Reviews for Call Me Beautiful
savwafair chapter 7 . 7/17
... I believe you have just singlehandedly made me a GaLu shipper. they'll never take the place of nalu but Damn I certainly see the appeal.
this is so sweet! the Gajeel stuff, anyway. Natsu needs a firm kick to the head imo. I love it a lot and I hope some day you'll think about coming back to it!
I extra like that Gajeel is able to be open about his feelings in a way that's more mature than Natsu. recently I've been desperately searching for a Nalu fic that has natsu telling Lucy she's pretty outside of a situation that sorta demands it (like if she's all dressed up or she explicitly asks or something). it has been... annoyingly difficult, which I blame on it being rather ooc for him to do so; though, perhaps it's more because I haven't been searching for very long. in any case, I appreciated that Gajeel was able to just come right out and say how he saw her or otherwise was able to reassure her that he found her attractive instead of leaving it up to some nebulous unanswered question. it was nice.
anyway, thanks for sharing with us! this is lovely!
AGreen2222 chapter 1 . 7/14
Really, really good. Too bad it’s unfinished and years old.
OtakuLover43 chapter 6 . 1/13/2016
I don't know why I didn't remember this story but I'm so glad that I did because it's so great and I love the plot that you made for Lucy and Gajeel with all the drama and Lucy's damaged mental state from the huge decision she had to make. I love it so much and I'm totally rooting for my second favorite Crack pairing. GALU IS LIFE! Also please come back to writing this story I want to see what happens next with Natsu and Lucy while also wanting to see if Gajeel and Lucy will get together instead. Oh and on another note I never imagined it but you actually made Levy character have another side to her that I never thought people would write about in this kind of story but it works really well and I want to see how Levy deals with all of the competition she has to deal with for Lucy. Update soon and know your doing an awesome job with this story and plz don't forget about this story it's too good.
Satisfied Reader chapter 7 . 8/15/2015
Aww I love this so far. Avid NaLu shipper but you can't help root for Gajeel! Sensitive bad boys are hot lol. And that confession with Gray or semi confession please come back to this
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2015
WHOA WHOA WHOA, you made Levy a lesbian !
CelticHeart13 chapter 7 . 5/22/2015
Whaaaaaaa? wheres the rest of the story *pouty face*
Dark Mystique chapter 7 . 3/30/2015
:O you gotta make another cant just leave it there lol :) its a great story
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 7 . 2/27/2015
I'm liking this story and to be honest, I'm hoping Gajeel wins Lucy over Natsu, or any other man you care to have her fall for in the end. Gajeel may be a sour puss and not my fave to pair with Lucy, but he is far better than the obscenely immature and dense Natsu who causes Lucy so much grief financially through his selfish actions in the cannon that I just want to shake Lucy awake and tell her to run away. So I find myself rooting for anyone but Natsu when there are extra guys looking at Lucy. Anyway, whomever you get Lucy with in the end, please do not make her into an emotional doormat for life because it is far too tragic and a waste of a big hearted woman who deserves to be treated with real respect. Meaning any guy other than Natsu is a good candidate for a Lucy pairing. . . please? :)
OtakuLover43 chapter 7 . 2/14/2015
OMG I really really wished you would continue this story because it's so great and I'm in total love with it! Please please update, even if has been a year or two I want to see what else you do with this story. So don't forget this story because this story is really awesome and I'm in total love with it.
OgaxHilda chapter 6 . 9/26/2014
Pleaseeee..pleaseeeee...make it galu...pleaseee
OgaxHilda chapter 7 . 9/9/2014
Pleaseeeee...galuuuu all the way
OgaxHilda chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
Oh gosh! So goooodddd...pleaseeee...continueeee
ScarlettBlade1496 chapter 4 . 8/30/2014

Jtst wanna know if Levy loves Lucy more than a bestfriend?
Well,it's not like I'm against those yuri or yaoi relationships;it's just that I'm havin a hard time picturing that kind of intimate relationship.

Sorry and I just hope that it wouldn't be that kind of relationship.

Good day and thank you for the wonderful stories!
Daddys little crazy bitch chapter 7 . 8/12/2014
love love love
Raiza-chan chapter 7 . 6/10/2014
Holy crap! This story is so crazy and so different from what I've read. I love how you changed up Levy's *ahem* attractions and how Lissana isn't being a crazy bitch. This story is really something else and I love it. Normally I'm all for NaLu but I love me some GaLu as well. Seeing how this all started I would love it to be GaLu pls! I mean come on, Natsu is being a total ass here. I can't wait for more, pls update soon!
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