Reviews for The Cruel Nightmare
Apple Cubes chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
aaaaaaaaa i love this already! please update!
Reading Rainbow chapter 2 . 10/22/2017
I would've thought that they would be speaking german
KarmeliShiro chapter 5 . 10/7/2017
This is one of the best fanfiction i've ever read. Seriously, this Is just so awesome! I've read this so many times trying to catch all the details! It might be my seventh time reading this!
I love italy's character on this fic, and I'm really curious about the scout's reaction to more of italy's past and abilities!
The last chapter was posted on 2013 and the last review that the author posted was on 2014, and I'm really sad that there had been no updates, so author, could you Please Please Please Please do something about it?
Guest chapter 4 . 6/26/2017
Can u please do eren X Italy ? Thank you
Ron the Puppet chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
"Why you hurt me this way?"- Ron from Harry Potter puppet Palls
Fierypikaling chapter 5 . 7/22/2016
This sort them s very interesting and I would love to see more
Owari chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
Hey everyone. I appreciate the reviews. Sadly, I had to delete my gmail account due to certain reasons that I'm not comfortable with sharing. It will take me a little while before I can finish this... I've started an Instagram account based on a role play my friend and I are working on if you want to check it out, though! Our username is reshaping_bones and our name is Jisho and Gaka. Haven't figured out how to post pictures from the computer yet... But I'm going to be writing all of our character bios while Gaka draws and posts pictures. Please check it out!

Until next time!

hollyleaf15 chapter 5 . 7/25/2014
I liked dis. I luv HetaOni n u made it crossover with AOT. even better
hello chapter 5 . 6/7/2014
This story is REALLY cool! Please, please, please update soon - I really want to know what happens! And remember, if you've dropped it, say so in the description and post a chapter saying that.

But seriously! This is really awesome!
Owari Author chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Thanks, superduck775, for your review. I really appreciate the thought. I hope I will be able to continue this as well. I'm thinking about rewriting chapters 2-5 since I don't like how fast all the chapters are going. I'm leaving chapter 1 how it is since that's basically the prologue, but I think I'm going to change the others. I also need to check my grammar and spelling... Meh. I'll try not to make the newer chapters take so many words just to say that someone's hurt or to explain something, but, knowing me, it'll probably happen.

Thanks again everyone!

-Owari, Author of this Fic (I realized a while ago how ironic this was.)
Kaneki-did-nothing-wrong chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
Please please please make this eren/Italy fic! I don't think many will be upset if you make it eren/Italy but I will be upset if you don't make it eren/Italy. I would totally love the pairing! Hope you can update soon
Owari Author chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Hey, sorry for not updating! Fanfiction's being mean... I'm having problems with Word and Fanfiction isn't compatible with Google Docs... Might be a while before I can update. Sorry! Also, I don't know if I should make this be an Eren/Italy fic, because then several people would probably be upset with that, so I think I will leave this how it is, but I will probably make some side stories that are related to this. (I am currently not logged in, so I'm posting this comment.) Thanks again for reviews!

- Owari
Candy lover chapter 4 . 1/12/2014
I won't mind a Eren/Italy fic
Erin Kamikaze chapter 4 . 12/4/2013
Eren/Italy sounds like an epic pairing! I'm really loving the story :D
kleinhourglass chapter 3 . 11/29/2013
Have Feliciano learn Japanese from Kiku beforehand, or you could just say that Nations can speak and understand any human language. (How else would they understand each other at World Meetings?)
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