Reviews for The Mad Prince
Frwt chapter 15 . 5/12/2019
wow, this is really cool
Guest chapter 15 . 5/30/2017
Could at least put Griag in it
purplefern chapter 15 . 3/26/2017
This is an awesome story. I remain hopeful that it may someday be updated! I trust in your ability to write Vector falling into madness 100%. Nice job.
Ariette5 chapter 15 . 3/23/2016
I remembered this story for reasons unknown and decided to read it again.
I literally feel my heart break even more every time I read about Lucius death. Alit's was inevitable, but Lucius' touched my heart.
I'm wondering why Vecta's mom is mentally ill. It's weird in a way, but at the same it doesn't seem too crazy. Heh, I'm confused.
I'm glad Vecta managed peace, but I get the feeling things are gonna get ugglier.

While re-reading the story I thought a few things:
1) Arjuna eventually dies (though I hope it's not because of Vecta) and is unable to rank up, which eventually gets him reincarnated in Yuma. (Just imagine Vecta's face when he discovers this in his new life! :D)
2) Do you have any idea how much it'll hurt to Durbe having to fight against Vecta when he goes fully mad? I mean, Durbe is already broken because of Whil-whatever and having to face Vecta is going to completely destroy him.
3) Knowing you're a Gorgonicshipper, I can picture a very angsty end for those two. I mean, Merag's gonna feel SO BAD when she discovers that when Ragna told her "their fate was tied together" it meant that he would eventually kill her and himself. A very tragic Romeo-Juliet romance u.u
4) Miza-chan's gonna lose it everything before he meets Jinglong. That means the Parthian Empire eventually gets bestroyed? I get the nagging hunch that it's gonna be Vecta's fault...
5) On a lighter note, Miza-chan DOES hit his grown spourt and ends up being astoundingly tall! :D
6) Donnie said Vecta's dad gonna wale in two years. I feel hell coming close!
7) I hate Donnie. He's a jerk.
8) Why is Gilag the only one unloved?
9) Why Alit had to die first? T.T I thought the order of death was the order of the Barian Emperors. But then again, in my brain, Merag's always the first dying. XD
10) I get the feeling the next chappies are gonna be super angsty. I'm scared. O.O

Well, those are ten things I thought up (and I currently remember). Probably make some more later on, now I'm just lazy.
Anyways! I really really REALLY love this story and we haven't seen anything for a while. Please tell me you're alive and that you haven't forgotten about this wonderful story! *Begs*

Durbe the Barian chapter 15 . 3/18/2015
[clapping for Vector] I must apologize, Vector. You truly did not deserve what will surely follow this declaration.
Antares: No. He didn't.
You're right. Antares! Bar the door to his pop's room!
Antares: On it!
Sirius: Is that gonna even work?
De hearts 26 chapter 15 . 3/17/2015
After going through difficult experiences in his, Vector was able to find away to forgive himself and being a responsible emperor to declare peace to all the lands as he was able to make some good to world, I feel so sad for him and rest of the characters. Sadly the peace would not last as the madness begun to evolve into Vector's being,one word:oh man! I'm feeling the drama this story is making me wanna cry, I see you soon. T-T
Anonymous chapter 15 . 3/17/2015
Happy note?!
The next chapter's going to be so depressing, I can just feel it. ;A;
Kisara Raym chapter 14 . 2/8/2015
Before I begin fangirling I want to admit that my english is not really good... maybe... eventually... probably... I dont know. So feel free to correct my mistakes.
And now the comment (or book, depends on the point of view):

Holy Ra, I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it!
Ok calm down, your going to make a total serious and constructive criticism... maybe... eventually... no.

I find your style of writing very good. You describe thoughts, countenance etc. pretty good, so you are not saying "He is friendly" but you are showing us that he is friendly. Maybe its not the best example, but I think you re getting the point. Not many people can write in that way, they think they could.
Something I love too is the way how you make everything so serious and realistic. But on the same time you manage it to make it so freaking funny. It seems that you are doing a lot of research and I love all the details you brought into this fanfiction.

