Disclaimer: This story is about POLITICS. Has been, will be. It has moved away from the original Scandal to centre on normal human behaviour, just as the original Scandal has descended into a hellish celebration of psychopathy and depravity. IMO.

The following quote is by a Sri Lankan journalist who knew he'd be murdered by the men in government, democratically elected, to represent the people, in a time of war: '[T]here is a calling that is yet above high office, fame, lucre and security. It is the call of conscience…. The free media serve as a mirror in which the public can see itself sans mascara and styling gel. From us you learn the state of your nation, and especially its management by the people you elected to give your children a better future. Sometimes the image you see in that mirror is not a pleasant one. But while you may grumble in the privacy of your armchair, the journalists who hold the mirror up to you do so publicly and at great risk to themselves. That is our calling, and we do not shirk it' - Lasantha Wickrematunge, assassinated January 8, 2009. His final editorial in full was published in the Guardian 13 January 2009, titled 'I hope my murder will be seen not as a defeat of freedom but an inspiration'.

We may not all be journalists and not all of us have a conscience. Those of us who write have a choice. To realize that - not just the rich, famous, or social justice professionals who've martyred themselves for a cause - have the responsibility to fight for democracy and peace. Everyone who desires those goals has that responsibility.

Voting is the easy part, the real work begins after an election – when we hold the people elected, to a higher standard of ethical behavior and moral conduct than that expected of an ordinary citizen. And for that, you need to KNOW what they are REALLY doing. I mean really DOING as opposed to what they are saying.

Fitz woke early Sunday morning, determined to surprise everyone by making breakfast all by himself, only to find Rowan and Jerry already seated at the kitchen table with Jerry scribbling on a notepad while Rowan peered through his reading glasses at the recipe book that Abby had presented Olivia.

"What are you guys making?" Fitz asked with sleepy gruffness, as he headed for the coffee machine that Rowan had switched on.

Jerry stopped scribbling and looked over his shoulder. "Dad, did you know the electoral college was designed to protect the slave states?"

Fitz paused with the glass decanter in hand and stared from Jerry to Rowan. "That's in a cookbook?"

Rowan removed the cookbook cover, to reveal the book hidden underneath, The Constitution Today by Professor Akhil Reed Amar. "I don't want Olivia to realise I'm on her unofficial election campaign."

Fitz grinned, as he finished pouring his coffee and brought the steaming mug over to the table, taking a seat next to Rowan."So you're homeschooling Jerry n the electoral process?"

"This isn't a school lesson, Dad. People have been writing me on Mom's election campaign page, asking questions about what Mom thinks about the electoral college, and how does she intend to win as an Independent, stuff like that. Grandpa Pope was helping me find answers."

"Anything you write as what your Mom Thinks, you're getting approval from Olivia, right?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Dad, I'll show Mom what I'm going to post. You can watch me."


"So, Dad, you know about the electoral college's Slave History?"

"I haven't checked the history, I was more focused on the 270 electoral votes out of 538 I needed to be President."

Rowan peered over his reading glasses at Fitz. "Doesn't say much for our democracy when only 538 people have the democratic right to elect a President out of nearly 250 million Americans eligible to vote."

Jerry turned the pages on his notebook and drew out several newspaper cuttings. "That totally sucks, and so does this. I've been reading that the states were meant to give one electoral vote for every half a million people in the state, but they gave the states with hardly any people more electoral votes, and cut the votes in places where wifi works."

"Jerry means that rural states were given more electoral votes, while high-density urban regions, like California, were given less. This distribution –"

"Called Gerrymandering, Jerry."

"Cute, Dad."

"—favour the Red States, but since the outcome depends on 12-14 swing states, like Ohio and New Hampshire, which can vote either Republican or Democrat, our President is really decided by a quarter of the states in this union."

"True. That's why, as us wanna-be Presidents, focus so much of our campaigning on those dozen or so swing states, at the expense of the rest of the country." Fitz drank his coffee before asking, "So what's the deal with the Slaves?"

Rowan went back to the book. "Amar's premise is that the South didn't want a President to be elected by popular vote, because they had more slaves who'd been disenfranchised than free white men who could vote. This didn't, however, stop them using slave numbers to increase electoral votes, by counting slaves at three-fifths a person, giving them an advantage over non-slave owning states."

"That explains why Virginia – which had the largest slave population – produced eight of the first nine Presidents of the United States."

