Reviews for Penumbra 3- Into the Darkened Wood
Aaronna chapter 6 . 2/6/2016
I really like Lucan. I hope he is a regularly occurring character throughout the Penumbra series.
Aaronna chapter 5 . 2/6/2016
I laughed until I almost choked when Merlin spoke up and the knights noticed him. I love Arthur comment about killing Merlin with kindness.
Aaronna chapter 3 . 2/6/2016
Wow. That was thrilling.
wryter501 chapter 6 . 1/26/2016
Love it. :D
Well put, of Lucan! I really like Arthur getting advice from an older guy - someone who's not his father nor Merlin's (gaius) - but a fighter, still, and a man with brothers. And I like the idea that they protect each other from themselves, too, like strengths complementing weaknesses. Merlin needs Arthur to help him keep his feet on the ground just as much as Arthur needs him...
wryter501 chapter 5 . 1/26/2016
I love that they can still tease and bicker, and it doesn't take away from the respect - that merlin has always had for Arthur, that Arthur is learning for merlin. And I've always liked/preferred merlin's role as gaius' apprentice than Arthur's maid-of-all-work, especially after the reveal.
wryter501 chapter 4 . 1/26/2016
Oh, I see. The choice of the wood as meeting place came from beyond merlin, and Arthur's moment of atonement was and remains private. I like it better that way - honesty doesn't mean sharing /everything/, after all...
wryter501 chapter 3 . 1/26/2016
Even a good man can make mistakes, and we want a leader that acknowledges his and learns from them, not one who doesn't - or thinks he doesn't - make them. But the mistakes of a man with power can have such great and dire consequences... One way merlin can relate to Arthur after all...
wryter501 chapter 2 . 1/26/2016
I adored this chapter! Gorgeous descriptive language, especially the bit about the tree as a queen amidst a court of aging admirers. And I love the more 'legendary'feel of it, the wild places of inhuman magic not even uther can touch, beings almost dangerously neutral to Arthur&merlin and their destiny. But I wonder if that message came from merlin after all, and if so, then why...
wryter501 chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
I always kind of wished Morgana had a love interest to distract and content herself with... And how interesting to make Sefa a maid in /this/ household!
DragonThetan chapter 6 . 9/15/2014
A warmhearted story, letting us share in the love those two shared between them.
And I'm really enjoying your OC Lucian!
musicnlyrics chapter 6 . 8/10/2014
I noticed your a/n about taking a break, and I had to smile at myself since I'm already queued up to read the next one. :D

Normally, I like a long story that encompasses everything under the same title. However, I'm finding that with this particular set of tales, I like that there is the distinction between the stages of the journey. It's a bit easier to read, and the reader knows what is going to be the focus of the next chapter, if you will.

Thanks for sharing!
zendog chapter 3 . 4/30/2014
Stunning, simply stunning. To see those horrible events through Arthur's eyes was very moving. And yet once more, at the time of his greatest distress who should be there but Merlin.
zendog chapter 2 . 4/30/2014
What l truly love about your writing is the sheer beauty of your descriptions. You have a way of writing that makes the images come alive. And then there is the fantastical plot and the great relationship between Merlin and Arthur - even after all that has happened there is still that bond between them.
XBlueWrenX chapter 6 . 4/28/2014
*sighs* you know, it's almost like i read for relaxation now. I loved them reuniting and the talk between arthur and merlin, and arthur and lucan. though i'm curious... what's he going to turn out like? from now, i'm honestly weary, but i'm getting to like his character. and... it sounds as if merlin's quite powerful in this story (obviously - but i like this) so i can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve. onto book 4! xxx
Ash9 chapter 5 . 2/16/2014
Yay! Merlin got a hug! Don't think I haven't noticed that Arthur hasn't given him one yet!
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