Reviews for Perspective
Lolly1o1 chapter 1 . 12/6/2014
Aww! I loved this poor Mikuo though I know he'll find someone who is perfect for him eventually though :)
MizuneMinamiki chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
I'm so sorry I haven't been reviewing for you! I read 2 manga series, and I've ALMOST finished another anime, so I've been kinda-sorta busy-ish.

Anyways, I shall review!
I loooove the idea! I've noticed that a lot of characters have stereotypical things about them, too. I also noticed that if the story's told in first person, the main character ALWAYS has some kind of crazy trait that makes them unique. (I tried to counter that by writing from the POV of a girl who was the best friend of the "special" one, but that just didn't go very well...)

Anyways, your story: errors first!
["What?!" The current first chair, Gumi Megpoid, shrieked.] "shrieked" should be "shrieks" because everything else is present tense.
[ In steps in a boy that resembles Rin] I feel like the second "in" shouldn't be there.
[ And I don't mean to sound weird, but he matched her in the sense that they were both beauty's from a different world.] *beauties, not "beauty's."
In the section where Rin was explaining to Mikuo about how to "feel the music" (lol, that lovestruck fail whale), you tense-switched a bit. I think it was supposed to stay in present tense, not past?
[The bell rings from saying anything stupid.] I feel like this is just missing a word or something.

Okay, anyways. I LOOOOVED that this was told from Mikuo's POV instead of Rin or Len's. It's nice to see things from the bystander's perspective, you know? :3 It always makes things seem so much more...different.

I like Mikuo's personality, really, but I feel like he should've put up a bit more of a fight for Rin. But...I also guess that he shouldn't have was clear she was already taken.
I do admire that he stepped in with her and Nero, though. Some people won't even do that much, the assholes. (Speaking from personal experience.)
Mikuo is a true gentleman. (Man I wish he existed. XD)

For some reason, I really liked the part where Mikuo and the others were listening in on Rin and Len while they played music and stuff.
(You tense-switched a bit in that section, too, btw.)
But really. I could just SEE everything going on between the two blondes and I will tell you, it was the CUTEST MENTAL IMAGE. X3

At least Mikuo was brave enough to admit that he liked Rin, though. Too bad she didn't do something other than say "thank you."
(Pfft what was I expecting? Her to kiss him? Yea right xD)
Oh, back to the thing where Mikuo admitted he liked her, THANK YOU SO MUCH for not making him say he loved her. THAT HAPPENS WAY TOO OFTEN. And I think I'm guilty of that, too.
But just him saying he liked her - well, that made it seem a bit more realistic.

Um um um...huh, I don't know what else to say.
Uwah I wanted to make this super lengthy to make up for taking ages, but I think I'm out of rants.

aquathyst chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
i also want to make that kind of story but my english is not so good.
i felt kind of sorry to Mikuo although i ship lenxRin.
Katelyn chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I liked this story a lot! I especially like how u end with a kinda dramatic ending xD
ShadowPrincess02 chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I got this email at like 12:00AM and I click it and the story was not availible -_-
So read it just now now...and damn. Poor Mikuo.

Hmmmm. I don't want to be demanding but...
If not, I will...And then I will butcher the story...
CoffeeLoverRie chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
Oh...Wow... Poor Mikuo... Is there going to be another chapter? I love how this story is so down-to-Earth, and so realistic!
Radiant-Red-Rare chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
*sigh* I really liked this. A lot, actually. I never thought about people like Mikuo before: I always just cheered on Rin and Len. This made me realize that when two people really love each other, it can have both positive and negative outcomes for certain people. So hearing Mikuo's side of the story was quite refreshing. Thumbs up from me!
Rumi Amano chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
Poor Mikuo. This makes my inner cry baby go full out sobbing TAT Even though this is a RinxLen (my favorite on fanfiction), this makes me sad. Like, a happy kind of sad. Er, good I mean. Gah, idk how to explain! -sigh- Like, it's good. and nice. but, i don't know... it's different. Usually I'd be all like, "YESH! THEY'RE TOGETHER!" but a part of me said, "No! MikuoxRin!" oh gosh, i think Perspective changed me a bit XD OH WELL! I like this :3