Rowan peered over his glasses at Fitz. "It explains how America's racist institutions operate by adding insult to injury. They denied the vote to our slave ancestors but counted their bodies to increase the political power of slave masters. The same thing is happening today with the new age of slavery – felons robbed of the vote, are counted as residents in a town during the census."

"The census counts everyone including children and non-citizens, not just felons." At Rowan's gimlet stare, Fitz clarified. "That was a statement of fact, not a defense of the system."

Jerry looked at Rowan. "Sure sounded like he was defending the system."

Before Fitz could respond, Rowan said, "There's no defense for a system, designed to protect southern slave interests now being used to maintain a duopoly by plutocrats."

"Grandpa Pope thinks Mom can't win."

"What I said was that, even if the grassroots campaigns to get Olivia ballot access succeed, she'd still get zero electoral college votes like Ross Perot did in 1992, when he won 19 million or 19% of the popular vote but got no electoral college votes."

Fitz gave a slight shake of his head. "Olivia's case doesn't have to be like Perot's. He won a significant portion of the national popular vote, but he didn't win big in any one state, which is why he didn't get a single electoral vote."

"So Mom could still win?"

"In theory. Under the winner-takes-all legislation, passed in 48 of the 50 states, the winner of the popular vote gets all the states' electoral votes. Or at least that's the way it's meant to work. But as Grandpa Pope mentioned before, only a dozen or so states aren't safely Republican or Democrat – which means the bulk of the nation's popular vote goes to either the Democrat or Republican nominee. All they need to win is a few extra votes from the Swing States."

"But as Olivia doesn't stand a chance in the safe seats, the only way she can hope to win, as an independent, is with a nomination from one of the two major parties, which is what independents usually do, as that's the only way they stand a chance of winning." Rowan took off his glasses and fold the spectacle arms and placed them on his book.

"Can't we do something?" Jerry looked from Fitz to Rowan "What if none of the candidates get the minimum 270 votes to be President?"

"Olivia still can't win because the House of Representatives will vote for our next President," Rowan said heavily.

Fitz studied the depths of his mug, murmuring, "With the Republicans controlling the House, Sally Langston would win."

"Except they don't want Langston to win." Rowan reminded.

"Yes..." Fitz glanced up.

"You think that could help Mom?"

"I don't know, Jer. We'll have to wait and see."

After setting down the takeout tray of coffee and donuts for the team, Oscar was taking off his coat when Quinn stormed in.

"People are such bastards!"

"Anyone I know?" Oscar asked mildly, hanging his coat on the rack.

Quinn shoved her phone in his face. "A client sent this to me. It's a text targeting voters in Pennsylvania, with a link to a vote swapping app."

"Vote swapping app?"

"Democrats in safe seats are targeting Olivia's supporters in swing states, asking the independents to vote for Edison Davis, with the promise the Democrats will vote for Olivia."

"Wait – so these Democrats are promising to vote for Olivia in their safe seats, while getting Olivia's voters to vote for Edison in swing states, but there's no guarantee that the Democrats in the safe seats will actually vote for Olivia?"

"Bingo! They're telling people that voting for Olivia is a wasted vote, because Third Party candidates never win, but at the same time, they want to block any votes going to Sally Langston."

"Do I smell coffee?" Abby walked in.

"The Democrats are trying to stop people voting for Olivia." Quinn declared.

Abby's trajectory towards coffee, halted. "What are you talking about?"

"The Democrats have created vote swapping apps and vote flipping sites to get people to stop voting for Olivia."

"They're trading votes? You vote for Edison, and I'll vote for Olivia-type thing?" Abby frowned.

Quinn nodded. "They're trying to convince people in swing seats to vote for Edison. That way Olivia gets a reduced popular vote, and Edison will look more popular than he is because he'd get Olivia's votes from people who've been duped."

"I told you these bastards play dirty!"

"Can we sue?" Oscar sat on the edge of the table.

"No, we can't," Quinn grimaced.

Abby reached for a coffee container. "Porter v Bowen. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that vote swapping was protected under the First Amendment. And as no one was getting paid to swap votes, it couldn't be considered corrupt."

"What was the case?"

Quinn glanced at Abby, then folded her arms across her chest. "The year Dubya Bush stole the election from Al Gore, VoteSwap2000 said they wanted to increase Ralph Nader's popular vote across the country, but they wanted Al Gore to be President. Then California got the site shut down, allegedly because vote swapping corrupted the voting process. VoteSwap200 sued. They won."

