Reviews for A Little Night Music
splodee chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
A delightful little nugget. Good job.
lol chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
Love it!
TomFoolery chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Another perfect snippet of Spock and Uhura. It definitely makes sense their kind of romance was about as slow burn as one could possibly imagine. And I can completely see Spock having a fan club: he was popular with the ladies on TV, I don't know why he wouldn't be were he an actual person.
DownDeepSouth chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
There are many things I love about this ship origin story. The use of eidetic memory as Nyota helps Spock "narrow down" their encounters to hone in on ones with unique value to their relationship was both fun and canonical. The "follow me down the rabbit hole" approach Spock takes to the investigation, allowing Nyota to follow him into his memories, was also very well done.

The only thing I don't buy is that they were doing and saying all of this in a semi-public place. The snuggling, melding-heck, even just the conversation, would seem way too private. If we had a couple of instances where Spock monitored their surroundings before they were interrupted, even just listening to make sure no one was around, it would be more believable.
Handmadecutie chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
This was really sweet. I really enjoyed it. Felt like I was actually there.
You really should do more of these.
PSW chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
Very nice. I like how you are very matter-of-fact about the whole instructor/student thing, rather than just skipping over it. And I enjoyed the story about the concert, it seems realistic for them.

I think I've just about caught all your stories now! I have really, truly enjoyed them. Thank you so much for the hours of entertainment! :-)
Saissa chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
That was a great story. And I love the title too. A Little Night Nusic. LOL

I grew up listening to Mozart's Eine Kleine Nacht Musik for most of my life as a child. It was and still is one of my most favourite classic pieces of music. Bolero would be my second most favourite.
FaroreWorldshaper chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
Great story!
Aaand Kirk does not want to know. He really doesn't.
...Yeah, he wants to know.
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
Very cute!
VickyFromGreece chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
Excellent come-back idea! I love the presence/essence quote. It goes without saying that Spock's analytical mind would exhaust any question down to its basic elements. As for Nyota, reading your story, I thought that she found him "funscinating". LOL
Happy New Year :-)
SpazzyCaro chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
I loved that Spock could actually know every encounter they had. It's an ability I wish I had sometimes, especially in regards to a relationship. Also I love that they bonded over music. I really pays homage to the original series Spock and Uhura. Thank you for this delightful story!
SpockLikesCats chapter 1 . 12/22/2013
Absolutely grand. As a musician, I appreciate this; I, too, feel music would be a particularly good way for Spock to relate to Humans. It speaks to many cultures after all, and is the way many intercultural friendships and collaborations begin!

Your portrayal of Spock and Uhura is excellent, particularly his reasoning and her teasing him. And the love that shines through from both of them :-)
jjunee chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
I like this story! Je trouve que c'est une manière très intelligente et très "spock" de raconter leur relation. Je suis contente que tu aies écrit une nouvelle histoire. j'ai hâte de te lire à nouveau.
Aurons-nous une suite à Insights?
aalegalzinha chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
I'm so happy you're back! I love this pairing and your stories, so I had no doubt I would love this one too... so so sweet :3 The image of Spock and Nyota talking like that makes me happy on so many levels. Thank you for this gift
LettieM chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
Welcome back! It's so great to see a new story from you. Your excellent writing has certainly been missed. It is always a pleasure to read.

I enjoyed this story very much. The use of the conversation reflecting back on the early stages of their relationship as a plot device works very well, and it is so typical of Spock that he would remember by number sequence their encounters as they first came to know each other.

Your dialogue in this story flows so naturally, it reads like a conversation one accidentally overheard between two people who love each other very much. Well done, as always! I hope you will continue with this "Conversations" series.

Have a happy holiday season, a safe and enjoyable trip, and a prosperous New Year.
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