helena normally back down that way- she feels guilty and will fix it but hiw Di we ferctgectei timelines back to work in Helena and Myka’s favour and bring the together again.

Your writing is sublime as it’s penbed beutifully
Huge Kudos from the U.K.
Mezz64 chapter 2 . 5/9/2018
This is so clever I’m hoping it will bring them back together eventually. But arectgey changing time mine by going to the Warehouse and what will Myka find out when she gets there, afterall it appears she married Helena - first pup lol
Mezz64 chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
Well I love stumbling on fictions I’ve not read about these two and this has got me hooked from chapter one. Love your writing style it great to find s good writer.
WellsBering chapter 10 . 11/5/2015
"I told her to leave." - Myka's always defending HG; as she should here though because she did ask her and poor HG just wants what's best for Myka. "I always know where all my agents are, and the Warehouse seems to be quite fond of Ms. Wells." - I definitely enjoy Warehouse's and HG's relationship; I've always wondered if HG wasn't mean to be the caretaker or at least the Artie of Warehouse 13 when it moved but because of things with Christina Mrs. Fredricks got the position. "Because he wasn't you." - exactly.

Thank you for sharing this; I enjoyed the story. I look forward to seeing what you write in the future. Nice job.
WellsBering chapter 9 . 11/5/2015
"Please, he'll kill me!" "I will kill you, Victor!" - so very HG with this particular situation. A very nice chapter. I look forward to the next.
WellsBering chapter 8 . 11/2/2015
"She wouldn't survive if it happened again, Myka was all that was left of Helena's humanity." - nice piece.
WellsBering chapter 7 . 11/2/2015
I really loved the opening to this chapter. I like how events are making Myka question her previous memory; the manuscript isn't going down without a fight for sure, I wonder if they'll place it in the Dark Vault when they find it or just lock it up in another secure part of the Warehouse? ""I believe Claudia called it 'fangirling'?"" - Myka totally does. :)

"I love Pete, but I've never felt for him the way I feel about you." - so true! A short but interesting chapter.
WellsBering chapter 6 . 11/2/2015
Happy belated holidays first of all; I know I'm behind on reading these new chapter updates but I wanted to send that message anyways. :)

No one will fault you for feelings during viewings of "Emily Lake", "Stand", or "Reset"; or really any episode that features HG Wells - especially if she's in scenes with Myka Bering.

I'm glad Claudia called HG, it's definitely fitting she would be the one to do that for them. Helena relapsing into her "Reset" self for Myka is definitely in character; Myka wouldn't want Helena to go back there but Helena would for her, she couldn't help it. I'm looking forward to the final chapters.
theskycat chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
i liekt veey muhc :3
FaBbEr0oZ chapter 10 . 6/17/2014
Fantasy land was beautiful but reality is the best place to be
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