"But this is some real horse trading shit." Oscar shook his head. "You've got people manipulating the popular vote. They're gaming the system. Didn't Ralph Nader get 2.7% of the vote? The guy got shafted and now they're trying the same trick on Olivia."

"They're gaming the system because our Founding Fathers in their great wisdom created the Electoral College to protect our democracy," Abby muttered.

Oscar looked at Quinn. "She's being sarcastic, right?"

"It's hard to tell."

Oscar looked at Abby. "This game is rigged and you know it. I can't be the only one seeing that men - who made owning another man and stealing his labour, legal - have fixed the voting game so we didn't really have a choice in the executive President. They wrote the Constitution like a plantation owners' guide to keeping us – we, the people – under the control of the plantation class. And every four years we take part in this game of choosing a President from a couple of people favoured by our slave masters."

Abby and Quinn avoided his gaze.

After a brief pause, Oscar said, "Let's have that coffee before it gets cold."

As Quinn approached to take her cup, she reached out and touched Oscar's arm. "This year, we want Olivia to win."

"And no vote swapping app is going to stop us," Abby said grimly.

"You remember all that talk about the electoral college during that Prison riot?"

Stuffing his work clothes into a washing machine, a shelter resident addressed his question to an audience of other residents, seated on folding chairs in the basement laundry, waiting for their clothes to wash, rinse and dry.

"Man, that wasn't a riot. Those guys were just meditating."

"They had a hostage."

"Yeah, I remember the talk about the electoral college." Mack said from the doorway. "I was there. Heard it with my own ears when President Fitzgerald Grant talked about it."

"Now, don't you go hijacking this conversation with talk of how you met the President," one man said testily.

"I wasn't hijacking the conversation. I was stating a fact."

"Well the fact is that it don't matter how many of us vote for Mz Olivia Pope, she ain't going to become President because of that damned Electoral College."

"What damn fool talk is that?"

"I ain't the fool. It don't matter how many of us vote for Mz Pope, one of them criminal candidates is going to win. That's how they've rigged the Electoral College to keep all them Independents like Mz Pope out."

"Where you hear that?"

"I heard it from the guy at the Transit Terminal. He's not gonna voting. Says it's a mug's game. Anyone convinced their vote counts is just foolin' themselves. He says he knows for a fact our vote ain't worth shit when we recycle billionaires and millionaires through the White House."

A man who'd been neatly folding his dried shirt, put it aside and said, "If Mz Pope don't win, it won't matter if we get a Democrat or a Republican. Either way, we'll be out on our asses, kissing a concrete sidewalk in our sleep."

"Well, I not gonna vote if Mz Olivia Pope can't be President."

"Me neither."

"Count me second."

"You ain't second. You'll be third."

"Second or third, I ain't voting."

"Three people not voting won't change a damn thing," Mack muttered, picking up an empty detergent box off the floor.

"He's saying we need to get more people not to vote."

"I said no such thing." Mack straightened, frowning.

"You should have said it. That's the only making any sense to me right now. We need to go back and knock on all them doors telling people not to vote if voting for Olivia Pope ain't gonna make her President."

"Knocking on a few hundred doors in DC ain't gonna do squat."

"But it'll spread the word, won't it?"

"We need to spread the word, across the country."

"How we going to do that?"

"We protest."

"What do you think we're doing right now?"

"Ain't nobody hearing you protesting down here in this basement. You need to be protesting where people can hear you, and see you."

News Panel

... "It all started with a picket line on Capitol Hill by the residents of a homeless shelter in DC, saying they won't vote if they can't vote for Olivia Pope"...

... "It probably would have ended there but Congress decided to call the cops"...

... "It got ugly when a whistleblower tweeted that the Department of Justice was telling the MPD chief to stop making arrests..."

..."It became a national crisis when President Lucas Zeke weighed in, telling Congress to zip it, because people had a right to protest – that's what the First Amendment was all about"...

..."He made it worse by saying the right to protest shouldn't stop at picket lines; it should include our right to avoid participating in systems of institutional injustice, unfairness and inequality. In short, he believes people have the fundamental right not to vote"...

..."The man's a died-in-the-wool Republican. Voter disenfranchisement is a thing in Red states"...

..."But President Zeke has a point. Voter turnout is an indicator of the health of our democracy, and we've never managed to get voter participation to hit the 70 per cent mark"...

