Reviews for Love Like Winter
Guest chapter 37 . 10/17/2019
And now I wait for another yearly chapter update for this fic :)
Rolin chapter 37 . 3/10/2019
To think this story will forever end on a shizuona note \3 how heartbreaking :(
Craig and those guys chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
I love it! Been waiting on this story for a few months, but it’s definitely going to be worth it for chapter 38! One of my favourite fanfics so far
Azryla chapter 37 . 1/9/2019
Amazing story totaly love it!
Please Continue

LG Akane
Orihara Izaya-sama chapter 37 . 9/17/2018
OMG! You can't imagine how happy I was to see an email about this fic getting an update, I was waiting for a new chapter like forever...So, soooooo happy to see you back w
I enjoyed the chapter, good to see Shizuo getting some moral support and he's just adorable wen he's flustered :D I'm looking forward the next one, hopefully the guys will make up soon, even tho Izaya can be pretty stubborn about it ~
Keep writing, I love this story ;)
Eli Clark chapter 35 . 9/12/2018
I never liked Vorona. Especially when she acts far too much like a robot, especially in this fic.
techatina chapter 36 . 7/12/2018
I've followed this for a long time! I dont usually review due to sheer laziness but I rather enjoy this story. Do you plan to come back to finish it? I ask cos I recently got back into reading Shizaya fics lol
pantlesschibi chapter 36 . 1/3/2018
Great story. Will there be more?
Reading Fluff in Public chapter 36 . 6/29/2017
OMG, I just can't. please to GOD update soon!
Krysperience chapter 36 . 2/6/2017
I'm not normally one to post a review (to be honest this is actually the only one I've ever done). I'm not even sure of you'll receive this or get to read it.. Especially with how far back this story was posted. But I had to post one anyways. It was enthralling reading each and every word of this story. Simply outstanding. It had captured my complete attention, drew me in with each and every detail. The storyline. The details. All so captivating. It was all perfect.. Except that it was never finished. My heart sank when I reached the end of the last chapter. It's a shame it's incomplete.. Alas, it was still very much an amazing find. And am glad I was able to read what was there!
Joyleaf21 chapter 36 . 1/27/2017
I loved this chapter! I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. :)
Aonami96 chapter 36 . 1/25/2017
I just recently discovered this fic and read it all in the space of a day. Once I started I couldn't stop and I really like your portrayal of the characters and their personalities.

I'm glad Izaya has finally began to start accepting his feelings however reluctant he may be about it. I just feel sorry for Shizuo being constantly messed around. I hope by the next chapter Izaya finally gets his shit together, although I don't think I'd feel too bad if he misread the situation between Shizuo and Vorona (in fact he probably deserves it, I'm kinda sadistic I know haha).

Anyway, please continue with this story. I look forward to what is going to come no matter the outcome and I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Guest chapter 36 . 1/23/2017
Oh man I can't wait for the next chapter
reader.gone chapter 36 . 1/23/2017
wooow. This chapter, was very progressive.
Oh, and can I just say I have always found Shinra and Izaya's relationship really interesting? And you just portrayed them here so well. It's really satisfying. Also Shinra making Izaya embarrassed out of his mind was so great, haha.
But what a good way to end this chapter. Poor Izaya. I mean he did really help his situation turn out like this and all, but just like Shinra was just a dumb thing to do. Just hopefully Vorona and Shizuo are not placed either purposely or accidentally in a situation before Izaya arrives. It would just suck if whatever on Izaya's mind doesn't reach out or gets delayed. Or some other set back.. but who knows right? Oher than you! Lol.
Thanks for this amazing update and I look forward to the next one. :)
Izdrathi chapter 36 . 1/23/2017
Oh wow. That was certainly worth the wait. Great chapter, and Shinra having his *5 minutes* with Izaya was priceless. Best friends forever. :D I expect troubles in the next chapter, shit gonna get serious. :D
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