Dark Whispers ( chapter 1)

"You're too plain and boring. Not my type."

Sho Fuwa's words echoed in her head as Kyoko Mogami ran down the empty high school hallways. Images of memories with her childhood friend flashed in Kyoko's mind, yet he shook her off now in the blink of an eye.

"SHO – TA – RO!" She growled, slowing down angrily,

"Ano...excuse me." a voice called out nervously behind Kyoko.

Kyoko turned around and came face –to –face with a tall, handsome guy who had blonde hair and blue eyes that glittered due to his dazzling smile. This boy seemed a few years older than Kyoko. Kyoko had to say that he had a sense of style because the teenager was wearing a white collared button down shirt with a few of the top buttons left open, and dark denim jeans with a long black unbuttoned coat on top. Although Kyoko was mad, the boy's gentlemanly smile of heaven lifted her murderous, painstaking mood instantly.

"Yes?" Kyoko asked, wondering why a gorgeous, angelic boy like him was wasting his time talking to a plain girl like herself.

"I'm a senior, but this is my first day here. I was wondering if you could show me around." The teenager said, looking at Kyoko with hopeful eyes.

"Of course," Kyoko replied, not being able to let the new student down, "I'm Kyoko Mogami." She added, raising her hand.

The new student, a foreigner Kyoko guessed, took her hand and shook it firmly, but also enthusiastically.

"I'm glad I bumped into you instead of someone else, Mogami –san. I'm Kuon Hizuri." He said. Kyoko didn't understand why, but for some reason Kuon instantly brightened up and seemed more enthusiastic about talking to Kyoko when she introduced herself.

"If you don't mind Hizuri –san," Kyoko began.

"Mogami –san, please call me Kuon." Kuon cut in politely by raising his hand, now seeming as if Kyoko had committed a crime and he was showing her a full blast of anger.

"Okay," Kyoko said nervously, letting out a heavy sigh, "Kuon –sempai, May I see your schedule?"

"Of course, Mogami –san." He said, brightening up again, rustling papers through his bookbag. "Ah, here it is." Kuon handed Kyoko a folded piece of paper.

"Hmm…so you have lunch right now. Yay! At least now I have one time to see you during the school day." Kyoko exclaimed, but she herself wasn't sure if she felt happy about this or not. Kuon was a nice guy, but he was very mysterious and had an unusual personality.

" Although we have lunch together, Mogami –san, you seem a little unsure if that is good news or not." Kuon said, getting a dark expression on his face,

"N-noooo! That's not what I meant, Kuon –sempai." Kyoko said nervously, muttering apologies. "I just don't want other girls to get jealous of a plain girl like me being in the company of a fairy prince like you." She muttered, but Kyoko was sure that Kuon heard every word.

Kuon chuckled softly, "Fairy prince? What gave you that idea? Wait…" Kuon paused as he processed the beginning of what Kyoko had muttered, "Plain girl? Who called you that , Mogami –san? Was it that "Sho" guy you were cursing earlier?" Kuon's voice became dangerously low.

"Umm…yes." Kyoko said, nervously. "But it's nothing really." Kyoko added quickly, regretting what she had muttered.

"Nothing really? Who is this "Sho"? I know he means something, Mogami –san, because every time I say his name, you freeze as if trapped in a typhoon of memories" Kuon said, now looking torn between mad, and sympathetic.

Wow, he's good at noticing things, Kyoko thought, better be careful in the future, if there is any that is because he looks ready to kill.

"We're childhood friends. I kind of developed a crush on him, so I confessed to him before you saw me muttering to myself earlier. He rejected me and brushed me off by calling me plain, boring and not his type."

Kuon clenched his fists and said , "And you believed him?" When Kyoko nodded sheepishly, Kuon added, grabbing her shoulders, "Mogami –san, you are NOT plain or boring. America, that's where I come from, has a lot of gorgeous girls, but you are better than any I've met so far. Don't you dare let an arrogant, self –centered guy like that man push you around by putting false ideas into your head, okay?"

At this point, Kuon was practically yelling. When Kyoko nodded, Kuon relaxed his grip on Kyoko's shoulder a little.

" Good because any sane, normal guy would notice how unique you are. If you had confessed to me rather than that man, Mogami –san, then I would have instantly accepted your feelings as well as return them." Kuon said, now practically whispering.

When Kyoko processed his words, which took a while to do because he had a slight accent (though Kyoko found it adorable) and he was whispering, she realized that Kuon had cleverly sugar –coated a confession. What do I do, Kyoko thought to herself, panicking as Kuon stared at her waiting for her reply, a man actually loves me!

"Kuon –sempai, thank you for making me feel better." Kyoko said, although she desperately wanted to tell him that she also was interested in him, but she wasn't sure if she took his words the wrong way and she didn't want to bother him. So, she settled for a sincere show of gratitude.

Now it was Kyoko's turn to stare blankly at Kuon as she waited for him to reply. Is he mocking me?, she asked herself.

Kuon, however, was shocked and expected Kyoko to realize what he had meant. Guess I have no choice but to show her what I meant, Kuon thought, internally sighing heavily at Kyoko's innocence.

Then Kuon did something Kyoko never expected. When he leaned over, Kyoko thought he was about to whisper something in her ear, but instead his lips met hers. Kyoko froze and realized that he had confessed and he thought that she didn't know what his words meant. You underestimate me, Kuon –sempai, Kyoko thought to herself as she pressed forward towards him. when Kyoko put her hand in Kuon's hair to press him forward, the feeling of his soft, smooth hair caused her forgotten childhood memories to come crashing down on her. this in turn caused a realization to form in her head.

"Corn?" Kyoko whispered when they broke apart. Kuon smiled and Kyoko immediately knew that he was her childhood fairy prince.

Little did they both know that someone evil had seen the whole thing.