..."The only developed countries that do – like Belgium and Turkey - have compulsory voting"...

..."The Republicans would never go for that"...

..."Now the #NoVote campaign is gaining momentum across the country, largely due to grassroots organizers reporting delays, stalling and outright rejections of their attempts to get Olivia Pope registered as a write-in candidate…"

Four Men in a Club

"What do you mean they ain't voting?" Chuck Cosh demanded, his face red. "How in Sam's hell are we going to rig an election if no one votes?!"

"I hear you, Chuck, I hear you," said the men on his left, his ear reddening and his expression pained. "But they don't want to vote for our candidate, and we can't make them."

"Why the hell not?! They only have to vote every four years, dammit! It's not rocket science – we've practically handed them a candidate on a plate. We take all the hard work out of the democratic process, and these bozos can't even vote!"

"But our Founding Fathers never wanted the masses to vote. They did their best to limit the number of people who could vote. When that didn't work, we had to work on voter disenfranchisement – like felony exclusion, purging voter rolls, introducing ID laws, promoting voting disinformation campaigns – you name it, we've done it. BTW, and I recall, most of this has been achieved in the Red States. "

Chuck's eyes bulged as he was left with nothing to say. Doug steepled his fingers. "It's true. We've managed to keep the tyranny of the masses at bay and we've been vilified for those efforts, but what Chuck is getting at - is that if people don't vote, we're gonna have a hard time winning hearts and minds when we roll our armoured tanks into heathen hellholes to spread American values - like freedom and democracy. Voting is the whole kit and caboodle. Take that away and what have we got? Nothing."

"What I want to know," Chuck demanded, finding his voice again. "Is what happens if no one votes?"

"The House chooses our next President. You know the last time the house chose a President – we got the party system," said one of the suits, re-lighting his cigar. "Martin van Buren created the Democratic Party after Andrew Jackson lost the Presidency in 1824."

Chuck's colour subsided and he reached for his glass. "Okay, let the House decide again – we've already got the party system organized just the way we like it. They can't mess with something that ain't broke."

"The house is controlled by Republicans. If they were to vote along party lines, Sally Langston will be our next President," said the other suit.

Chuck scowled. "But we don't want a loose cannon to be President."

"Do you want Republicans to lose Congress after they vote for a Democrat?"

"The other alternative is to do away with the executive President, as a first step, and Congress eventually." The first suit blew out a thin stream of smoke.

There was a thundering silence and Chuck's eyes bulged again as he stared at the speaker as if he were a genie who'd popped out of a bottle. "You want to do away with the puppet government?"

"I'm saying we should pull aside the curtain and show Dorothy the Wizard."

Doug frowned. "If I remember the ending of that story, Dorothy wasn't impressed with the man behind the wizard."

"Enough with the Wizard of Oz references," Chuck bristled. "You're talking about destroying the Constitution."

"The Constitution doesn't guarantee our citizens the right to vote."

"The hell it doesn't!"

"That's not my conclusion," the suit smiled. "It's what the Supreme Court decided when Al Gore sued Bush junior over the Florida count - that no individual citizen has the right to vote for the electors who choose the President. In other words, our citizens don't have a constitutionally protected right to vote."

"What about the Voting Rights Act?"

"The aim was to rid racial discrimination in the electoral process, but it doesn't affirm anyone's right to vote. "

The other suit shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin have introduced a Constitutional Amendment to address this issue. They want to give every citizen, of voting age, the fundamental right to vote in a public election within the bounds of where they live."

The cigar-smoker grinned. "It takes seven years to pass a Constitutional Amendment. What we're proposing can be achieved in one election. It's a great way to protect our interests by getting rid of the executive branch of government. Not when a long-shot has the winning odds in this race. But if no one votes, we could successfully argue that democracy has failed."

Doug shook his head. "You ready for the wrath of the 99%?"

"The 99% our divided into little clans of discontent, they wouldn't be able to put aside their differences long enough to come together and threaten the new world order. We don't have anything to worry about."

"Because we haven't given them a reason to unite under a single, overriding issue. Losing the right to vote for a puppet government will bring about the impossible."

"I'm with him on this one," Chuck admitted.

"Then we're going to have to encourage people to vote."

"But they don't want to vote for our guy."

"We don't have a democracy by popular vote."

"Because these guys don't have a Constitutional Right to vote?"

"They don't have the Constitutional Right to vote for the electors who choose our President. And you said it yourself, Chuck, we can't rig an election if no one votes."

