Reviews for And at once I knew (I was not magnificent)
Guest chapter 6 . 5/13
Truly a great story. In a way I wonder if molly will really be truly happy even with Tom. Your Sherlock drove me crazy.
whirligigkat chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
Oh good lord... late to the game as always but, hell woman! What you’ve done to us! We’ve come to expect happy endings- especially in fanfic, where we so desperately want these characters to be together and revel in their unexpected happiness. But you know what? This is much more true, more real. Because most of the time there is a bittersweet ending, or an unhappy ending, or just life. Really, really beautiful work, and I do hope one day you’ll return to writing fics herethank you! -Kat
midnightjen chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
Well that was a bit devastating! I need to go read something fluffy and full of hugs. It was awesome though.
Bennielover-78 chapter 6 . 4/24/2016
Wow! This might must be one of the best angsty Sherlolly stories I've read - ever! I should be annoyed that they didn't end up together in the end, but actually it somehow just worked and I think I can understand why you wrote it that way. It had to be that way in this situation, though seriously, I want to kick Sherlock's arse! Grrr! What a complete A-hole! Somehow it doesn't seem that off-character for him other than being a crazy sex fiend, but hey, that's what kept me coming back for more! ;)

Anyway, thanks for a very entertaining read! :)
Caro chapter 6 . 4/26/2015
You are a bloody brilliant writer. My heart was aching with everything Molly was going through and I love how you wrote about Sherlock feeling betrayed when he in fact betrayed her first. I adore Sherlock but I feel you went with the right decision for her to marry Tom. Your representation of Tom's character was beautiful and in the end Sherlock didn't deserve her. I love all your stories and hope that you keep sharing your brilliant writing, particularly Sherlloly :P, with us. Keep up your mad writing skills!
Miss Whiddlesmort chapter 6 . 3/19/2015
I'm normally one of those bloody people that
reads someone's work but doesn't review but I just love your story, its a beautiful piece of art
I think Sherlock really loves her but your Tom is a keeper! Congratulations you're one of my faves writers.
notsmaug chapter 6 . 11/27/2014
I have loved every bit of this. I'm crying a bit :(
sharon.w chapter 6 . 8/2/2014
Hey! You made me cry.
absolutelyfabulouslyobsessed chapter 6 . 6/3/2014
This story brought me all the angst-y feels that I probably didn't need. But it was worth it. This is a beautiful kind of pain that guts your heart and suffocates your lifeless being.

I see Tom as her champion, the one who'll fight endlessly for her love because he failed the first time. And we all know Molly really deserves to be happy after the torment Sherlock puts her through in the show. This kinda reflects the truth that you can love two people at the same time but not with the same intensity.

Sherlock's an addict, and he will commit mistakes but this is just sad because no one deserves to be lonely. He bears the touch of an alluring sadness.

Always. Always. Always. Always. Always. That word promises immortality and a constant that a person always crave. It is a beautiful and condemning word.

Fantastic story.

And I can't help but see some Severus Snape in Sherlock.
Hazelmist chapter 6 . 3/25/2014
I LOVED THIS! The fact that Molly and Sherlock don't get together in the end is what makes it so heart wrenchingly beautiful. Sherlock knows that Molly deserves better and so does Molly. I'm kind of glad she left Sherlock after Irene showed up and she chose Tom. I love how the imagery of falling is running throughout the story and it begins and ends not just with Sherlock but with Tom too. I hate him a little bit for not standing up for her when they were little but he does make her laugh and she comes clean to him and he still wants to marry her. I liked the relationship between Molly and Mary as well. That last moment between them when she sits down with her the day before the wedding and tells Molly that she'll support her no matter is just lovely. Ending with a glimpse of a sad Sherlock at the wedding and then the flashback of when Sherlock first admits he trusts her to save him from the fall was perfect. Can't wait to read more of your writing!
Nozaki-kun chapter 6 . 3/17/2014
This is breaking my heart you know. Angsty-sherlolly is welcome, but but but ;_; sherlock is a fucking bastard, I knew it. But I think that probably what every brilliant man will do. I mean, they won't settle with only one woman. They need more, even though it means betraying what they need and turning to what they lust after instead.

Molly... She is so strong, I just can't. I don't like Tom (because I love sherlock) but I think tomlolly (omg I just said it) is sailing and not even sherlock holmes can stop it.
louvreangel chapter 6 . 2/5/2014
Nice. Really Nice. OMG I LOVE IT! Gave me too many feelings to even start writing. Great great job!

cheerer chapter 6 . 2/1/2014
I think my heart physically ached for a moment. This was beautiful. Thank you
Deadsexy chapter 6 . 1/20/2014
I seriously have never cried reading a fiction before. I'm not sure what chapter made me do it, but one of them I was in tears. The ending was heartbreaking but perfect for the story.

This was a gem.

Astridlover017 chapter 6 . 1/16/2014
Lovely story. But what! She should have been with sherlock!
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