Reviews for Hey, Mr Bachelor Man
KnightInShiningFlannel chapter 13 . 10/2/2015
Omg I swear I think this fic was hilarious and awesome. It literally had me LOL throughout it. And I LOVE how it was so believable. Amazing writer I tell you. Looking forward to reading more LL of yours.

Btw the whole Lorelai bidding for Luke while still arguing with Rory.. Genius! So fricking on point and hilarious.
stephbobef chapter 2 . 12/7/2008
LMFAO this is hilarious! This story is so funny so far. You are a great writer and I can't wait to finish this fanfic and move on to your others ones (hopefully you have other ones)...

" “Because all the retarded children are just greedy little runts anyway.” "

I literally cracked up at this LOLOLOL and many other parts of the 2nd chapter too. I'm gonna continue reading now.
E. Linnet chapter 10 . 11/29/2008
I don't think I've laughed so hard all week. No, all month. All year. Maybe in my entire life.

lancer1993 chapter 13 . 12/14/2007
Great story, will there be a follow up that gets them dating?
readysalted chapter 13 . 7/8/2006
Aw bless, I loved it! And you kept them all in character so that's a very big well done!
cywen69 chapter 13 . 6/19/2006
I really enjoyed reading this one. I LMAO throughout the entire fic. I love how they thought she was giving him oral plessure. I also love Emily in it. I am sorry we got no real L/L action in it. I would have loved to hear them in the court room trying to explain what was going on in that truck. I really do think you should write a sequal, the ending was the only thing that really sucked. I was so abrupt and came out of nowhere. We didn't even get a L/L kiss. Hopefully you made a sequal, I'm goig to youe profile now to check.

Graet Story, Very funny!

moonmouse chapter 13 . 4/20/2006
Well, yes, I did think something along the lines of "What the crap? That's an ending? I'll stone you, you bitch!" when I saw that this was the end, but I am a big fan of short and sweet, or at least less than 20 chapters and sweet, and I agree that it's best to leave things open. So anyway, thanks for a wonderful wonderful fic!
moonmouse chapter 10 . 4/20/2006
The previews that are now appearing at the end of the chapters are VERY amusing. You be careful, or I may start worshipping you.
moonmouse chapter 6 . 4/20/2006
Well, I'm almost halfway through, and I just wanted to say that I am enjoying this story SO much! You have absolutely perfected the Luke/Lorelai banter. And the Rory/Lorelai banter for that matter. And the authors notes are nearly as amusing as the story. Can't wait to see what happens _
mandeeangel chapter 13 . 3/28/2006
This WAs rea\\y funny! I LUved it!
thefictionalfreak chapter 13 . 2/3/2006
Oh God It was so hard to read while laughing! I started at chapter one and stopped when I hit bottom! Oh God it was so funny!

Im still laughing! its almost five in the morning and if you must know I havent gone to bed yet because I wanted to finish! I hate you. lol! jk I l-o-v-e you for writing this amazing story! it was so great I can't even imagine! I think I will still be laughing tomorow and the day after that and the day after that and you could see how that could keep going on!

I actually woke my sister up and she is in the room accross the hall and usually you cant hear each other from each others room! pluz I have my radio on! so she got angry and told me to shut up lol... I laugh to hard! after that officail first chapter the laughin only got worse, and by the end you couldnt hear a dman thing because I was laughing to hard!

See Im a little crazy at 5 in the morning arent I? lol! But I just couldnt stop reading! And now I will have to read the rest of your stories just because I need to know if this was a one time lucky thing or if your actually a good writer... lol just kidding of course your a good writer! I have yet to laugh so ahrd at my stories... but maybe thats because im writning them, I dont know i havent ever really thought about it...

I think that you should absolutely write a sequal! unless you already have it out and i just havent noticed yet... i should go check... but then i would have to read that one too! DAMN YOU! lol! I need sleep! I need coffee! I need my air! :P Jes Your bugging me now! I really want to read their date now! YOU TOTALLY SUCK! lol not really though because you rock.

Ok now how pathetic am I? leaving a bazzilion word review for you? OH WAIT! I am someone who absolutely loved the story and just had to say something about it! And im usually to lazy to write a review because then it just gets redundent and boring, oh yeah good job keep going... lol! jk I love writing reviews but seriously I loved the stotry and that made me want to write one that much more! lol!

So how do you like that huh? Ok is it just me or did that sound dirty... Jeez I have to get my mind out of the gutter! And its only there becuase of you! your drty story! Jeez Dude! lol im kidding really I am! I loeve it and I cant wait to read more of your stories!

Ok I must say that if there isnt a sequal yet, I still havent checked... I will check tomorow... but then i could have just written a review tomorow... oh wait tomorow is today and today has become yesterday? does that make any sence? no i didnt think so because its FREEKIN 5 in the morning! ok do i sound like a mental case? Thats what I thought. no im not on anything, actually im off my meds today! haha jk... haha I dont take meds SHUT UP! leave me alone to go and sit in a corner all alone! I dont need a pointy dunce hat either... unless its pink then i might wear it... haha jk... ok back to the point. You have to write a sequal if there isnt already one! ok there finally now I can go to bed! haha yeah right! I cant even go to bed for fear of never getting up again! haha im joking Im so going to bed and getting up and then reading the rest of your beautiful stories! lol

Ok I think I have worn your mind out enough with this exuahsting review! so I shall say my goodbyes and wish in maybe other surcomstances we may have been able to work things out! *Goes and cries* lol! ok my hand is cramping up now thanks a lot! ok well it isnt but it is red now and my neck hurts so I will actually say goodbye now.



Also known as the girl with the nice men with the tire irons on speed dial...

P.S. If anything is miss spelt i blame you for making me want to read late into the morning... or would that be early? ok im shutting up...
Hopeful Romantic chapter 13 . 1/6/2006
Just wanted to say that I'm green with envy and wish I could write even half as well as you *smile* I was really really impressed with this piece that once again pointed out that I'm a better reader than writer *smile*
RogueHoney chapter 13 . 12/6/2005
o you should write a sequel!

yeah thats a good idea.

good writing.
Muffin Is Injured chapter 2 . 11/22/2005
This is amazing.

And speaking of flyers, I love you.

Like, A plus! Ah!
Luke'sGirl chapter 5 . 11/13/2005
Sorry, but I am 'Luke's Girl,' just look at the name! So I will marry him! But good story so far!
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