Chuck was silent for a moment, letting that sink. Then he sat forward with a grin. "Pass me one of them cigars."

Breaking News

…Thirty states have declared that Independent candidate Olivia Pope Grant will be allowed to contest the Presidential election as a write-in candidate…

"Man, they must really want us to vote," said one of the picketers, as they rode home on the bus.

"You don't think that's strange, 30 states just up and saying – 'we're going to let y'all vote for Mz Pope' after we told them 'hell no, we won't vote'? You'd think we never had no Jim Crow law and voter ID restrictions to make it damned near impossible for us to vote."

"They up to something."

"What are they up to?"

"Do I look like I know all the answers?"

"Guess the No Vote campaign got them all shook up. Or they wouldn't be letting Oliva in as a write-in candidate." Oscar grinned, as watched the wait staff bring in a serving plate of baked spuds, hot from the oven.

Zeke reached for the slaw. "They know Olivia won't mess with their plans to get Edison into the White House."

"Have we ever had a write-in candidate win?"

"No one's come close to the Presidency but I remember the shit that went down in the party room when Senator Lisa Murkowski won in 2010 as a write-in. She went rogue after she lost the Republican primary to Sarah Palin's Tea Party pick Joe Miller. Those Alaskans came through for her. Took the establishment by surprise. But Murkowski wasn't the first. The first guy to win a Senate seat as a write-in, was a man my Ma refused to let my Pa mention in our house – Strom Thurmond."

"What the hell did he do?"

"He was a Democrat who turned Republican because he didn't agree with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He wrote the first draft of the Southern Manifesto, disagreeing with the Supreme Court ruling in Brown and the Board of Education which outlawed public school segregation. He even campaigned for Barry Goldwater, who has to be our least popular candidate for President. Goldwater got 52 electoral votes, compared to Lyndon Johnson's 486."

"Fifty two?"

"Fifty two. Those were different times, you couldn't win elections as a racist."

"But Lyndon Johnson was a known racist."

Zeke chuckled. "Hell yeah. If that ain't ironic, though. It was Johnson who appointed Thurgood Marshell as a Supreme Court Judge; signed into law the 1957 and 1964 Civil Rights Acts, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and effectively smashed Jim Crow. Man, Lyndon Johnson divided more blacks than any other President I know – black people loved and hated that man all in the same breath." Zeke put down his fork. "Speaking of racists, there's something else I gotta tell you about Strom Thurmond. Sure shocked the hell outta of everyone, except my Ma. Six months after Thurmond died, we hear he has a daughter and get this, she's black."

"The plantation class is something else. Nothing changes with them. Nothing."

Abby and Quinn shut off the lights in the office and waited in corridor for the lifts which opened to show Huck.

"Where have you been all day?"

"On a mission."

"What kind of mission?"

"The secret kind." Huck stepped out of the elevator and walked back into the office.

The women looked at each other, then followed Huck.

"Huck, what's going on?"

"Jerry gave me a job."

"What kind of job?" Abby frowned.

"He wanted me to stop troll-bots attacking Olivia. I know someone who could help with that, an old military buddy of mine. Making troll bots is one of his hobbies. But he's also got his own tech security business. He's got an army of college and high school kids hacking all kinds of companies, just so he knows how to fix their online security systems."

"One of the kids found something?" Quinn asked excitedly.

Abby looked at her, as Huck said, "Don't rush me."

"Okay, okay."

"One of the kids found something," Huck said. "On a major corporate media site."


"They know the results of the Presidential election."

"But no one has voted yet. Excepted maybe the postal votes, but they haven't even begun counting those."

"They know the results." Huck repeated.

Abby folded her arms across her chest. "You mean they've got some bogus numbers, giving Edison the win."

"Yep. And Olivia gets less than one per cent of the popular vote."

"What?! That's crazy!" Quinn gaped, outraged. Then sat down. "Oh wait, I see what they're doing…"

"They want Olivia to lose, and lose badly so her supporters lose hope and go back to voting for the two major parties in the next election," Abby finished for her.

"We can't let them get away with this."

"No." Huck said grimly.

"So what are we going to do?"

A/N : This time my note will be divided into references and rant.

This chapter is a bit delayed because doing research was a bit Alice-Down-the-Rabbit-Hole; learning about one thing led to learning about several other things... all of which made me realise I should have researched the electoral college a long time ago – as in before Chapter 1.

