Reviews for Family
ThanksIllPass chapter 1 . 10/28/2018
I like miles as their kid more than Ellie. Mostly because he doesn’t act like a little kid that always says Daddy or Papa and also I like miles’s Sassy or defensive attitude in a fanfic
Kyuubi-dono chapter 1 . 12/16/2016
So wonderful... Are you going to continue this? I hope you do. This is really awesome. Update when you can if so.
Jet Set Radio Yoyo chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
They are such a great family. I loved this I thought it was really sweet.
sword slasher chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
Aww such a cute story I can't wait to read the rest. But what did you mean about Kate at that moment cause I just understood deadpool saying she had a boy face or did you mean he thinkhe is dating ganke oh well anyway great story as always.
Joschy-no-Eien chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
Okay Okay! *holds hands up*
This one and THEN I am going to bed. I shall just ignore the seering pain in my eyes and the sleepiness in my head. *yawns*

The D-Power... THE D-POWER! *cracks up violently*
I also like Ganke better. For example, HIS AWESOME NAME!

*steel face* *steals Thor's hammer* *slaps it over Petey's face* *watches him fly around the equator and yells* I HOPE YOU REMEMBER WHEN TO NOT INTERRUPT WADE'S LOVE CONFESSIONS FROM NOW ON!

Ohhh *makes a deflating noise like a red balloon himself* That's so sweet of Miles.. now *looks at Petey expectantely*

Oh.. Okay *smiles happily* You did well Peter. Though, we have to admit, Miles did BY FAR better.
Must be the Mixture of Peter and Wade that makes his humor the greatest of the universe. *mischivious grin*