Reviews for My Name Is Kurosaki
corjca1 chapter 9 . 9/8
hes got a chip on his shoulder he ll grow up
corjca1 chapter 6 . 9/7
her uncle and auntie couldnt tell her truth or rengi the bad old man head captain wouldnt let them
Bleach power chapter 20 . 1/7/2017
I have read this story long time ago and I didnt know that you continued to write I guess that I didnt paid enough is really good way to finish this part of the story,in my opinion.I happy that you are writing would be great to see Nanami vitnes true power of hers way she would see and fell power of the person who defited Aizan and the power of the wilder of most beautiful wait to read sequel.
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 20 . 1/5/2017
Finally the new chapter is here. I was afraid that you would stop like certain other people are doing after they read the final Bleach chapter. *cough cough* Anyway, enough of that, glad that you finished this story the way you wanted it to finish. Thanks for the shout-out too. I hope to read more of your works in the near future. This story was a great ride for me as it was for you, so thank you for the great ride!
Kurenai24 chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
The OC you created should have been tagged so that people who read fanfiction but don't care about people OC's won't be tricked into reading your story, if this story is about an OC you're obligated so that readers who don't like OCs have the opportunity to filter your story out.
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 19 . 5/29/2016
Still can't believe this is the penultimate chapter v-v However, long battle scene or not, I love chapters the best when they have a lot of action in it as well as drama and comedy. However, I'm really interested in learning more about Sakura, so I had a crazy idea. How about you do a spin-off fanfic that's about Sakura? Her origin story, her time as a shinigami, how she became a hollow, etc. It's probably too much to ask actually, and you probably have other ideas after this.
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 18 . 4/28/2016
Nice! I can't wait to see what you decide for her bankai.
orca285 chapter 17 . 2/25/2016
I am hooked! Please keep the chapters coming.
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 17 . 2/21/2016
Alright, first of all, I did review the previous chapter but as "guest" since I thought I was signed in so you shouldn't have to worry about that the "lack" of reviews. Second, things are really heating up in this chapter. Although, I don't know if it was the best thing for Nanami to trap the captains and lieutenants. However, I can understand her reasonings. Seems we're going to see the final battle next chapter.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/25/2016
Before my actual review, let me say this. Even if you took the longer route, the story could be just as enjoyable. Either way, I enjoy it regardless.

Now for my review, this chapter had perfect intensity and I liked that. I hope they get Hiroshi back soon. Maybe Hiroshi will give Nanami a kiss! -shot- Ow! Sorry heh...but yeah whatever happens, I'll be sure to enjoy it.
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 15 . 12/24/2015
UGH! When will Hiroshi and Nanami just kiss already?! GAAH DX *runs around, then calms down* Anyway, with that out of my system, I enjoyed this chapter and I'm glad that Kana and Ichigo will be alright. Can't wait for more!
Kaneko Aikawa chapter 14 . 12/1/2015
Another awesome chapter and darn, just when it gets good, you had to end it there. Ah well, at least it proves that one is hooked. I do that a lot in my stories hehehe. As for the Yui bit, for some reason I was reminded of Yui from Sword Art Online. Speaking of Yui, I liked that scene with her and Nanami as that was excellent character development. The reactions that Nanami made were also hilarious. Can't wait for the next one!
Reader Of Fate chapter 13 . 11/17/2015
i only just found this jem keep it up
sw8Rukia chapter 4 . 11/15/2015
i reread my review on chpter one and it came out wrong..its soo hard to review using mobile.. okay, what i meant was.. dont tell me about it coz im gonna find out myself by reading every chapter and i,ll try to review at every chap.. *wipes sweat* hopethat cleared it!
sw8Rukia chapter 3 . 11/15/2015
haha. love this chap, when ichigo saw nanami and golly there are other kurosakis eh.. now in gonna keep reading!
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