Reviews for Naruto: Western Dark Emperor
Guest chapter 6 . 7/11
What I want to know is how in the hell konoha has the ability to keep being "front and center" in all these chapters with naruto?... I mean they SHOULD be fighting a three prong war that they have no chance of winning... So shouldn't they be losing like scores of people daily? They honestly don't have enough resources to make yet another enemy. (especially now that they have NO ALLIES and the diyamo has renounced them!) there is no way they can still have the resources to be picking fights with an entire continent, while there are three other villages at their doorstep, baying for their blood! and the diyamo? You kept flip-flopping about what he did and didn't know, considering you said he DIDN'T know anything about what the council was doing, but then the "history" hinata and jiraiya told naruto in the jails, kinda says he knew EXACTLY what was going on, then you had him flip back to "not knowing"... So which is it? The land of stone only has ONE village in it? you said "it was the last village", that's not possible... It's on the WINNING SIDE, konoha cannot beat the numbers of all the other villages(basically) combined, especially with absolutely no allies, that's ridicules. (I seriously doubt they could win a fight with EITHER kumo or iwa without help... Let alone both with oto mixed in). "your former home is going to war"... How long are they going to be "going" to war? I mean for heaven's sake... They've been "going to war" for this entire story and five years prior! Shouldn't they ALREADY be "AT WAR" by now? Also the akutski apparently know everything else, how do they NOT know that naruto doesn't give a "rat's turd" about konoha? (and has actually been terrorizing and destroying it, for quite some time.) Why didn't naruto use ANY of the abilities of the rinnegan? I mean ALL nageto had basically was the "shinra tensei" and such and naruto could do the EXACT same thing, (except with a WHOLE lot more power, given kyuubi's chakra, the sage chakra and dragon chakra).
Guest chapter 3 . 7/11
Well this line of thought got forgotten (it's really best that it was, considering kaguya otsutsuki isn't exactly dead, thus can't really even HAVE a reincarnation), but what I want to know is how in the hell the akutski are getting ANY of the tailed beasts, I mean if there is a three-way war going on, everyone's gonna be on hyper alert and the bijuu will be front-and-center in the spotlight with EVERYONE looking at them, it just doesn't seem either practical or possible.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/11
Something I don't get here... Sasuke somehow had the first's cells in his arm, I get that, but naruto BLEW OFF his arm like many chapters ago(the bomb with that itachi set off), so there really shouldn't be an arm to put the cells into (not and have him use them), up to this point even tsunade doesn't know how to replace arms!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
LOVED what you did to sasuke, but you could/should have really killed him in like chapter 1... (he's ridicules really)... But still LOVED IT... Can naruto please go kill-off danzo now? (can't really understand why it's always such a big deal to kill him off, when he died so EASILY and pointlessly in canon, *nobody seemed to really notice, or care at all*) Don't really understand how sasuke had the sanshoo, OR the ameretsu though... Both of those are Mangekyo sharringan powers (but he would have been REALLY pathetic I guess, if he had neither). (really the sanshoo, amaretsu, kamui, tsukoyomi, inzaka, karin and inzanga are all powers...So kinda before that awakens, the sharringan just kinda acts like a "over-inflated" xerox machine.)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
Why would nami of ALL places be that important to an entire EMPIRE?.. But more importantly, nobody (ESPECIALLY not konoha) should have the resources to be picking a fight with an emperor... When they are supposed to be be (of which I haven't seen at all, throughout the entire story) being attacked by three other villages..(seriously I haven't seen ANY other battles except for ENDLESS masses they seem to be sending at naruto, is everyone else just giving them a "breather" or what?).. They most definitely shouldn't, knowing that even IF he was dragged in to the war, he'd just squash them like a bug FIRST, before doing anything else to anyone else!(seems like a REALLY stupid strategy) He'd lay waste to konoha FIRST, just out of spite(even if they covered their tracks in dragging him in)... Think about it, he already called back the third, just to kill off the old man's clan and seal his own grandson away for all eternity. *does this really sound like someone they should even want in the conflict in the first place?*(told the diyamo to go "f&ck himself" and then slaughtered HIS entire family, before delivering their corpses to all of them.) Just bringing naruto into the fight, regardless of "who did what to whom" pretty much insures/guarantees their complete extermination.