And you managed to create a fascinating story, so that its never get boring or monotonous. Lets see we have war, love, some kind of crime story, a gladiator fight, a travel, tragedy, fun, a "spooky" prank and a "I know a shortcut" scene, what do want more? And that all in fourteen capters!

I also like your versions of the characters, they are all pretty interesting and believable (just look at Arjuna( who is totally NOT Yuma, because... come on, he has a different name and... he has a different name, so its absolutly impossible that hes Yuma. That would be absolutly ridiculous. (yeah, I make bracket in a bracket in a bracket))).

By the way Im like Durbe a German (Hallo Durbe, wir sollten uns unbedingt mal unterhalten!) Its just so beautiful to know what Durbe and Willhelm talk to each other, when you know that other people dont understand it :D muhahahaha Im so evil.

Lets see... Im sure if I just think long enough I will find something negative about this fanfiction. It has to be possible...

Wheres Miza-chans dragon? I want a dragon! You want a dragon. Everybody want Mizael to have a dragon. Give him a dragon and I can die in peace.

Maybe you have noticed that I kind of like your fanfiction xD I think its better than many books I read, so Im glad that you are still uploading, a year can be a long time. And I like your notes to every chapter, it makes everything more personal.

PS: That reference with the card game was hilarious. XD
De hearts 26 chapter 14 . 2/6/2015
Fate is always is a real monster when it comes to life and death, everybody deserves comfort after what happened to them as change their paths to make it through in life. Rest In Peace Alito and Lucius, brothers in arms forever, this story has gotten intense every time and I can't wait for what's coming next (even though the story is canon already), I'll be seeing you next time and for all the characters in the story! :)
Durbe the Barian chapter 14 . 1/30/2015
Antares: By 'canon,' does she mean what I think she means?
Sirius: I'm going to my room.
Antares: You're gonna miss the next chapter, dude!
Sirius: Do I care?
Antares: [pause.] Okay, good point. Oh well. More popcorn for me.
[Me hugging Misael] Don't worry, little guy. When you hit your growth spurt, you'll be just as stubborn as Kaito. [pause] Hang on. He's a king in this one, but he's a Dragon Tamer in canon. [draws in the air] Does that mean that something happened to make him lose his kingdom!? And he wandered around as a hermit until Jinlong finally took him under his feathery wing?! [imagination going haywire]
Antares: Am I the only one wondering about Durbe's Number still?
Epsilon: Yes.
Anonymous chapter 14 . 1/30/2015
Firstly, everyone deserves hugs. Even the dead people.
And so, the close-knit trio of Nasch, Merag and Durbe begins. I'm hoping to see them again.
I'm more of a HolyIce Shipper, but I have to admit, yay for GorgonicShipping. c:
And the canon is coming, coming, coming! That trio is also coming! And-
Well, Merag was right about them meeting again, but I don't believe it'll be a GOOD meeting. TTnTT
Miza-chan, you're so meeeaaan...! Bekutan's mom is being nice to you.
Durbe the Barian chapter 13 . 12/28/2014
[Sirius is too busy trying to comfort his brother for an actual review to be written.]
Anonympus chapter 13 . 12/27/2014
Now Alito's been offed, and everyone's crying. Whyyyyyy? ;-;
B-but I'm still entertained!
De hearts 26 chapter 13 . 12/26/2014
As it all come and goes as the year leaves for the next, the chapter ends with tears and regret that it spreads much despair into the human soul. I am wondering how will the story will surprising for in future chapters next year as it progress, I can't wait , Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Durbe the Barian chapter 12 . 11/28/2014
[looks through weapons]
Hammer? No. Too blunt. Rapier? Too thin. Sword? Tempting.
Sirius: What are you doing?
Ah. You're here. Quick. Which weapon can kill Don Thousand?
Sirius: Why on Barian World would I know something like that?
Antares: I'd probably go with the spear.
Spear, it is, then.
Sirius: [turns to Antares]
Antares: What? I would.
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