The Doctor never forgot an important day. Especially today. Today was his and River's anniversary, and he wanted to make it unforgettable. Retrieving River from the university, he whisked her off to the fifth moon of Endali. They went for a romantic stroll along the Kritwelch ravine and then to a play at the Weltimgerg theater. After a lovely dinner, the Doctor took her back to the TARDIS in time to see a beautiful super nova of red and pink explode in the sky. River looked at him with a huge grin on her face. This man, this kind kind, loving person always went out of his way to make things perfect. And it was, everything was perfect. "Thank you" she spoke softly before pulling the Doctor into a deep and passionate kiss. River already had ideas in her head about just the perfect way to thank him. She took his hand a led him to their bedroom. That was the beginning of a long and fantastic night.

But the next day, River had to go back to the university. With a peck on the check, River left the Doctor to his shenanigans. She immediately launched her self back into her studies, spending most of her time in the library. Days and nights passed. River was hard at work, burying herself in her archaeological studies. But as usual, after weeks had passed, she began to miss the Doctor more than ever.

River was in the library one night pretending to rea. She sat at the table and had a book on ancient Godiste but she stared off into the dark corners on the library. Just thinking. Thinking about the Doctor. She was considering sending him a message to get his ass over here when she heard a noise. No one was allowed in here at night accept her because she had special permission. One hand slowly drifted down to the gun she always carried. River was standing now, on full alert. A tall shadow emerged from behind a bookshelf. The creature was wearing a suit and raised it's three fingered hand to point at River. She whipped her head behind her to see if there was any of them behind her...

But she forgot

Why was her heart pounding? Why was she standing up and holding her gun. She was looking at the weapon in her hand and noticed black lines covering the length of her right arm. Oh.

She whipped back around and saw the creature for the first time (thousandth time)

"Melody Pond..." It said in a raspy voice. "You will tell the Doctor"

"What? Tell him what?" Her gun was pointing at it.

"Tell him... The one thing that could make him afraid. That could turn more enemies on to him than there already are. Tell him-"

"Shut up!" She screamed, not wanting it to finish the rest of its sentence. She without thinking, she shot at the creature and ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could. She didn't even look where she was going. River ran down the empty halls hoping against all odds that someone else would be there. Darting around a corner, she paused to catch her breath.

Why was she running? She looked around at the empty halls, gun still clutched in hand. Wasn't she just in the library? She must've decided to take a stroll... no. That couldn't be right. She ripped her sweaty brow on the back of her hand, and stared in shock at the black smudges. Her face had a look of horror as she saw her arms covered with tally marks. How long had the Silence been here?

In the distance she could hear something moving around. Probably looking for her. And she heard another noise. The Tardis. River looked around the corner. There were several of the Silence. All on high alert. And behind them was the Tardis. She only had one choice. At full speed, River charged towards the Tardis's open doors, shooting in every direction the whole way there.

She made it.

The Doctor was there, circling the console saying things like "What has gotten into you? Just taking off on your own, why would you do that?" He rambled on as the Tardis took flight again. It took several more moments for him to notice River standing there looking dazed. "Oh! River! That must've been it! She was bringing me to you! Oh brilliant! But... Why? Were you in danger? River?!" The Doctors face became full of concern as he saw every inch of visible skin illustrated with black lines.

River couldn't move, she was still in shock. She couldn't remember very clearly what just happend. She was in the library, then she had her gun. Why did she have her gun? She remembered being in the hall. How did she get there? And she had looked at her arms as she was doing now. It was the Silence. The Doctor, not knowing what else to do, opened his arms to her, but she didn't move from her place. Only shook her head, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotion. River sat down on the chair in the console room with her head in her hands. The Doctor put his hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong?" he asked in a sympathetic voice.

River deep was deep in thought. She could hardly hear anything the Doctor was saying to her. "I have to tell you..." What was she saying? Why was she saying that? Attempting to speak again, she realized there were tears streaming from her eyes. The Doctor looked at her curiously. River Song never cried, not ever. Something had to be seriously wrong. Finding her voice, she managed to slowly talk. "Doctor... I'm pregnant." She paused. The look on his face was of shock, surprise, and a bit of excitement. "And the Silence knows."