Reviews for Snow Skip
Serling chapter 4 . 5/3/2015
Oh... :) It's so nice to see Wing relaxing. Great work. :D
Mac n cheese chapter 3 . 4/4/2014
Cheese ronni a Yum Yum FUH
The Mighty Duck chapter 2 . 3/27/2014
I don't think I could've loved this chapter more! I would probably have to say it was my favourite out of the story, although the final one does kind of make it hard to chose!

One of the things I especially enjoy about your stories is how you really explore the brother side of Wildwing and Nosedive's relationship. I love too how Wildwing gives just as good as he gets; overall, it's just so much fun reading about those two trying to out-prank the other. I also loved too how you showed Wildwing's talent on the ice and not just in front of the goal, which is something not often shown and I greatly enjoyed it.

There were so many parts in this that were just classic moments where I went, 'Oh my gosh, I can so see them doing that!' From Nosedive posing in front of the mirror to Duke throwing Mallory into the snow (something that only he would be brazen enough to do), they were all just parts where I laughed and could just picture it all happening.

One of the surprising standouts in this story for me would have to be Tanya though ('Hey, Tanya, what's the square root of pi?' Classic!) She's got so much depth, is unwittingly funny and you've made her a real joy to read. Top job on that.

So, I'm making a start on the reviews I want to do! Hopefully, you won't have to wait a month for the next set lol!

Brilliant job again :D.


batbinmyheart91 chapter 4 . 2/6/2014
Oh my gosh...I loved it! Such a good almost sad to see it end. Lol I was laughing so hard when Duke stared to chase Nosedive around with pick up lines hilarious! that will dive me crazy is I want to know what happens between Duke and Mallory up while closing the roof!? Haha something to drive me nuts because of all the possibilities ;) ;). And by the way your up date made my day, because I had a bad day and this helped make it better!
Any ways looking so forward to your next story, it will be a Mighty Ducks story right? Because I really do love love LOVE your Mighty Ducks stories and how you right them and your beautiful characterization and the relationship with them all. Especially the banter between Duke and Mallory and the underline, innuendo type of relationship esc kind of thing that they have! I love there fighting ( flirting ) ? . Any who keep on writing!
P.s also love the Nosedive and Mallory banter and pranks as well! Such a brother sister relationship they have hehe. You do a greate job at showing how the ducks are a family.
batbinmyheart91 chapter 3 . 1/29/2014
Ohhhhh how I love it! I can not wait to read more of this story as well as more of your other Mighty Ducks stories. I have read the ones you have wrote along with this one and I do like your writing style a lot you really get the characters. I also love the banter between Mallory and Duke I think its great how it is like are they fighting? Or just have the hots for one another?
I always thought they would make a great couple. Like the love/hate kind or on again off again. Lol even as a kid watching the show I wanted be a thing...
Any ways keep up the great writing!
narcissism epidemic chapter 2 . 1/16/2014
First of all, CONGRATS on completing Nanowrimo!

I adore your characterization: the voices of everyone are just spot-on, and I have to echo everyone else in that I love your Duke/Mallory interactions.

Can't wait to read more! Your writing style and, again, characterization, has me hooked!
susan chapter 2 . 1/13/2014
awesome I wonder what happened w/ duke and mallory with that guy who was being a jerk
if duke slpped him mikey mouse or bug
batbinmyheart91 chapter 2 . 1/12/2014
OHHHHHHH How I have waited for this chapter lol! I'am so I got to read this new chapter :) Thank you for the up date! Is there going to be more chapters to this story? Because if so I can not wait to read the next chapter, I really am enjoying this story. I also love the great chearecterition that you have done with all the ducks and creating a holiday for them also showin the fun relaxed side of them all, espially Duke and Mallory they are my favorits.
P.S Also glad to hear that your move went well and that you are settled into a new home. I know how it is to move from one state to another myself so I understand the delay in the up date :) I look forward to reading more soon.
The Mighty Duck chapter 1 . 12/23/2013

Thanks so much for this Christmas present, it is awesome! It is perfectly getting me in the mood for Christmas Eve (the excitement in this house is off the roof lol, and I don't just mean from my two little nephews).

Once again, your writing is fantastic and your background explanations of each character's motivation is well-written and above all, extremely interesting and enjoyable. Such as, Tanya's 'creative binges' (awesome choice of words here) had me grinning because you could just see her doing it, yet, it is such an original idea of yours. Also, loved the swap around of Duke having to be the one kept an eye on rather than it being Mallory (also loved how you created Duke getting aching in his old injury to be able to tell when snow is coming).

Above all, I adore the bantering between Duke and Mallory! You write it so naturally, it just had me cracking up the whole way through. Really looking forward to seeing where you are taking this and also looking forward to see the way Nosedive reacts during Christmas :).

Once again, thanks for the Christmas story, absolutely loving it!

Cheers and hope you have a Merry Christmas :),

loha chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
Really entertaining so far, especially the interaction between Duke and Mallory. I look forward to the update!
susan chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
you know if duke & MALLORY finds a bunch of them and if the board of health finds out
they can be reported and 2 either shut down or severly cited (fined)for not keeping the kitchen cleaned. I had to report to board of health or health dept about some employees ( kids) in a fast food resturant where sitting on the counter and food was being served ( they got heavly fined and 2 got fired , 1 quit and the back up manager just got a repamand) but one of them had to take a safety service course again ( it's over $500.00 wincing) and it last a yr and has to be renewed yrly to keep updated
I used to be in food service so I know about
that part of it: good story. keep writing
Silver Sentinel chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
This looks interesting, pretty good for the first chapter. Is Duke's night in jail the main reason why he's acting like this on winter storms? Or is there something else to this? I look forward to the the next chapter.
batbinmyheart91 chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
ohhhh loving this story! Are you planning to up date it soon? I sure hope so I would love to see how this story continues out! And weather it be romantic or not Mallory and Duke have always been and always will be my favorite paring! How could they not? The strict military girl with the ex-thief perfect!