Reviews for Blaze of Glory
MindfulArchive chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
Oh. My. God. This story was, put simply, incredible. We were reading the Quest for the Golden Fleece in english class, and I felt deeply displeased with the way it was left open-ended. I wanted to know what happened to Medea, and how the gods judged her when she finally died. I'm happy to hear that this was actually the decision that the gods reached, as you said in your author's comments. I always felt bad for Medea.
Assimbya chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
Wonderful. This is a beautiful story and expresses Medea's life very well. I was startle by your choice of words at the end, for I myself used those same words in a monolouge about a Greek tragic woman - but that time it was Clytemnestra. Your portrayal of Medea is better then most, and I can feel that you understand her very well. Just one thing: I'm assuming that you're not useing the version where Medea becomes immortal?
Diana-sama chapter 1 . 11/17/2003
This is so good... so good that I... I think I'm gonna cry... Just wanted to tell you I read it and it's one of those stories where the only thing you can say afterwards is "wow," for a few minutes... *sniffle*
zagato chapter 1 . 10/6/2003
this is great! We know a lot about Medea's life but never her afterlife. This brings hope. Please write more
Playing Passerine chapter 1 . 1/20/2003
uhm, a silly observation. i thought cerberos guarded Hades at a point after Charon's crossing place, not before.

besides that anal little thing i loved this. your descriptions are incredibly elegant, and a clever look at her character, and those of the greek gods. i covered two i saw as 'victims' of the gods in my own fics, but now i want to try my hand at medea sometime...
Hekate chapter 1 . 10/14/2002
Another wonderfully, skillfully crafted piece of art you've masterfully created by your hands. Keep up the great work, you have a great potential. Nay, you are magnificent!
Erin7 chapter 1 . 10/3/2002
your imagery is as rich, vivid, and captivating as ever... good dialogue.. medea isn't portrayed exactly how i i think of her, but a different view is interesting and you've done admirably.
Moonstone Tears chapter 1 . 9/28/2002
FANTASTIC. Another brilliantly written piece of work from you! I can't wait to read your Persephone and hades retake because you have written the young goddess so well in this, with her childlike innocence, even tho she is in the world of the dead with her dark lord. You also showed clearly the deep love that the Lord and Lady felt for each other.

Medea's character was extremely well written. (and i loved the description of her!) A pleasant contradiction of deep love and a cold heart... that she could love her children and husband so deeply yet suffer their loss so willingly in order for revenge.

Your story is full of rich descriptions and overflowing with emotion. I can't get enough of these works! Please post your perseph/hades fic! PLLLEEEAAASE! D
Melora Maxwell chapter 1 . 9/28/2002

Intense in the extreme. I LOVE IT!

Tell me when you finish the next Greek fic- most intrigued!

BTW, I posted a new chapter yesterday, pwease R&R?

Melora Maxwell (and insane muse who is packing up for a brief vacation. Lucky sod.)