Reviews for How to Make a Monster
nice diena chapter 15 . 7/30/2019
finally, someone who knows of Stuart MacBride. I don't know if you've read the entire series, but right now I'm in the middle of "All that's dead", and I'm ecstatic to have found a person, who also knows of his work. also, you're one of of my favourite fanfic authors.
Magemaster chapter 15 . 7/11/2019
Delightful story.
Jaely chapter 15 . 5/23/2019
Great fluffy story! Loved it! Completely loved the way you wrote Regina and Emma’s interactions. The way Regina remains sassy and snarky while still in a relationship with Emma was brilliantly done. It’s not easy to maintain that balance with that kind of character as it can easily turn into an abusive character if the emotion and sentiments aren’t described right or written at all. But you didn’t a fantastic job of showing Regina’s fondness and growing love for Emma the whole time she was being snarky or sassy. One of my favorite snarky comments was the one when Emma ate too much and Regina called her an idiot and Emma replied ‘yours’. From which Regina volleys back simply ‘Yes, you are my idiot.’ And it was so easy to laugh and grin because the comment was so Regina but so endearingly sweet at the same time! It was just great!

I do want to throw out on minor little hiccup in the last chapter. Though I’m not sure if it’s a misunderstanding on my part as to what part of Emma’s car she hiding her books or that you are unfamiliar with an old style VW Beetle Bug that is Emma’s car. So I’m going to go off the assumption that Emma didn’t horde mystery novels in the backseat of her bug, and that you were trying to say that she had a stash of such novels in the trunk of her car. Only if that was the case, you would have to say ‘the front’ of her death trap, or ‘under the hood’ of her death trap, because the old style Volkswagen Beetle Bugs had their engines in the back of the car and the spare tire and empty spacemost people think of as a trunk or boot of the carunderstood the hood. Of course this changed the the new model VWs but the one Emma drives on the show it an older model with the engine in the back. In fact it looks almost exactly like my first car. It’s a manual transmission and though pretty easy fix the parts are kinda hard to find now. They stopped making that model at some point in the 1970s great little car though.

Anyway just wanted to let you know I completely enjoyed the story and I hope you keep writing!
EvilQueen2015 chapter 15 . 5/21/2019
I loved this with everything in me!

Loved the fluff!

Will there be more of this universe? Because this was too cute!
Je yurigirl chapter 15 . 5/3/2019
Amei *.*
Fazia um tempo que não lia algo tão envolvente
jehc chapter 15 . 12/15/2018
Very nice sorry it had to end
Guest chapter 15 . 8/27/2018
I loved this so much! It was a beautiful story. 10/10. You’re amaaazing.
silver-stone2 chapter 15 . 7/16/2018
are you going to finish this story ?
Jackalope737 chapter 3 . 5/27/2018
but what coyld be better than fluff and explosions?
User42 chapter 13 . 1/20/2018
Please please continue
JustSandz chapter 6 . 12/7/2017
Loving this fic so much. And I’m loving Regina’s reaction to things of our world like not knowing what a zombie is and her response to Emma’s explanation. Would love to read her reaction to a horror film or have Emma take Regina traveling and her reactions to all the bizarre things that actually happen in the world. And I’d love to know what Regina thinks when Donald Trump wins the presidential elections...
Jesseburnett chapter 9 . 11/29/2017
man i really like your story, but i gotta say you focus WAY too much on how every character in the show aside from the main three are complete assholes for not liking regina. i mean for it obviously being the main plot of this story aside from the romance, youre very onesided about it. its easy for emma to forgive regina bc she nvr did anything that bad to her personally. to everyone else she's a genocidal maniac that senslessly murdered their spouse, child, or parent. if someone killed your loved one without a second thought on some selfish rampage would you be able to just forgive them? if you say yes youre totally lying to yourself, whether you know it or not. im just pointing out youre extremely biased in your writing. it can be annoying. like how every character you dont like you turn into an asshole. which is every character in the story beside emma, regina, and henry. it may not seem like it, but i promise im just critisizing consructivelly here, you should def give a bit more depth to your antagonists. im def still enjoying your story refardless, tysvm for taking the time to write it!
Jesseburnett chapter 4 . 11/28/2017
you know i used to never care much for regina. her character that is, the actress is like the hottest woman on tv lol. but the whole sending dozens of little kids of to be burned alive and eaten by a crazy woman kind of got to me lmao. but eventually i kinda realised she didnt really do anything, bc shes not real lol. i figured id jus pretend she didnt do that. now shes like my favorite character in fanfiction. i jus loooooove a snarky uppity hot bitch XD seriously, i have no idea why thats like my fav type of character but it is. ive always liked bitches. i guess cuz they have strong personalities. always did love a strong woman.
Jesseburnett chapter 3 . 11/28/2017
great stuff
Jesseburnett chapter 3 . 11/28/2017
great stuff
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