Reviews for The Bachelor
Ebernin95 chapter 15 . 11/13/2019
I LOVED this. I would say that sometimes I can be rather picky when it comes to the authors I read and getting into the ways they write. I read this entire story in less than two days, and I’m incredibly pleased! I’m so happy you decided to come back and finish it, as I can see you have great ideas and are very talented. Thank you for this chance to read a great story about one of my favorite ships!
Ebernin95 chapter 15 . 11/13/2019
I LOVED this. I would say that sometimes I can be rather picky when it comes to the authors I read and getting into the ways they write. I read this entire story in less than two days, and I’m incredibly pleased! I’m so happy you decided to come back and finish it, as I can see you have great ideas and are very talented. Thank you for this chance to read a great story about one of my favorite ships!
darkWarrior101 chapter 15 . 1/5/2019
I know u wrote this years ago now, but still feel it’s worth a review. This was utterly brilliant, fantastic story. You literally had me speaking to my screen for Seto to go after her. Will say before I went to write this I went to look at you other stories and the ur handle clicked. No wonder I liked it, have read quite a few of yours and will say u r one of my favourite Yugioh writers. Once again we’ll done, will OOC for Seto, But was not unbelievable (he never has a romantic attitude in anime so who knows what he would be like)
KKmorgan101 chapter 15 . 7/29/2018
This is a really great story. I'm not really a Seto/Tea fan, mostly Yugi/Tea fan, either way, this is a very well written story and I appreciate it as such. The bannter between Tea and Kiba were perfect. The situation, while kinda unbelievable (The Bachelor, I mean come on) has emotions that felt very real and were authentic to the story. Nobody seemed too OOC.

X Spoilers X
(Don't read spoilers, srsly. Also, this is a note to the author):
But I wish Serenity was not quite so antagonized as she was nor ostricized by the main Yugi group after the whole incident. And as perceptive as this story is, I wish there was more insight to Serenity's thoughts after ch. 13 to make the readers feel more understanding of her. The only other thing that nagged me was that Tea actually had a standard in ch. 13: "Her friends were very dear to her and she knew that whichever man came into her life, he would have to be approved by them just as he would need to approve them. He would need to be friends with them and be willing to spend time with them." And yes while Kiba was able to "tolerate" Tea's friends and have "civil interactions" with Joey, and the questions "Would Seto be able to do the same? Would he be able to do the impossible and resist the temptation to insult her friends, especially Joey? Or would all their interactions end the same way they did in high school... Would she be required to chose between them?" were answered, idk if Kiba ever "became friends" with the Yugi gang. That standard was not elaborated on enough (imo). "Besides, he had made a huge effort with her friends and was civil to everyone, including Joey, so she couldn't complain about his dismissive attitude towards Serenity... With Seto, you had to know which battles to fight and which to concede and she had learned that over the course of their relationship (ch. 15)." This almost feels like a plot hole. Why didn't Seto compromise or even be friends with the Yugi group on behalf of Tea? Instead he just tolerates the Yugi group but truely he already tolerated them for the sake of Mokuba. He could easily (& begrudgingly) accept them as friends on behalf of Tea, yet there is only mention of Kiba's "toleration." The ending was 90% of what it could have been, and I think these unemphasized parts makes the ending feel less than 100%. I think these may be the last few things need to "wrap up loose ends" in this story. Or maybe I am completely wrong and just opinionated. Anyway, this is a great, hilarious, perceptive fanfiction; and it is one of the best "well written" stories I have read on this website. Cheers to you, Flashchimp!
Linariel chapter 15 . 6/29/2017
I'll admit I read this all in practically one day. I just couldn't put it down. I adored every minute of it. Personally Seto and Tea are my favorite couple and this just made me laugh be them all I've her even more. You wrote this beautifully the gradual development of their relationship felt natural and perfect. I love how you showed their passionate and stubborn sides contrasting with each other then gradually maturing into realization of their feelings. I'm think you wrote this very true to the characters. I adored your interpretation of Seto it fit him so perfectly and Tea as well you gave her a true interpretation. I love how you brought about their love for each other. It was so perfect. The contest itself was masterfully done I thought you did a great job with it. The story was really entertaining and lovely a treat to read. You captured their personalities and reactions perfectly. It felt so real and genuine. You're one of the few authors I've read who a story that stays true to both characters and captures a perfect relationship between. Thank you for writing the s and finishing it. This is a very special story and you wrote it wonderfully. I laughed, cheered and cried. It was wonderfully
Guest chapter 15 . 2/26/2017
So, I definitely read all of this in one day. I wasn't a Kaiba x Tea shipper but I totally am now. Definitely an awesome work!
Teena101 chapter 15 . 2/11/2017
I loved it! It paints seto in a completely different light and i just love this story!
Thank you chapter 15 . 1/13/2017
Thank you so much for writing this story; I LOVE azure shipping fanfictions, and without any exaggerations, this is one of the best I've read. I read your darker one (Deal with the Devil) where Kaiba has auto phobia and kills himself and Tea. I cried that was a beautiful story but it was a bit dark for my tastes. I like to see Kaiba as an arrogant pain in the ass lol. I completely enjoyed this story. I hope you continue to write more azure shipping fanfictions. I really LOVE them
Anushka Gardener chapter 11 . 1/12/2017
Guest chapter 9 . 1/12/2017
Serenity really annoys the shiitake mushrooms out of me. Holy fudge...
Azurite chapter 2 . 12/7/2016
Normally when I see a fic that has multiple chapters up, I'll read everything I can before reviewing. But the list at the bottom of this chapter intrigues me, so I have a quick comment to shoot off:

First, this is well-written and, even if it's not the first Azureshipping fic to use this concept (or first Yu-Gi-Oh fic in general), so far it seems very fun. I'm not normally a fan of reality TV executed this way, so the fact that your writing has me hooked is a very good thing!

If I were to judge Téa's "competition" by the list you gave above, I'd be most concerned about Norah, since to be a PROFESSOR (meaning she has a doctorate, if not a master's degree) she must be pretty smart. I feel like the "deck" (so to speak) is already stacked against Elaine, since she's clearly self-obsessed. She's also pretty short for a model, so I find it surprising that she thinks she's got a long career ahead of her... Then again, the world of modeling is changing, so...

Other potential fierce candidates: Eiza (done with law school by 25?! I'm impressed) and Cathy (the DIRECTOR of a full-on NGO? Also impressive at her age). The others... well, I don't know enough about them to really tell. I hope they don't all come across as caricatures, and they get eliminated for some good reasons, not just petty things Kaiba comes up with on the fly. I suppose we'll see...
kisa-xyloto chapter 15 . 11/6/2016
I just wanna take a moment and Thank you for finishing your story. I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope you continue to write stories. :)
Azure Shine chapter 15 . 10/5/2016
i hope you made another story. i want seto be more possesive to anzu!
ghostgrl chapter 15 . 9/14/2016
Really loved this! You're an amazing writer! :)
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 15 . 9/9/2016
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