Reviews for The Wedding
airbursh chapter 1 . 10/12/2016
why do you exsit
darkness-has-eyes chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
I love how you kept everyone in character. I seriously can't imagine them having a serious wedding, it would be too awkward. And go Kio! Yeah tell her who's boss, but not boss actually father, but you know what I mean! Halarious Zeroes! Plus Ritsuka and Soubi were so realistic! *applause, no, better yet, standing ovation*
Maybe you can do Ritsuka's and Soubi's wedding next. I want to know if Soubi would be the one walking down the aisle since Ritsuka's the one in charge. *eyebrow wiggle* Come to think of it I've never read a Ritsuka&Soubi wedding before. Keep on writing please, you're really good at it!
V chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
This one is proably the best Loveless fan fiction I have read. But then again I love most of your Writing so far. But this one especialy (sorry about the Spelling can not seem to get that Word right)
You do seem to make the charakter very real and likable. Except Kios daughter but she is who she is a guess.
Hope you write more of this.
Yoitemichealis chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
I cried, I laughed, I cried more... You know how to play with my emotions XD THERE WAS SO MUCH CUTENESS I CANNOT DEAL. CUTENESS FROM EVERYONE. And Kio cuteness XD Kio's so precious I didn't really like Shieko in the manga (though, we barely knew her) but you've made me love her :) And Shikiko is a beeeeetch. NO ONE SLAPS SOUBI. I'm surprised Ritsuka stayed so calm about the matter XD I could go on and on about this fanfiction... Anyway! I oveed it! A very well written 17k words
promocat chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
so sweet! i do love kio's actions with his duaghter-poor kio1(not as bad as poor ristuka in some ways -but both were messed with) all were in char. & not oc much!(those zeros!)