Reviews for The Blanket Hypothesis
Nine Bright Shiners chapter 1 . 1/13/2017
I enjoyed that very much. I could picture both of them in my mind as I read - particularly Sheldon towards the end when you described his gestures indicating nervousness. You write their dialogue beautifully :)
Geeky Blue Strawberry chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Your Shamy fanfiction is perfection. And that is an awesome tradition! It's sweet that Sheldon knew somehow and somewhere deep in his subconscious that he should still agree to give the blanket to Amy knowing the implications. I never noticed the difference in blankets during that clip... and now, this has become my official headcanon. Excuse me while I continue to binge on your other stories.
Aliiiiiiiiiiii chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
I realky liked how Amy tried to avoid her feelings and wouldn't admit them even to herself!Nice fic! :-)
Cate chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
I find this so incredibly cute and...plausible!
meisaku chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
owwwwww this is so cute, good job!
amethyst60 chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Nice story
AishaDamor chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Awww lovely one shot. Great job!
banshee1968 chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Cute story. Have you worked in a lab? They are kept very cold due to the equipment amd computers. Sometimes I have to go into the walk-in incubator for a few minutes to warm up. It can be a bit stinky (depending on what's growing) but it's better than icicles on my nose. Thanks for the story.
Zephyr.Camida chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
I love the picture you paint with your descriptions, you could tell by nearly all senses that poor Amy was a nervoud bundle of wool. I also really like the fact that this is set back in a time where Sheldon and Amy are not dating, but still friends. Amy's analytical mind as she ponders on the possibilities of being in a relationship with Sheldon was amazing, very clinical in a sense and very Amy-like. Sheldon's little blunt quips about the here vs. there and noting the number of her door were adorable and dorky. Speaking of Sheldon again, my goodness - I had a laugh with the whole throw one blanket, shove box into Amy's face part...also his ramblings and of course Mary and Meemaw are the schemers here. Overall, I feel like this is a very cute idea and would perfectly explain where the blanket came from. You are an idea pumping master! Haha.
smoguntia chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Wow, you already wrote it. That was a cute little fic I loved their talk and how Mary and Meemaw are pulling the strings :-))
xLostInTheSun chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Awwww! Meemaw knows best! Loved this, thank you for sharing! :)
Quartertofive chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Aww, that's adorable. It's nice to see Sheldon's family meddling in his life, one way or another.