Thou ask, and thou shall receive!

The next story in my Years Series is here!



It All Started With A Dream...

3rd Person POV

"So why did you call us here? The school year starts tomorrow and you dropped out to move back home." Chow groaned as he sat in the middle of the dream quad with Johnny and Blake.

He decided to hold off on telling me what he wanted to during the dinner party at the beginning of the summer since Blake was absent and now he's called my entire staff in our dreams to talk to us out of nowhere.

"There's something you need to see that involves your job. One of my more repressed memories."

"Aww... Did someone play with your no-no zone when you were little?" Johnny joked as he was punched in the arm by Chow and Blake respectively.

"Dude. This is serious." Chow scolded him as he turned back to Joshua. "Continue."

"Let me just show you. It's easier that way."

Suddenly, a rift opened up and a scene played out before us.

Flashback, 13 years ago

There was a huge courtroom filed with 13 angels and Joshua who was standing in front of them.

"Joshua. We of the tribunal have charged you with the task of establishing a Reaper's Game in Monstropolis, a world parallel to Earth. It's the least you could do after the prank you pulled at the last Composer meeting."

"So what do I have to do?" He rolled his eyes as the tribunal kept talking.

"Creating a game takes a long time depending on the staff and requires a Composer, Conductor, and Producer with a great deal of love for their world." A female angel explained as she slid him 3 files. "Find these monsters and prep them for the job. They're mission will be given to them when the time is right. Understood?"

"Blake Boggs, Head Producer. Johnny Worthington, Head Conductor. Chow Buffet, Head Composer." He read aloud. "So they'll be in charge of all games in their world?"

"Yes. Use any means necessary as long as they're properly prepared. Until the true Composer is ready, you shall be the substitute. Replacements for the others are irrelevant."

"Any means I see fit?"

"As long as they're prepared."

"You're sure?"

"Umm... Yes?"

"Great. Bye!" Josh chirped as he disappeared from the room.

Present, Chow's POV

"So this was planned years in advance?" I groaned as Joshua smirked at me.

"Your world was so boring to watch the first year or so. I had to have some fun. Taking your mom was just a bonus. She really is good company and motivated you to train."

"So when is the right time?" Blake inquired with a serious face.

"They should be calling you soon to check your progress and assign your missions now that you've all accepted your positions."

"Great. And all before my first day as a Sophomore. Sounds fantastic." Chow groaned sarcastically as something in Johnny's head clicked.

"Wait! You're related to Randy?!" He shrieked as Blake laughed.

"He's my cousin. How you're just realizing this is beyond me. How else would he have just stayed with me after you dropped him off in an unknown location."

"He is a really sensitive monster. I doubt he would've stayed put if he didn't know Blake." Chow added with a smirk.

"You knew?"

"I had a hunch, but I found out when I saw his accident in a news article on his coffee table that shouldn't exist anymore."

"And now that you know," Blake began as he walked over to Johnny, "If you hurt my cousin, no matter how close we are, I will cause you agonizing pain with the power my imagination now grants me. I told Randy the same thing, so you've both been warned."

"I'd never hurt him. These are facts."

"Great! We all love each other! Now can we wake up?! I'm not gonna be late because the human with a god complex kept me up at a dream business meeting!"

"Fine. I've got a game to plan anyways." He shrugged as the area went dark.