Reviews for lately eighteen (when we crossed collective hearts)
ZennyFan825 chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
This was amazing!, fantastic!, awesome! Any other awesome word that could describe this!
levysbookshelf chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
Loved it. I was tearing up when soul died and I was so worried that you wouldn't bring him back but omg you did and it was awesome.
Pentastic chapter 1 . 12/6/2014
kaji13 chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
:D - huge grin!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Twin-Lupus chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
Finally getting through all the Resbang fics, and OH MY GOODNESS that one was just phenomenal. I am SO blown away by your characterizations; everyone felt spot on and it was excellent to read. I loved the fight scene, because it was tense but also not overdone, and the way you told the story in spurts was fantastic. I was hooked from the moment I began reading. You have a wonderful way of turning a phrase, and I really love this from start to finish! Thanks so much for being an amazing mod and putting in all the time and effort not only into organizing the whole event but also into this story as well. Excellent, excellent job!
a door ajar chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
I don't think there's anything I could say about this fic that hasn't already been said in other reviews so far, but just. Wow. This was amazing. It flowed so smoothly, so well-paced throughout. The past moments mixing in with the present were written neatly; it was clean enough to discern what was happening in the now from the before, and nothing was jarring in the slightest!

Let me just compliment you on weaving such a fantastic tale; it fits so well into a post-manga future. You eased up the angst with some humor at certain times (and Black*Star always makes me smile; the part about him waking Tsubaki up at 5am saying it's his bday and wondering why she forgot had me laughing to myself!) And I think that your narrative style really lends itself well to the humor you included :) You also crafted a great action scene; lend me your talents because action scenes are hard to write for most everyone, but you pulled it off so. so. well.

I think I almost got choked up when Soul's, well, soul had been sucked out by the witch and he was left for dead. The desperation in that moment really came through and shone through Maka!

AND YAY FOR HAPPY ENDINGS! Thank you so much for writing such a brilliant fic :D
El Tofu-san chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Wonderful story plot. I thought the fragments were a little disjointed at first, but then I realized the flow you were going for and then everything made sense. I think that was another reason why this story is so great; not many others challenge themselves to do that style of writing. Of course, I'm a big fan of the ending, I thought that someone was going to die and I was about to flip a table, but you wrapped up all the loose ends at the end, which is admirable. Your interpretation of the characters were spot on, and I could really see the action in each scene play out in my head perfectly. Again, wonderful read! Can't wait to see what else you might have in store for this pairing.
Lueur-de-L'aube chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
I know I already told you my feels about your fic, Mae, but I thought it would still be nice to leave an official review. This was simply amazing! I was genuinely creeped out at the part where Soul believed he couldn't move, but Maka told him that he was moving.

"Maka sat back, feeling weirdly drained. Everyone was staring at her, and she kind of wanted them all to stop. She leaned forward and stole some more icing off of the cake, just to have something to do with her hands.
And because it was good." - this was probably one of my favorite parts in the story, it just made me laugh because Maka what are your priorities. Not that I can blame her for wanting to have some good cake despite the dire circumstances.

I also liked how you gave the witch a very sympathetic reason for wanting revenge. Of course, it doesn't excuse anything she does at all, but it gave her more depth regardless, even if it is very easy to write off witches as evil and naturally destructive.

And of course, Soul and Maka hooking up was another highlight if not THE highlight. Nothing makes me more happy than a happy ending.
curio cherry chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
So happy to find you here! I miss you!

Great story! I love it!

My fave part was when Maka trying so hard to save Soul.

Looking forward to your next update!
Tenbris chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Well, Lisp brought me to this fic, spouting infinite praises and the like, and who am I to turn down a good story when it's so hard to find well written things here?

This met my expectations and then some. Wow. Your story was well thought out, everyone was in character, and the parallels between Soul and Maka just felt so right, so much like them. I could type a novel's worth of text about what I loved about this, but you'll just have to take my word for it: you're awesome, and this story is awesome.
GrayBones chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
This is so so so so so perfect.
DoomedToBeACrazyFanGirlForever chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
OH MY kb oefobehzblsdi ghxdlghv ih THIS IS SO FRACKING AMAZING! OH MY GOSH. I need to go thank Keksfan for drawing those pics! Because of that I found this AMAZING masterpiece of PERFECTION. Holy crap. Oh wait, to quote Tsubaki, "Holy shit..."


Sorry for the outburst, I am a literature/anime/SoMa lover. :D This was amazing. 11 out of 10. Must read. :D
Lisp chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
This might be the best thing I have ever read. I want to fill this little review box with poetic words and flourishing praise of your writing talent, and detail the ways that you created an amazing work, but I can't, because that story has had so much of an impact from start to end. And that's the way to know that you've just made something beautiful - the audience doesn't even have the sense about them to clap. The whole thing was perfect, and ended perfectly.
akisswithdeath chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
this is a super good story. i love the way its formatted and the concept behind it is phenomenal, you're talents are magnificent and i hope to read more soon
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