Reviews for Dragon and Shadow
ShinseiShinwa chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
Hands down, the most amazing fantasy au story I've ever read! I just love how you incorporate Akashi as a dragon and just...EVERYTHING! For anyone wishing to enter the den of akkr, I really recommend reading this story!
ToonyTwilight chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
This was such a good story!
julie.buffet.9 chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
So cool! I love this story! I hope to see an epilogue one day but even without it it's really awesome!
Keep up the good work!
belncaz chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
I really like how you've re-imagined these characters. Akashi's development is really compelling for me, I appreciate seeing the range from powerful to also being caught up in another's manipulations. Kuroko going from captive to protector was also effective and is just what I'd want from him. This story is really enjoyable, it ends on the note that makes you want more but also being happy that the story was so amazing as is. I really liked it and thank you for posting it :)
Nitsuga chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
Oh my god! This is a reaaallly good story! I love dragons, and i love LOTR... U make very good Dragon Akashi! Please write a sequel pleaseee
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
This was the best one shot AU story I've ever read! Akashi made an awesome dragon! Kuroko's character was pefect! I can't believe I didn't see the those powers coming though, I thought he was a normal kid who knew how to hide! And Ogiwara! Perfect use of the absent childhood friend! You did everything in this story absolutely perfect, and I don't even know how to tell you! Great job and thanks for posting!
StarlightBlue101 chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Awesome job! I loved it! And no worries (actually i wanted it to be longer lol)
Moon Smurf chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
That was wonderful! I would love to read a continuation or epilogue. XD.
Ja ne
Moon Smurf
left account chapter 1 . 3/31/2014
Can I just-
This story was absolutely amazing.
The Universe was completely original. I've seen works on this site about kingdoms, but never have any of them approached the idea of a character taking on the form of a dragon. I love the way you characterized Akashi, and the use of his father. The touch about the power of true names was brought up in other works, but you made it your own.
I loved the part where Akashi hugs Kuroko. It was cute, but not made to please the fans, more for the story. The way you incorporated Hanamiya and Kiyoshi was great, too.
Wonderful job, I hope to see more of your works soon!
Swift Cold chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
This is unique and I really like the plot and a dragon Akashi. I can totally imagine him as a dragon. . I hope you can add a sequel to this story about how Kuroko and maybe Akashi joins Seirin and help them win the war (:
koukimiki chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
uhm,is there any story included in this fic? I cant help but feel that there's something unfinished-yet in this story. Uhm,epilogue might be?
pencilsandpens chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
i absolutely adore this it's so well written and the way you portray the characters is perfect I'm in love with this and I hope you write more knb stories because this was wonderful And while I wish for a sequel I adore the ending well done man this is so fab
definitelydeadaccount chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
This fanfic is perfect. I have read it three times already and it doesn't stop amazing me. I really like how you put all the plot and the little details (like when Kuroko says at the beginning that he wanted to tell Akashi the real reason of why he came there, and by the end of the fanfic you find out it was because of his heart, etc), and the characterization too (Your Kuroko was really, really good. I liked dragon!Akashi a lot, and Human!Akashi was nice too. It looked strange to me at first because of the way he acted, but then you explained his story, his visions and sanity thing and all, so I understood it all better v). I like Kuroko and Kiyoshi's relationship too, and I'm really interested in the war everybody is fighting. I'm curious about what will happen with Akashi and Kuroko afterwards, how Seirin would react to them and if Kiyoshi can be saved somehow.
So yeah. Wonderful fic is wonderful. If you ever feel like writing a sequel to this, know that you will have a reader already!
denOden chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
you know, I've been too tired to wake up but somehow I can't sleep, strange isn't it? So I decided to read some fic, I thought that sleep would come after I finished a story and hopefully dragged me into said fic. I usually saved the page so I could read it whenever I craved for fanfics since internet connection is not free in my country. I opened this fic and I didn't read the text count, simply tried to scroll my phone screen and noticing the little bar on the right indicating the... what does it called? it's so small and I wonder will I be able to stay awake through this 'monster'. I about to close my phone and decided to sleep but it's AkaKuro and I simply can't stop this curious feelings creeping in my head. It's AkaKuro, and it's dragon. What's more I could wish for? a lot actually but let's skip it, it's long enough I believe, please excuse this rambling, I don't want you to get tired from reading this blabbing but I. JUST. HAD. TO. LET. IT. OUT.
I just realized that enter button is exist...
Now, where am I… ah yes, I decide to read this fic. The first paragraph makes me dizzy already, no, I didn’t mean to offend you, it often happened when I’m sleepy but stubbornly reading fanfics, it becomes something resembling a trailer you know, I could imagine it vividly, all the war, the wreckage, the dreary feeling of something abandoned, and I keep reading.
and God, did I curse out loud? I rarely did since I'm currently in my parents house right now, and sleeping right beside them... don't worry, they keep sleeping and I keep cursing. This is the part where I'll start complaining, being bitchy and whiny, I'll say sorry from the bottom of my heart in advance.
okay, here I go.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, KEEP WRITING THIS! haah never been this happy before, I really love the plot, the setting, your characterization, God, the way you write! It just flow like warm milk through my throat and goes straight to my stomach and I love milk should I begged to Ichikonohakko too? Just an epilogue? Won't you try multi-chapter? pretty please? with cherries or strawberries on top? I hope I won't start raiding bakery shop to get you some cakes... okay, I've calmed down, I can't sleep now, my head been swirling with ideas, guesses, and mostly anticipation... I'll stop rambling here, maybe I eat too much sugar? That sugar is this fic, you know, okay, I'll stop here... please do write more AkaKuro? *wink-wink*
AokazuSei chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Woah. That was amazing. I hope you make an omake. I really enjoyed it. :D
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