Reviews for Gundam Build Fighters: Moving Forward
Guilmon240 chapter 6 . 4/22
Reading this so far only makes me think all these characters are Chunibyo or something because the delusion went from 0 to 100 So friggen fast
Type chapter 2 . 10/31/2018

It makes up for it by going very shounen And Gundam.
Brudah chapter 13 . 4/9/2018
Brudah: It has been 3 years old, and yet I kept waiting for an update, you abandoned a MCU- like universe when it is just starting while MCU is in Phase 3, and about to do thr most Ambitious Movie Crossover. And here I am waiting for you to comeback from the the dead... Please just update the story :3
bob chapter 13 . 4/17/2017
are you going to post soon?cant wait
YourFriendlyReader chapter 3 . 7/13/2016
Update it please the suspense is killing me for 1 year
Krulla Chief chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
GM-Juggler is the best ever, just look at its stupid yet awesome design.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/30/2015
Please man you got to continue. I really want to read the rest of Isamu crazy adventure.
Linkonpark100 chapter 13 . 10/12/2015
C'mon, what happens next?
Major Mike Powell III chapter 13 . 9/3/2015
Well, well, my friend...

Ok, to say that you and I don't "see eye-to-eye" doesn't quite begin to describe it, but hey, I said I would read and review this story to the end, and I stand by that. :3

Now, this chapter here was absolutely intense and insane.

The action was as badass as always, Isamu's inner monologues and completely self-aware commentary during and after the battle, throughout the rest of the chapter, were simply awesome and definitely made me burst out with chuckles several times. X'D

And of course, Like...daaaamn! o.O She put Akari in her place, and THEN some! Daaamn! I have no idea who the Hell is more insane in this story...or even IF anyone is sane at all. XD

Yet, despite dat creepy-ass moment there where Kaede went all yandere and reduced Akari to something akin to a whimpering puppy...I couldn't help but get some serious feelz and d'awww from that dialogue between her and Isamu towards the end, on their way back home. *O*

Also, I really, -REALLY- want to see the birth and first flight of the Gunpla that Vinny is building for Isamu, the Gundam Astray Arsenal Frame. X3

And also, in regards to your notes there, congratulations on achieving these feats, man. Creating a shared universe all of your own, something not at all unlike the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is no easy task and is very much commendable.

Hell, I think you've created a proverbial monster, given the new stories written by other people that are all spin-off's from "Moving Forward". XD That's some absolutely commendable work. :3

So, here's to the next chapter. I really wonder what's gonna happen next, especially on this "rematch" between Isamu and the woman behind the Red Zaku II that smoked Isamu in the practice match earlier on. X3

Great work, Marine! Keep it up!
Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
SkylordAndy chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
This is a pretty good story so far, i like the whole bit about the main characters backstory. Seems you have pretty good knowledge of gunpla as well. Im impressed. I eagerly await seeing what kind of gunpla the main chooses.
BlueBreaker chapter 13 . 7/14/2015
PLZ continue! I humbly beg u sir to continue this fic!
ThisIsShade chapter 13 . 2/21/2015
When will the new chapter be posted? Its really good
Hikaru Kurayami chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
This chapter was frigging hilerious. Keep it up! :)
major wallace chapter 13 . 1/21/2015
Twin Judge of Gemini chapter 13 . 1/21/2015
Again, I think the quick haul is a bit too much, you bringing "psycho yandere girlfriend" thingy is not good in the doing, she become somewhat more like plot device, and showing that side of Kaede a bit too fast is not fun...

Aside from that, action is still good, battling the EFREED is extremely awesome, alongside the fact that Zaku-II Kai being said a pushover really stings, especially when I think of Zaku-II Kai I always thing of Berny... Poor hamburger...

Hope you won't do the fanservice stuff like harem, but who am I to talk that? Its your story, so I'm hoping that you can write even better chapter than this
Happy Writing,
Twin Judge of Gemini
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