Reviews for Not So New Jersey
annette-ella chapter 11 . 12/18/2019
Great Story
musicinjune chapter 11 . 5/13/2019
This was so good! I’d love a good Kadam story about them thriving and being happy. Bringing in April was unique too! Thank you for writing this!
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 11 . 3/28/2018
I really enjoyed reading this. It’s really well written. Thanks for sharing your story. :)
Iceleaf13 chapter 11 . 6/30/2017
I really like stories like this, where Kurt does so well.
Iceleaf13 chapter 7 . 6/30/2017
Yay Santana.
Mickey chapter 11 . 3/26/2016
Loved it

I can really see Rachel acting like that
Mytay chapter 11 . 3/31/2014
This was so sweet, to the point of cavity-inducing, and I simply don't care as it was also beautiful and fun and sometimes things can be just happy, can't they? :D

Clearly, the best part is the review Kurt got wherein they questioned casting a 'straight' actor, and the 'acting choice' to give Ronnie a higher pitched voice XD That was awesome - it shouldn't be pinned to the wall, it should be *framed* and then sent to Lima, Ohio, and hung on the wall of the choir room :)

But second to that is Kurt getting his happy ending with Adam - a few amendments made to his dreams along the way, it feels like Kurt is exactly on the right path, even though his future is still uncertain. I love the image of Kurt and Adam as this Broadway power couple - one that performs, one that writes. *sighs*

This story was such an adorable, fun, and lovely journey - thank you for the smiles! :)
Mytay chapter 10 . 3/31/2014
You are making me wish desperately that Not So New Jersey was a real show. It sounds awesome.

Adam's breakdown had me worried for half a second - things were going so well, and then it was suddenly Adam of the always-wonderful-boyfriend flying off the handle, and Kurt snapping back, and just please no. But then, Kurt reigned it in - and how simply beautiful that it was the sight of his family and friends that did it. Ah, my hope was restored! They are still freakishly adorable :)

Even Rachel managed to briefly redeem herself here. Oh, I wish so badly I could watch this on a stage! On with the show!
Mytay chapter 9 . 3/31/2014
Ah, Rachel. I feel distinctly displeased with her yet again - I almost wish she hadn't gotten any role, but then, as I said already, she *is* talented, and it stands to reason if she auditioned she would get *something*.

I can perfectly picture Santana in intimate nightclub - that girl can sing the blues, and it's so easy to see her on a stage, a low spotlight, a simple, silky dress and hazy cigarette smoke (except, you know, there's no smoking allowed indoors anymore). Point being, I think that's where she would belong, at least for a while.

I loved April's speech, and I adored the continued support and love Adam provides for Kurt. I just want to cuddle them all the time, they are so perfect!
Mytay chapter 8 . 3/30/2014
Santana is a fierce HBIC, and I love her becoming Kurt's proud defender and best friend. Those two could easily conquer Broadway - then the world.

My smile, predictably, went wide and silly as hell when I read about Finn bragging about Kurt as a 'famous Broadway dude'. Love the idea of Kurt managing to keep his job at Vogue - it's great; I liked Isabelle quite a bit for her genuine support of him. On the show, it was that hug after his conversation with Blaine that sold me on her completely; it was so nice (I cannot remember the exact episode).

Kurt is so leery of praise :( He has Adam now though, I hope Santana isn't hiding any ulterior motives (though that wouldn't necessarily be out of character).

I need to go to bed, but I don't want to - but I will, and leave it here for now. Thanks for the smiles, they were sorely needed tonight!
Mytay chapter 7 . 3/30/2014
Holy. Crap.

Rachel, that was decidedly uncool. And selfish. And unbelievably insensitive. Santana, lady, you are my hero. That some epic put-down there, and it was nothing but the truth, which made it that much more satisfying.

And it's true, so true, that even if Kurt might be jealous or downtrodden if Rachel had her success handed to her by such a twist of fate, he would hide it and pop that champagne, just as Santana said.

Yeah, Kurt, go to Adam. Good grief, celebrate *properly* because it's a grand occasion! (So, yeah, this chapter was fantastic :D)
Mytay chapter 6 . 3/30/2014
Oh Adam, you are so gosh-darned cute! Also, sweet love scene - also very cute. I wanna say more, but I'm blushing a little bit :) For someone who's read a lot of love scenes, and even written one herself, I find it a little hard, sometimes, to comment on them or discuss them.

That being said, I love how familiar they were with each other, how loving, open and honest, even with Kurt hesitating a little to speak his mind - which just felt real and true.

Now, I'm dying to find out whether or not they get these roles!
Mytay chapter 5 . 3/30/2014
*applause* Writing Santana is *hard* and you nailed her here. Also, wow, totally forgot Adam's more than passing resemblance to Chef Ramsay.

Oh, Rachel. The thing is, while I love a Rachel that is supportive and kind (because we have seen her like this), this patronizing, selfish Rachel is completely believable. *shakes head*

Poor Kurt and Adam, not getting even a little bit of joy from their friends. *more head shaking*

Also: Santana's glee at Kurt (potentially) being cast as gay football player was excellent, and everything she said needs to happen.
Mytay chapter 4 . 3/30/2014
Wow, 'I See the Light' from Tangled is a wonderful, unexpected choice! I love it though - I could hear it in my mind, though it took a moment for me to try and imagine Kurt and Adam's voices. Oh, it's just so sweet.

Just as a random aside; as much as I agree that Rachel Berry has the talent, I've found myself listening to/downloading Santana's performances more often - particularly her more heartfelt ones. There's something about her voice that resonates with me.

And now I'm jumping on to the next chapter :)
Mytay chapter 3 . 3/30/2014
That was a freakin' excellent last line XD

I giggled a bit when Kurt opened his menu - 'with enough force to rearrange' April's hair. I do love me some spunky Kurt :D

Still lovin' the direction this is taking though I confess a little worry, since while April was helpful during her stints on the show, she wasn't always too reliable - but that just means intrigue and even more desire to read on! :)
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