Reviews for Love Triangle
CuriousChimera16 chapter 19 . 7/9/2019
I really enjoyed the story. :) This was a really interesting take on a Batman x Joker pairing and romance. I’m definitely adding it to my favorites.
Chervil-Cress chapter 19 . 12/3/2018
Confusing but worth the read, kinda wish there was an easier way to tell Bats and Bruce apart, like bolding Bats' text leaving Bruce's text normal or italic, that simple change would have made this so much easier to read.
qob1986 chapter 19 . 12/2/2018
this was my very first BatJokes story and I Loved it! I was wary of the split personality premise but as I kept reading, I kind of wish it was canon. I just want to cuddle Brucey. I really liked that joker is in a relationship with both of them, not just Bruce with Batman's permission. and I especially loved that Joker is still Joker. He WILL obsess, play jokes, and kill people who cross him but in a more community acceptable way.

Aviendha Aviendha Aviendha chapter 19 . 4/27/2018
Great story. I like your characterisation of the Joker. I often feel like there's so many different Jokers, and this particular one is quite a lot of fun.
Yaoifangirl910 chapter 4 . 4/26/2018
It's pretty funny imaging Batsy arguing with Brucey and being jealous of the fact that Joker chose Brucey over him even though they share the same body.
Raeanne Bedard chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
I love this fanfic, the idea, the writing, delving into Batsey's psyche, and Harvey remembering his friendship with Bruce. I lost count how many times I've read this. Well done!
Mari Wollsch chapter 18 . 1/3/2018
super xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tien chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Too hard to read for long. The concept is okay, but the grammar and spelling are awful.
jjusjs chapter 8 . 8/5/2017
I thought this would be soon coming to a peaceful resolution but then i saw that there were 11 chapters left
Susurra chapter 16 . 7/12/2017
This is my absolute favorite batjokes fic! I don't know why but I love B and Bruce being split personalities and Joker falling for them both.

Seriously best batjoke fic ever!
acetwolf94 chapter 19 . 2/24/2017
Mari Wollsch chapter 19 . 11/28/2016
lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
melliemellie chapter 19 . 11/21/2016
This was great! I was smiling from beginning to end and the idea of a split-personality Bruce/Batman was an interesting angle for the story :)
Thanks for writing!
CaseLC chapter 19 . 11/19/2016
This was hilarious. I took the story as Crack. Though I loved the idea that Bruce has split personalities, The Protector-Batman and the Protected-Bruce. It gave reason to why Bruce and Joker could get along and understand each other in a certain way. Thanks for the laughs.
Stormshadow13 chapter 3 . 8/31/2016
The idea of Batman having mod is very interesting.
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