Reviews for An Exploration of Gender Identity at Hogwarts
anon chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
So, if I say that I identify as a dragon and demand to have plastic surgery so I can look like a dragon, I am perfectly sane and healthy? You people are literallly mentally retarded.
Munchkinsrus chapter 11 . 9/2/2015
I just read through this and was really happy until I saw the update vs. publish date... Please update more often!
NathanDftba chapter 10 . 12/16/2014
This story is awesome!
Codename Jellybean chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Nice update, again!
The switch to Dumbledore's voice was a bit jarring, but I loved reading about more backstory...
I don't think JKR said Beauxbatons was strictly female: there was one guy mentioned, at least.
Depending on where you are from, you may or may not have spelled 'artifact' wrong. It might be 'artefact' somewhere else, for all I know :)
Keep writing! :D
Codename Jellybean chapter 9 . 8/27/2014
Wonderful update! :)
I think I'm in love with Gabe, because she's just amazing in a lot of different ways, but I also love Mina because she's very strong and capable of doing things without the help of others.
I keep thinking Atticus-like-the-lawyer in To Kill A Mockingbird (he also acts a bit similar...have you read that book? :D)
I do hate that misogynist coach you wrote...but that is the point, so cheers!
Keep writing! :-)
Codename Jellybean chapter 7 . 7/29/2014
This is actually quite interesting.
I've read multiple stories on polyamory, homosexuality, whatever, but rarely any on gender expression.
It's kind of very hard for me to understand this story, though (that might just be my stupidity). At the beginning, I thought that Mina was just a very athletic, somewhat 'masculine' girl, and Gabe was a boy who wanted to be a girl. Then I thought Mina was lesbian/a cross dresser, and now...I really have no idea.
I like Mina in love with Gabe, it's just...novel :)
I'd love to see more of Mina's / Gabe's friends, and their lives outside of each other.
A few spelling errors are in order to be fixed, but that's about it on the grammar-spelling area.
Love Dumbledore in this, he's quite perfectly written.
Also, if you want a beta, I'd love to do it :)
{please} keep writing! :)
ThreadingStory chapter 2 . 12/27/2013
Very happy to see someone explore a "minority" (sorry if it's the wrong word, English isn't my native language " I mean someone who doesn't fit into the "normal" category?) in a great way. It's good to read and I like the perspective, like an article or a letter from the Headmaster. Really good execution!
I'm planning a fic about a student with a disability, which has its own challenges, like not romanticizing stuff or making too much of a self-insert, so it's very, very encouraging to see someone write so well about something people don't usually write stories about :)
Thanks so much and keep up the great work!
HermyLuna2 chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Very interesting! And I think you created a very good in character voice of Dumbledore. I am curious what will come next.