Reviews for Storyville
mihaelnia chapter 2 . 12/22/2016
I really love this characterization of Alois in here. He has a complicated life, and Aleister, this character, like i said, really suit him well. He's charming, rich, and manipulative. -What a good combination to play the bad guy in this type of story, in my opinion.
I love that finally, we get to see Claude. The truth is, i've read chapter eight, and man, i can tell that his relationship with Alois won't went well. But seeing how Alois suffers, i wish they will end up together. It's not just because his suffering, though, Claude can see right through him. In here, Claude loved him despite Alois being secretive. He knows that there's something wrong, but on their first meeting, he can see that Alois is innocent. And that's the truth.
Damn, this is an old fic, but i wish you would continue it. This is one of my fav ClaudexAlois fic :)
Thank you for writing them~
mihaelnia chapter 1 . 12/15/2016
First of all, i would like to tell you of how thankful i am for finding this piece! I noticed that it's an old piece, but i really love this. This is one of the best and well-written fanfiction ever. And most of all, as someone who ship Alois and Claude together, it's hard to find a decent piece. So, i'm really glad.

The story have a good start. Alois ( somehow like in canon, though ) portays such tragic character. And Aleister's character here suits him well. -He is a self centered, charming, and well-mannered man in society. Only if, people know him better. He's a narcissistic man. I also like how you introduce the character Claude Faustus.

All i can say, is that the beauty of the Songbird is like a property. A courtesan, a songbird, and he might be special but still, that's such an awful life to live.
flippednique chapter 12 . 10/11/2014
May I just say how utterly brilliant you are and I love how you write Alois in all the stories you have with him in it.

AngeliqueSora chapter 12 . 8/21/2014
Oooo poor little alois * sobs * why did claude just up and go off like that! it's soo cruel of him to just leave poor little alois all alone in the clutches of that evil aleister! I wonder just how much did aleister pay to have alois in his grasp * sighs * though I must say that alois really is just soo innocent and adorable that anyone would just glom him if they could bt I still dun like the idea that aleister is keeping him caged like a bird! it's just soo cruel and sad?* sniffles * I do hope that claude will be able to save alois soon they make such a great pair and maybe claude can be alois's new master that would be really interesting * smirks * really wanna see a nice steamy ending of claude and alois they're just soo cute together * gushes * well hope that u'll update soon! ;) can't wait to see what claude will do to get alois back! * winks *
DLTM chapter 12 . 6/21/2014
Poor dear Alois... All I could hear was him singing Je Suis Malade...

Je ne rêve plus je ne fume plus
Je n'ai même plus d'histoire
Je suis sale sans toi
Je suis laide sans toi
Je suis comme un orphelin dans un dortoir

Je n'ai plus envie de vivre dans ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ais plus de vie et même mon lit
Ce transforme en quai de gare
Quand tu t'en vas

Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir

Je suis malade parfaitement malade
T'arrive on ne sait jamais quand
Tu repars on ne sait jamais où
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous

Comme à un rocher
Comme à un péché
Je suis accroché à toi
Je suis fatigué je suis épuisé
De faire semblant d'être heureuse quand ils sont là

Je bois toutes les nuits
Mais tous les whiskies
Pour moi on le même goût
Et tous les bateaux portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus où aller tu es partout

Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort quand toi tu dors

Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Pourtant moi j'avais du talent avant ta peau

Cet amour me tue
Si ça continue je crèverai seul avec moi
Près de ma radio comme un gosse idiot
Écoutant ma propre voix qui chantera

Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir

Je suis malade
C’est ça je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le coeur complètement malade
Cerné de barricades
T'entends je suis malade
DLTM chapter 11 . 4/30/2014
Awwwwww Luka! Beautiful chapter. I love the flutterby scene. Poor Alois! :-(
guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
this fic is already precious to me.
gobegay chapter 10 . 4/27/2014
This story is literal perfection. My friend recommended it to me, and I'm so glad I read it. I want more Alois and Claude fanfics, and I'm so happy to know that they're your OTP, and that's always something refreshing to know. Aleister is a dick, and Alois needs a break. But then there's Luka. Fuck, poor baby. I wish him luck, and that you don't have him killed. This is your story though, so you do what you gotta do! I hope you will write more stories in the future. I'm trying, but I suck. So I'll just see how things go from there. Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter. See you then. :)
3 chapter 10 . 4/27/2014
I think people would read this story even if it was Alois, and Claude. I don't think a lot, but don't ever think that nobody would read it because Alois and Claude! Believe in them! x3 They're my otp too, and they've always been. I love when Sebastian and Ciel fics have them in there as a side pairing. Or where Alois is Ciel's best friend, I love stories where people treat Alois as a good guy and not always the bad guy because he doesn't deserve anything else besides love, because he's precious! :3

I knew Claude wouldnt leave his hiding spot, smart. BUT GOD NONONONONONNN OO N LUKA! Silently waiting, and praying for the next chapter to not break my heart. .-.
3 chapter 9 . 4/27/2014
I was like "WHAT CLAUDE YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" but i'm so glad alois and Claude got that talk between them. Where Claude realizes Alois had no choice. They're so lovely, ahhh I love them so much. I hope the next chapter isn't the last chapter. ;'c
3 chapter 8 . 4/27/2014

I cant take this. Aw man, Alois, baby, nooooo... :'(
3 chapter 7 . 4/27/2014
I have a big feeling Aleister is going to cockblock next chapter, or Claude's going to find out about Alois. D:
3 chapter 6 . 4/27/2014
They said I love you! THIS CHAPTER WAS SO SWEET AND SO HOT. But fucking jesus Aleister, you annoy me so much. Alois, baby, you don't deserve this. D:
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