Reviews for Love Grows
Clairyn chapter 28 . 12/17/2015
thank you for writing long story :D
is this the end?
i hope u will write some sequel story
good luck
Kitten Miu chapter 28 . 1/30/2015
So there is a unexpected Falling Action without any other clear Denouement, something about Takeru's feelings...At least I felt unexpected as Takeru treated her as usual, and with the lovely relationship, right?

Even though I always know that life is changeable like that way, there should be some details to make us know as your word that "one of their feeling will change later" or "didn't like her like the way he did before". Off course Takeru in this story may not as gentle as what I have ever assumed he was. However I wish a wonderful dream for them...Actually it annoys me...Not because of you, but the end of DA02. Exactly.

Will you write some Happy Endings later? A really romantic one, not only the loving grows in that way, but also there brand-new future.

A review little bit long...That is my true advice. :)
Kitten Miu chapter 14 . 1/30/2015
Are you sure Hikari could have an ice-cream in this special period... If there is something happening later, Takeru will be guilty as
Kitten Miu chapter 5 . 1/29/2015
Hikari is always biting her lips in this chapter XD.
She is so nervous, and I think one may not has that feelings when he or she reject someone to the extent that making that person start to cry... But in other words, Takeru is really too special to her. I am a little bit worry about Hikari's mind as she is such a sensitive girl.
madeh18 chapter 28 . 1/6/2015
haaah, unexpected ending :(
but, that the real ending of digimon too. they aren't canon, unfortunately...
Krisa99 chapter 28 . 12/28/2014
I already expect something like this would be happen. But not in this chapter (soory for bad grammars)
HopeTKTLightHKY chapter 28 . 12/27/2014
This chapter makes me cry... huhuhu. But there is a sequel in this story? Or No
ConfusedMadGeek chapter 28 . 12/27/2014
I see you like to pull twists. Nicely done! Although I will admit I wanted the takari to happen. I do appreciate you making this ending. I (surprisingly) laughed at the end when I realize how you basically played us thinking there was going to be a happy ending. I also imagine the takari fans who fell and cry after that which is also another reason why I laughed. Anyways, great chapter as usual and I apologize that I didn't review the other chapters since- you just explained it I was kinda lazy (sorry bout that). And I hope to read your newest story soon. Unless this was your last then shame in you
Lord Pata chapter 28 . 12/27/2014
Err... then how the title love grows applies to this if in the end that love didn't grow? o_o

Now I'm quite confused o_o
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 28 . 12/27/2014
Ah hate you...
Can't believe you make such an ending

I do hope that he said sorry because he still couldn't quite sure with his feeling for her
I just wonder why you choose this chapter to just end it right there
You didn't tell us his reason to reject her
And why did the fortune teller gave her a hint that Takeru would feel the same?

You really make me confuse
But I do hope you make a sequel out of your new story not make a totally different story
So I wish you good luck...
Kitten Miu chapter 4 . 12/19/2014
I love this chapter too. It is too romantic for them and it could be hard for me to imagine how the gossips' expression will be if they viewed these scene! XD!
treehugger chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
Shrimproll, I'm treehugger. Can you tell me where there is a chat forum that doesn't require the email address?I'm having a hard time finding one. I know this is a strange request, but you seem to be popular with others. Can you help me out?
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 22 . 10/19/2014
Owh when I thought I can finally see Takeru confess his feelings :(
Anyway good luck and hope Hikari can be friend Yuki though :)
Lord Pata chapter 20 . 10/6/2014
Nice chapter, but something caught my attention. It is on this line:

"So just left the two of us, plus Tailmon," Takeru said, crossing his arm.

And Patamon? where did Takeru left him? o_o

You know how Patamon and Takeru rarely are away from each other, that's why I got kinda surprised to not see Patamon there n_nU
Kameyoshi Alice chapter 19 . 9/28/2014
I'm totally lovin' this fanfic OwO update more! Can't wait for it QwQ
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