Reviews for Who Are You?
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 21 . 11/14/2019
So they did sleep together!? Izaya never did explain that Shizuo was a virgin too. That makes a BIG difference. And he never explained how he hurt Shizuo so much in the past. It would tell why Shizuo didn't want to have the old Izaya back so quickly. I am pretty sure in the future, Izaya's new friends will know how lucky they were in getting away with angering Shizuo. Eventually Izaya will have to tell Shizuo the innocent Izaya slept with Chikage.
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed reading your fic.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/17/2019
I love chikage in this
Absolute Empress chapter 16 . 10/3/2019
When’s the next update!?
Guest chapter 15 . 1/20/2019
no more update? :'(
Guest chapter 15 . 4/18/2018
Plz plz plz update
Soshihun chapter 15 . 1/3/2018
started strong, got messy midway~ really interesting though, followed. lol izaya such a thot uwu
21Black30Butterfly30 chapter 15 . 9/21/2017
RandomReader chapter 16 . 5/19/2017
I'll be waiting
21Black30Butterfly30 chapter 16 . 5/5/2017
OMG! I can't get enough of this story. Its the best thing ever! Please update as soon as you can. I feel I'm gonna die if I don't know how it ends. There are so many little stories that make me feel this way. You are one of the greatest authors I've ever found. Thank you for all your wonderful stories!
karasu-shiro chapter 16 . 3/16/2017
My heart cries but, I'll waiting for it, because worth it. :')
Famelia Ly chapter 16 . 3/15/2017
Aaah! It's a shame you had to put them all on hiatus, but thank you for telling us readers about it! I'm still deeply glad to hear you won't be abandoning them, just taking an extended break from them.. Do take all the time you need to sort out everything going on in your life. I hope to hear from you soon from the bottom of my heart!
Unknown chapter 16 . 3/15/2017
Take your time
karasu-shiro chapter 15 . 1/24/2017
Izaya so troll xD
But, Shizuo were stupid too xD

Ahh, this is the end (by now)... Knew that it will left me wanting more. TwT

See you!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/23/2017
I just realized that story is incomplete, and only two chapters left...
Whatever, the Izaya's speech about not forgive to Shizuo easily I love it, so real.
Actually, I don't know if I want that forgive him or not! Haha x(
karasu-shiro chapter 12 . 1/23/2017
Damn it Shizuo! How did you can?! ,ÒnÓ,
Is that this was-! Is not possible!
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