This chapter, is a bit...convoluted... to understand...
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9
Wait, how the heck did itachi even fight naruto in the first place? Shouldn't naruto be invisible to the sharringan? So it would be pretty impossible for that "one trick pony" to do much of anything at all to naruto.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9
Why does naruto need a glide suit? The rinnegan lets the bearer fly, as does kyuubi's chakra. So he's basically already got two methods of flight without the glide suit. Add in "rasengan flash" and we're up to three. Wind chakra gives 4.

Why would naruto need MORE information on the akutski,.. If he absorbed zetsu, then he already knows EVERYTHING about them! There is NOTHING more to learn. (they weren't all that complex of characters in any event) Just go wipe them out of existence... It shouldn't be that HARD if naruto's already got all these armies and all this power!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
Naruto with the moutoken actually makes a lot of sense, he's SUPPOSED to be the reincarnation of the sage of six paths right? (at least ashura) and he's SUPPOSED to be the reincarnation of the first hokage, which means he SHOULD actually have that bloodline... (kinda an oversight that he doesn't)... The rinnegan?.. Well maybe if he took sasuke's eyes! (Which I think he should have)... But then again the uzumaki had a WEIRD power-set that kept changing from person to person... (makes you wonder what they descended from) It was never nailed down in canon exactly WHAT anyone got from that bloodline (other then enhanced chakra, enhanced stamina and a STUPIDLY long life-span). But one kinda wonders if that was on purpose, if they had all that (along with godlike sealing knowledge) and ANY offensive powers... HOW WAS AN ENTIRE CITY OF THEM BEATEN?... It wouldn't make sense... They'd have CREAMED the other villages and set themselves up as an EMPIRE. There is a good one.. One in which uzu REIGNED supreme, it IS the elemental nations and naruto is the "hidden prince"... I bet they will NOT be happy with their "ROYAL BLOOD" being treated as he was and they would know better then ANYONE how to train him to power!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
Most authors on here couldn't do a "cold hearted" naruto to save their SOULS! Your all STUCK on "hero", "idiot", (even the ones that try to make him smart)... "happy" naruto... You can't get past the fact that using the naruto series? Is just using "skins" that everyone recognizes... They can act/do ANYTHING an author says, it's just the "skins" the public needs... Basically the gui intermediary... None of the story is important, none of the characters matter (other then the title character, duh), none of the original PLOT even is important... JUST the "skins"...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16
Last review makes sense, naruto does seem to "collect"... The misfit, unwanted "toys" of society... So it makes sense he gets a hell of a group of girls!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/16
*sigh* I get why you hate harem stories, it does tend to be about "gotta catch them all" on those stupid stories... But that's because in general the authors have NO IDEA how to write them... EMPERORS generally have harems, (it's part-and-parcel with the territory)... 50-60 wives even.. Do you HONESTLY think this ALL-powerful person went to EACH one of them, promising the moon?... NO... It's just implicit... You conquer a territory the most eligible girls, become the emperor's. Stop with the "angst", the "drama" and just do what history dictates... He gets Hinata as his wife.. along with ANY other girl in the village that's "good enough".. sakura... ino... maybe tenten (depending if negji lives or not)... because really those three DON'T HAVE ANYONE (not of the graduating class)... The uchiha needs to die (soon).. So sakura is lonely.. Sai was just a stupid filler character so he's out (and she's lonely)... and tenten? Most forget her... (so she's lonely)... Instead of pairing them with people they've ALREADY known all their lives and REJECTED... Naruto claims them ALL!
gabelou1991 chapter 7 . 5/4
Oh lal la jai en des frissons mais jarrive a le comprendre.
FenreldStormblade chapter 7 . 3/27
Its too bad it's been 3 years
.. hope you come back to it
Guest chapter 7 . 3/22
Guest chapter 7 . 1/30
Can not wait for more
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