Reviews for Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 12 . 11h
Yo, hat, we've come to a decision. ... Hat?!
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 5 . 14h
I'm really cracking up here. I like how a child keeps killin herself to meet an old dude along with her imaginary friend.
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 2 . 15h
Hahahahha good to see another sentient being that she visits. How nice. Lol this is getting better.
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 1 . 16h
Huh... I like the humourous tone in which the story is fleshed out. So far, I like that you've explained the reason instead of just lettin it rip. And um... we'll see how it goes.
bombbastik chapter 1 . 7/19
I tried. I really tried. What I could understand, entertained me, but as the story progressed in the second year, I just couldn’t understand what the fuck was happening. Also, as the story progressed, it stoped being numerous and became more of a drama. I honestly had so much trouble reading the 45-50 I have to call it quits. I really enjoyed the beginning though while everyone still reacted comically to Lily.
thebluefrenchhorn chapter 73 . 7/17
i love this chapter so much! lily and rabbit are such good foils of each other. honestly, at times, it feels like they’re two sides of the same coin!
sondrex76 chapter 73 . 7/12
So Rabbit's greatest fear is...creation? and Lily's is nothing. (possibly the concept of nothing) Interesting. And makes sense. (although it could also just be that the Boggart can't read a god, however since Lily's mind seems to be mostly human (at least on the surface) and she is not immune to having it messed with (at least on the surface) that seems improbable.

"I have a fair supply of bittersweet, so-so, and downright horrible memories to spare", well that's an apt descritpion.

Thanks for writing and have an awesome day!
Felhound chapter 73 . 7/11
So, was the boggart scared of Lily, or was its disappearance a side-effect of whatever it became for Rabbit?
K chapter 73 . 7/9
I truly cackled you myself for a few minutes at Lily handing Rabbit a random stick to impersonate a wand. Your phrasing gets me every time. BAHAHHAH. Thanks for writing.
jcampbellohten chapter 73 . 7/9
Fun. I like how you handled this, though I guess I can't really tell how you handled it. I'm curious what the light is, though. My first thought was heat death/the last star dying or something, but Rabbit says he doesn't fear oblivion.
GreatEnder chapter 73 . 7/9
Thinking about that blood quill. With all her powers, lily should really reverse the enchanting so that the blood comes from the quill owner. Thus, when she writes lines , the pain and scar would be on Umberidge . Better yet, lily could go the extra mile and make sure all of the Umbridges quills do that.
Perfect payback and in her character.
Silvanon of the Orchard chapter 73 . 7/9
Oh dear, poor bogart destroying itself trying to mimic Lily's greatest fear.
ASingleCactus chapter 73 . 7/9
Oh god Trotsky I can't believe you. I'm not surprised, but I still can't believe you.
enchy1204 chapter 73 . 7/9
A great chapter! I was so happy you updated... Can't wait for the next chapter
ELinkA chapter 73 . 7/8
Thank you!
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