Reviews for Reverse
BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
omg. honestly, I don't think John could ever do this to Sherlock (he isn't resolved, cold, objective? enough to do this- at least that's what I think after seeing what John went through) but your version is very, very realistic. If there was ever a reverse, this would be it. Reading this scene again is very chilling, especially when swapped but it's very amazing as well. You got Sherlock's personality perfectly (talking about wishing to disbelieve evidence, not believing in visiting cemeteries because it's not the real person, etc) and John, oh john and his note. I was tearing up as i read what he said, about the slow and stupid and omg. really emotional and I think I said this a dozens of times, but very in character and very realistic. Would you please write the scene where John comes back and Sherlock reunites with him? Please.
P.S. In a very cold hearted and evil part of me, I kinda thought Sherlock should feel what John had gone through. Just the eye for an eye thing, you know.
But really, the part: "you did everything else for me - can't you do this one last thing for me... for me. I'd never ask anything else of you. Ever again."
Very, very heartbreaking.
Thanks for writing.
AngelofGrace96 chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
Aww! So sad! I'm crying now! Could you do a little epilogue when season 3 comes out? Pleeeeeease?
xjskdffsdhsdkff chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
oh my god this killed my heart ;;;A;;;
if anything could be worse than the reihenbach it would be this q-q
beautiful writing! thank you for this ;u;
Imbrus-the-Wolf chapter 1 . 12/12/2013
Wow. That was amazing. I loved it; the swap was perfect. I could see it unfolding in my head as I read it. I noticed something, as well. In the Reichenbach Fall, Sherlock's headstone is black. In this one, John's headstone is white. I thought this was interesting, as I've had many heated discussions about whether Sherlock Holmes would go to Heaven or Hell. John, I decided would go to Heaven. But Sherlock is a tough one. Finally, I heard someone say that he would "go to Heaven, but he would not enjoy it." I feel that fits quite well. And now I read this. Now I'm seeing it as more of a two-sides-of-the-same-coin type of thing; wherein they are the good and bad aspects of one person.
Sorry if I got ramble-y there, I tend to be philosophical (if in a melancholy way) when I read angsty/dramatic fanfics like this.
Anyway... Thank you for taking the time to write this. I quite liked it.
Ballykissangel chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
I... I don't know what to say.

Thank you.
PBIceCream chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
Dang, that packed a powerful punch! Absolutely amazing, thank you.
Kaitie85386 chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
What a heart wrenching story this is. I was so close to crying. The thing is, it almost could've happened this way, and that makes it even more feelsy. Brilliant job
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
It so easily could have turned like that, and if it had, it would still have been heartbreaking.
patternleap chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Very well written. It flows, it's emotional without being overdramatic, and it's a lovely plot.
melliemellie chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Ah, that was awesome! You should do the whole Reichenbach episode like this!
Heather Snow chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
This was good. I'd love to see a follow-up. Why did he jump? What did Moriarty do? Does Mycroft know what's going on? How did John fake his death? Etc. :-)
Lily chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
...Ah...this...just...I...I just can't, this was too bloody perfect for me to describe in words. You are an AMAZING writer my friend, and if you're not a published author yet you certainly deserve to be. Every particle of this was just so perfectly described, I could honestly feel my heart breaking into teeny-tiny bits as I read it. And Sherlock crying...oh my poor heart is just in tatters now. I actually thought you'd killed John off permanently, so when I read that final line - good grief, the *relief*! Brilliant, just brilliant, this little bit of awesome storytelling just made my night. Keep up the awesomesauce work and DFTBA! XD
Whoreiarty chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Starlight05 chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
I did not think The Reichenbach Fall could get any more painful... But this might be worse. I might actually be able to watch that episode now without falling to pieces because of this gorgeous pain, so thank you. This was amazing and beautiful and heart-breaking and I love it! Wonderful job, you did this place-swap perfectly. Definitely a new favorite story of mine!
EJ 12212012 chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
This. Is. The. Most. Amazing. Thing. Ever. Seriously, though. Are you going to continue this? It is so wonderful! I will put it on alert just in case. Wow! So great.
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