So I'm sharing the original sources so you can learn for yourself about the information that I've twisted out of context

FAQ | Prison Gerrymandering Project - Prisoners of the Census

How the Electoral College Cripples Third-Parties and Hurts Democrats Simultaneously, Independent Thinker

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions – National Archives and Records Administration

Voting is not a right- Salon

The Missing Right: A Constitutional Right to Vote - Democracy

Pocan and Ellison Call on Congress to Pass Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment - Keith Ellison's media centre

- end of references -

Now for the rant. Thank you to my actual readers, for giving such considered, generous and incredibly kind feedback. I'm lucky to have you reading this story. Truly.

So why do I rant when this is not part of the story? Actually it is part of the story. Sharing what I'm learning about America has been the whole point of this story. That's why I rant - because the number of reviews telling me to stop ranting (as opposed to the couple encouraging me on! LOL) tells me that it's got a few people talking (even if it's just to figure out news ways to insult me. At least they have to discuss why they're so outraged and that's spreading new ideas into the straight-jacketed thinking of partisan loyalty).

Besides, we're having a dialogue, despite differing opinions and being at cross-purposes - that's adult of us. More adult than the men in government who bomb everyone to smithereens at the slightest indication of disagreement.

[The rant really starts now]

To anyone reading this, I encourage you to think critically as an antidote to encouraged hysteria. It is the only way you can navigate through the cacophony of nonsense I've been seeing from the gatekeepers of approved thought. BTW no one can tell you what to think, including me. What I'm doing is encouraging you read as much as you can in order to see the picture from a wider angle.

So, as an example, if you think the Russians sabotaged your election - because the hackers used Russian monikers, used Russian servers and were in a Russian time zone i.e. they were clearly identifiable as Russians to any bored high school code-breaker, and because Obama, the CIA and Killary said so - you may want to read :

The CIA's Absence of Conviction - Craig Murray (you can read all about the ex-UK ambassador who has got himself into heaps of trouble telling people his honest opinion in - The envoy who said too much, The Guardian)

US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims, Consortium News (This includes NSA whistleblower William Binney)

Why Are the Media Taking the CIA's Hacking Claims at Face Value? The Nation. [This puts the whole Russian accusations in perspective - the Russians have been accused of hacking DNC emails, NOT the election, and therefore swaying public opinion from a Killary win]

Or you may not want to read them.

But anyone older than 30 – like I am – should remember that we've been through all this before. The same cacophony of nonsense was heard at the start of the Iraq War. Western media, western politicians, NATO, all with the clout of authority and faked evidence tried to convince their citizens that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Now, most people know that Iraq didn't.

Even 13 years ago, there were people who didn't buy the official narrative – there were mass Protests, people who'd lived through lies during the Vietnam War protested, lobbied and wrote reams against the Iraq War. There were people [experts, investigators, people who actually were in Iraq and not in Dubai or a faked CNN live telecast using a green screen] saying the WMD allegation was lies, BEFORE the war started. They were drowned out, sidelined and vilified. Now we're back to the same hysteria in defence of a woman who clearly cannot adult – she's moved away from blaming the basket of deplorables to blaming the Russians. And Obama wants to go to war with Russia – as if 7 countries on his death and destruction tally are not enough.

That brings me to the topics in the responses that I'd like to address:

'America will keep bombing the Middle East and killing Brown People.'

Why? What is wrong with you, that you think this is an established fact. Have you examined your reasoning sufficiently to find the root cause of this psychosis? Has violent numbnut Hollywood desensitized you against living in this world without using weaponized bullying?

'Obama is not to blame. He is a victim of circumstance.'

This fairytale gets a lot of airtime. But he's not a victim. Not like Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old who drowned while his Syrian family was trying to escape Obama's bombs. He is dead. At Three Years Old. Why? Because Barack Hussein Obama wanted to prove to his white masters that he could deliver on The Plan they'd been plotting for years to overthrow the sovereign government of Syria [and seven other countries]. Obama achieved what bumbling idiots before him could not. But hold the applause – ask yourself what the hell is he achieving – death and destruction. For what? – cheap oil and the idiot reasoning of Israel who 'fears' any country that doesn't want to 'sit with them'. America's is Israel's pet gangster and war lord, apparently.


