Reviews for Heat
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
This is soooo good! Why did I read this just now. Anyway, I really like your writing style.
H.Y chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Nice little one shot. Loved the slow seduction and then the quick getting down to things and, of course, the phrasing ("... as if she was wine and he had been sober for decades").
Ignoring the fact that the two characters seemed to jump into the physical act a little too quickly considering their history, their personalities and the fact that Noodle did not seem to be that interested in Murdoc at the start of the fic (could be me, though), I really liked this. Thanks for writing and posting.
TwentyFivePercentMelancholy chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
That was soooo good! .
The plot was excellent, the sex scenes was excellent, it was all just really, really good. .

You should totally write more NuDoc, there aren't enough good fan fictions for that pairing, ya know?
Keep it up, friend. :3