Reviews for Kim Possible: Dark Moon Rising
Zero Arashi Uchiha chapter 32 . 9/22
Outstanding performance. For this story is it really the end though? A werewolf kim possible was Awesome! I hope There's a part two of this out of all the Kp fics you made its awesome. The vampire one is more entertaining i hope to see more of your works that will entertain me
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Idea for a sequel that came from another of your fics, is building more with how Vivian Porter is a werewolf. Not only becoming part of Kim's new 'pack,' but later attempts by crooks at some groundbreaking developments of hers, or even just her work going rogue, leads to robots/androids vs. werewolves for the sake of the world! :-D
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 32 . 11/1/2019
Another fun one. Really enjoyed this whole werewolf story, including the Dr. Possible's taking a more assertive stance.
Gemini was also a refreshing change here, as you showed how much more competent he is (taking out those Amethyst against in particular while his Henches just sat back and watched the show), along with the revelation at the end of his deeper schemes.

Really hope you do a sequel. Stuff like government agents trying to recruit werewolves as special forces agents, and willing to resort to coercion as a distraction for Gemini. Taking his sister out by abusing her trust and slipping nanobots into her that are heavy in iron and get to her heart, basically putting her into a coma without any ready signs for why, and hitting Will Du with a Reverse Polarizer to make him a WEE agent. Lorwardian invasion is used a lot by you, but surprisingly good. Also some of the more traditional werewolf packs wanting to assert authority over the newer generation, including Kim, Shego, etc. (Vivian join their growing pack?). Hans of course takes a big step back, and gets popcorn to enjoy the show :-P
Guest chapter 9 . 1/4/2019
Can we just like assassinate Betty
KimPossiblefanboy818 chapter 2 . 12/1/2018
KimPossiblefanboy818 chapter 1 . 12/1/2018
truly* also . at end LOL iblive grammatical errors
KimPossiblefanboy818 chapter 1 . 12/1/2018
Lj58, the only author who can concistently use "bitch" without it truelly being an insult
Chad chapter 32 . 1/3/2018
Teletubby2015 chapter 9 . 10/14/2016
nkkknkkkokkkk konok Aaq. yu can
Teletubby2015 chapter 23 . 10/14/2016
Make a sequel to this please
sailor8t chapter 32 . 9/7/2016
This was a great ride! Thanks so much for sharing.
WillItWork chapter 32 . 8/6/2016
Wow, that was a long, epic, interesting story! Shame there's not a sequel, but you tied it up pretty well from here.

Honestly, I like how you humanize this cataclysmic confrontation, and using post-story KP is a great way to do it. Looking at your other stories, it seems to be the style of fusion you like, and this one came out really well, with a bit of conspiracy, and a lot of classic monster tropes.

Thanks for sharing.
Teletubby2015 chapter 31 . 6/12/2016
Please make a sequel to this story
Owieeey chapter 31 . 1/19/2016
Great fic, it was a great read. I loved it from beginning to end. :D
deathgeonous chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Ah, this is one of your more recent greats. Too bad that while I was reading it this time, I was interrupted almost more times then my mind could stand. One more interruption, and I may of actually hurt somebody. Well, thanks for writing this, and bye for now.
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