Reviews for A Bargain Made and Broken
clickpic chapter 44 . 6/29
Nice ending. Thank you for writing it. I enjoyed reading it.
clickpic chapter 33 . 6/29
Bella’s gift is awesome!
selenewhitlock chapter 20 . 2/29
I have read plenty of your stories, but honestly, this one is pretty boring. I can't keep focussed enough on the story.
celajwhitney chapter 33 . 2/14/2019
now that edward will find out that bella is still alive she can divorce the douche bag.
celajwhitney chapter 3 . 2/14/2019
what on earth is edward playing at? is he having an affair with carlisle and bella is just a trophy he snatched away from jake?
kelmikmag chapter 45 . 10/2/2018
Good as always!
Guest chapter 33 . 7/19/2018
Bella was so embarrassing. I love jasper, my mate, my life. I threw up in my mouth alittle.
And wasn't it amazingly lazy of the writer to have bella know her gift and how use it the MOMENT she woke up? So damn lazy.
RunsWithWolves77 chapter 37 . 7/18/2018
The story has gotten too deviant, too complicated with too many characters. It's fizzling out for me.
andrewpine chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
how long before she finally gets it that she is being so stupid staying with this child? when will she realize that he is not going to change his blood bag?
andrewpine chapter 27 . 4/27/2018
By his attitude I have feeling that Carlisle hasn't been very truthful with his so called family and he is still a part of the Volturi And he was involved with Golden Boy getting his claws in B he might be high on the Major's hit list. he needs to change her now not tomorrow,but as soon as possible so she can help kick some Volturi butt.
andrewpine chapter 24 . 4/27/2018
If they are flying from Denver to Alaska they don't need passports or customs
andrewpine chapter 24 . 4/27/2018
Jasper really needs to stop with the pity party all of the with the squirrel munchers has really turned him into a pansy ass. he sounds like Eddy just without the they don't dither around before she is turned knowing their luck the Volturi will show up sooner then they would like.
andrewpine chapter 21 . 4/27/2018
Aro won't be too happy that he lost his favorite he think it will still be worth it going up against the Major again? maybe the little fool will not try to run away from her mate again now? if Aro thinks her gift is so bad I can't wait to she her in action.
andrewpine chapter 10 . 4/27/2018
Insane Esme and Carlisle are so pathetic,they should both be jumping into Eddie's ass with both feet for the way he us acting and for hooking up with Tanya even before the funeral.
andrewpine chapter 1 . 4/27/2018
Hopefully she will open her eyes and realize he won't change her and lose his little blood bag pet. he can have her blood and his mate in Carlisle,life is good for him.
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