Reviews for Beautiful Disaster
Guest chapter 59 . 7/10
Ill always be team klaus
storybrooke38248 chapter 59 . 1/27
team elijah!
Guest chapter 59 . 10/25/2019
Team Elijah(:
kaylaapowell13 chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
I'm a little confused. When was Andy with Kol? Klaus fall in love with Andy ? What happened to Melina ?
Guest chapter 59 . 9/18/2019
Read both the original Poison & Wine and this story within four days. Let me tell you, you're one the best writers I've come across. Absolutely love your writing and will definitely read the rewritten version Poison & Wine.

It's been a back and forth a bit for me when it comes to Andy so I can understand why a lot of people are saying she's like Elena 2.0. This has been a struggle for me and I ship her with both but when seeing Elijah finally getting the spotlight and seeing his relationship further develop in this story than in the first, I've chosen to be Team Elijah. I just love him and Andy together and there's been less drama whereas with Klaus there was drama and everything getting out of control almost 24/7 all the time. It's felt refreshing because Elijah hasn't done anything to hurt her or anyone she cares about.
lolovey chapter 59 . 8/19/2019
please please please update! i’m in love with this story!
Yours Truly chapter 51 . 2/6/2019
Man! I have so much satisfaction in Klaus seeing them like that. Mostly cause I remember him practically shoving it in Elijah’s face that no matter what happens between him and Andy she will never consider Elijah anymore. Then BOOM! They’re together with Elijah treating her better than Klaus ever did.
Guest chapter 49 . 6/14/2018
“Fortunately, it was easy snatching some of your blood as you and Elijah snoozed.”

Wouldn’t they be very aware that someone was there?
MoonLunacy chapter 59 . 6/4/2018
AHHH! I'm so scared for Andy! I hope they know that she'll never do that to them! Or at least Elijah and Rebekah should know for sure cause the pratically threw her own siblings for them! I'M SO SCARED!

I'm so excited for when you rewrite this! But I hope the end game will still be Elijah and Andy! Klaus and Andy had a good run, but Klaus just kept on the cycle of destruction. Also, I don't think Andy is okay with flip flopping back and forth between brothers. That's just rude.
MoonLunacy chapter 58 . 6/3/2018
Elijah and Andy’s little flirtation was so cute!
MoonLunacy chapter 57 . 6/3/2018
I LOVE REBEKAH, FREYA AND ANDY'S ASTRAL HANG OUT! I wish you can make a filler chapter where the Mikaelson girls just have a hangout session, maybe even include Davina! That would be sooo good!

Andy's interaction with Klaus was kind of iffy for me. It probably wasn't your intention but that scene came off as if she's trying to hold back old feelings for Klaus because she's with Elijah now instead of she's completely done with him, if they ever have a relationship again it'll be platonic and that's it. Another thing that it felt like is as if she's with Elijah just because Klaus had done all of these things and she should be with him anymore until he does something redeemable rather than "I'm with Elijah, not just because Klaus finally pushed the boundary, but because he is treating me better. He understands his boundaries and at least TRIES to not overstep them." Or what not.

I always love Andy and Elijah's time together. Their dynamic is so good because they were best friends before and that didn't go away when they got together. It'/ as if the romance was just an added perk to the relationship cause they're still open to each other and joke around. Which is why Andy's secret is killing me! I hope it doesn't blow up in her face.
Truly Yours chapter 43 . 5/28/2018
I wish you referenced the similarity between Andy and Elena and Esther and Dahlia. I understand you gotta move it along but it’s such a good point of comparison. Also, I personally dont think Andy would say that “loyalty is in her blood” because of what she did to her sibling and friends in Mystic Falls.
Yours Truly chapter 13 . 5/23/2018
I don't like how Klaus became more confident in their relationship when they had sex. I don't believe sex should be a gate way for him to finally feel safe that she won't leave him.
Yours Truly chapter 10 . 5/23/2018
I hope she doesn’t forgive him. That’s the second sister he hurt.
smilin steph chapter 59 . 4/25/2018
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