The Redirection - Seymour M. Hersh , The New Yorker, 5 March 2007 [Mentions then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice presenting America's agenda for regime change before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Yes, that's right a bunch of Americans sat down and decided to overthrow a democratically-elected government in another country for the heck of it, because they can, who's gonna stop them and other such BS]

US' Syrian 'Regime Change' Operation Part Of 'Broader Plan' For Middle-East – Mint Press News, 21 October 2016

Clinton Email Shows US Sought Syria Regime Change for Israel's Sake – , 21 March 2016

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath – TruthOut 9 October 2015 [The Syrian regime change plan goes back to 2006 as per this article. Obama launched his war in 2013.]

Propaganda for Syrian 'Regime Change' – Consortium News, 23 August 2016

Washington's Longstanding Plans to Implement "Regime Change" in Syria –Global Research , 27 Sep 2015 – This report takes mentions General Wesley Clark revealing The Plan to destroy governments in SEVEN COUNTRIES back to 2001 (TWELVE years before Obama dropped his first bomb on Syria. BTW OBAMA HAS WARS IN SEVEN COUNTRIES! You will not BELIEVE WHERE? Hint- quote from General Wesley Clark "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense's office. It says we're going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years – we're going to start with Iraq, and then we're going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." - Wes Clark and the NeoCon Dream, Salon]. Not exactly a carbon copy and not exactly in 'five years', but Obama has done his darnedest achieving the NEOCONSERVATIVE Dream...as a 'Democrat'.

For those who still believe Barack Obama is not to blame for any of these actions, please check out all the white people vocally and visibly supporting white cops who kill random black people for no other reason than they are black. You are more alike than you realise – whether it's supporting colourism or a stubbornly clinging to your blind faith in the 'righteous actions' of authority. So I hope you have a great deal of understanding and compassion for those supporters of killer cops. BTW to those who are 'offended' by this comment - what a privilege that is, living in a country that kills for fun and profit.

'Who cares if he killed other people; the man was a beacon of hope for black people'

To the people who parrot how much Barack Obama has done for black America, just listening to his words without looking at the facts - FYI his presidency [or his Wall Street crony cabinet] has been better for the top 5% of the country. If you're one of them good for you. Not so good for the other 95%. You don't have to believe me, or read the sources I've provided below. Instead I would just encourage you simply to consider if you are better off today, than you were 10, 20 years ago. I'm not talking about your ability to buy stuff – I'm talking about your ability to 'survive an unexpected financial set back' – are your savings greater than your debt, do you own anything that isn't on lease or loan, if you lost your job can you afford medical bills? That kind of thing.

And I'd encourage you to read or listen to economics professor Michael Hudson on Junk Economics and Private Debt (he's on Youtube)


9 Facts Shatter Obama's Claim that Black America Is Better Off Since He Took Office – Independent Journal Review , 12 2014

Is Black America Better Off Under Obama? Black Press USA, 5 January 2015

Barack Obama and the paradox behind his African American support base – The Guardian, 4 November 2012

How eight years of Barack Obama created Donald Trump, Pakistan Today, 9 November 2016

Black America Don't Worry About Trump – The Gantt Report, African Globe 15 November 2016

'The Democrats are the Lesser Evil, how can you live with yourself, not realizing this fact'

Please read :

Regime Change Abroad, Fascism at Home: How US Interventions Paved the Way for Trump – CounterPunch

Tyranny at Standing Rock - CounterPunch

My biggest worry about Trump is he'll be just like Obama – AntiMedia. The author writes: 'Even though Barack Obama has deported more people than any president in history, is the most prolific arms dealer on planet earth since World War II, has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all U.S. presidents combined, bombed twice as many nations as George W. Bush, and signed a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without trial, Americans have largely remained hushed with their criticism of the 44th president of the United States.'

JSoc: Obama's secret assassins – The Guardian. Which contains this illuminating paragraph - The US executive now has a network of secret laws, secret budgets, secret kill lists, and a well-funded, globally deployed army of secret teams of assassins. That is precisely the driving force working behind what we can see. Is fascism really too strong a word to describe it? (Btw, this was a reference to Obama's fascism, not Trump's).

It's been obvious, to a few fringe-seekers of inconvenient truths, that America has been living with a fascist for at least 8 years already {actually more]. The clue should have been all those minorities, women, children, mentally ill, homeless, disabled people getting PUBLICLY EXECUTED BY COPS [state employees] without ANY CONSEQUENCE FOR THEIR CRIMES. Trump the Chump is just the icing on a very nasty Fascist cake baked in America a very long time ago.