Reviews for The Fortunate Favourite
Gaia chapter 14 . 1/10/2019
I hate it when amazing authors don't complete their stories. I equate it to eating less than half of a desired piece of cake. You can't stay statisfied with a tiny piece- only the whole thing will do. Hope you're in a stable place during this time - if not yet, then when you get there, would you consider adding to this masterpiece? I haven't had my fill!
Cake-san chapter 14 . 9/14/2018
I'm so in love with this story (and the tale before it)! Is it too forward of me to beg for more of Madeline's adventures? I love her character and the way you express her - and I'm dying to know how things turn out for her! :D
Manu chapter 14 . 8/27/2018
need to see again Brynjolf and Madeline soon! Love their relationship!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/24/2018
a big smile on my face because you update! 3 3
scrandle chapter 14 . 8/20/2018
I was so surprised to see this, I thought it was abandoned for sure, but man am I happy to be wrong!This is amazing. I'm blown away by how good this chapter is. The currents of loss, being lost, and grim determination I feel from Madeline are palpable, and fascinating to read about. And the way you use the environment and fold it into her feelings of resolve is masterful. This has been the best thing I've read all week. I just love this so much. There is so much character in this chapter, and I feel like I can breathe in the environment you weave just by reading it.

So thanks for the update, really, I loved it. Good luck on any future writing.
SKiryu chapter 13 . 5/16/2016
I simply LOVE the way you write. Please continue this story, I need it in my life!
Hcatty chapter 13 . 1/15/2016
I'm so in love with this story. You're always well written, every chapter rich with detail and characters that leap off the page and come to life. I'm methodically reading thru all you've posted... Tho I don't always review, sorry about that. Found you for Tin Man, fell head over heels for this one. Looking forward to more :)
Guest chapter 13 . 11/12/2015
ohhhhhhhh please update ! So nice beautiful!
zevgirl chapter 13 . 11/9/2015
Great story! I read the first book and quickly moved on to this one. I love the changes and twists to the story, and you've got the TG portrayed spot on. How anyone doesn't love Brynjolf is a mystery to me. I'm a Thieves Guild girl through and through and thoroughly enjoyed reading this the last couple days. Looking forward to more!
mia78 chapter 13 . 10/5/2015
Bryn, my beautiful red ... she's back for you ! great chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/4/2015
Ahh so much foreshadowing.
Manu chapter 13 . 10/3/2015
Wonderful as always! Great chapter! I believe that Maddie's back just for Brynjolf, although a part of her feel the guild as a family! Maddie is sweet! Bryn proud! glad you're back!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/2/2015
Bryn is not Ulfric! The guild is a family for him! Oh love this two! Love this story!much love for you!
Magister of Asariel chapter 12 . 9/14/2015
All caught up finally *sigh* I've very much enjoyed reading this and can't wait for more!
Magister of Asariel chapter 11 . 9/11/2015
So, some truth comes out. I can't help but feel a little sorry for Ulfric here. But he's always been a favorite of mine. I'm curious to see if you'll revisit that part of Maddie's past. Another great chapter.
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