A/N: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read Chance. It was my first fanfiction so the fact anyone liked it is awesome to me! This one will be more chapters and will pick up a year later from Inu and Kagome's run in. There will also be more of our favorite characters in it. To get it out of the way now, no Kikyou will not be in this one. There will be a back story involving her eventually but she's not getting a main role. Thanks again.

I have decided to edit every chapter and repost them so if there is major changes made I will tell you here in the author's notes. Thanks again!

This Fic. received a second place award for best drama in the October 2015 term of Feudal Association.

Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the manga/anime characters.

However any original characters in this fic belong to me.

Inuyahsa's thoughts and Kagome's thoughts

Chapter one: Even after a year...

The sunset was bleeding across the sky, clashing with the deep, blue sheet of night that was falling turning the clouds a sickly purple. Cars and people milled around on the streets below completely unaware of the dangers that sat above them or moved among them. They were happy to act like their worlds were in perfect order. Smiling and waving talking about the weather, their day, their children. It all made Inuyasha scoff. They had no idea of the war happening in the alleys they passed or the dark streets they avoided.

"Goodbye, Inuyasha."

Her soft voice still rang in his ears even after a year. No amount of nothing had washed his memory of the girl he saved. Inuyasha had taken one of the biggest chances of his life saving her and taking her to the police station. She had seen his face, knew his name, if she had told the police all she known he would have definitely had trouble. Thanks to the money his family had and the fact he wasn't flashy with his crimes, Inuyasha was not a well-known name with the police minus a few rich boy stunts early in high school.

If she would have given a description they would have been lead to him and his older brother. Sesshomaru would have been cleared no matter how far they would dig but him...well if they wanted to know bad enough they would find something, he was too active to think other wise. But here he sat, on top of his new headquarters, a year later and still free. His golden eyes gazed at the fading light from the sun, the sky grew increasingly dark as stars tried their best to be seen over the bright lights of the bustling city a few blocks away.

There were things to be done but he had no desire for the war anymore. Swinging his leg over the side of the building as he leaned on the roofs a/c unit he sat quietly letting his mind race around while the machine hummed against his back. The sun took it's last longing look at the world before going to bed for the night and slowly the lingering light faded as well.

"Kagome...where are you tonight? How far away is your world from mine?"

The final sliver of the moon began to rise as his mind ran off with him. Inuyasha couldn't put a finger on what it had been about that woman who had made his mind wander to her when he was alone. He had wanted to find her, learn more about her. The gang he ran had the resources to do it but he couldn't bring himself to give the order. A clawed hand ran through his silver hair as he leaned an arm on a bent knee.

"I guess in the end it doesn't matter. There's a war to be fought and she doesn't need to need to be dragged into this. Keh, like she'd even want to be bothered by me anyways."

Too his surprise the other sides of his consciousness had nothing to say. At first his demon had raged on and on about wanting the girl back and to his dismay the human side had agreed for the most part. Eventually they both stopped trying to sway him and let him think in peace. The decision firm in his mind and no part of him fighting about it, Inuyasha rose from his perch. Same as many other nights he left his thoughts of the woman, who drew such longing from him, there on the roof. Bending his knees than releasing his coiled muscles he bound to the door at the far end of the black tar roof. It opened easily revealing a stairwell with bad fluorescent lighting. Techno from the club vibrated the walls all around. The hanyou tucked his ears down as close to skull as they could go to lessen the noise as it grew while he descended the stairs.

The metal door at the end of the stairs lead to the top floor hallway where his half-brother's office was. Having no reason to want to see the bastard, Inuyasha passed it by on his way to the private elevator. He stepped into the elevator, poking the button for the first floor that was the club scene. The elevator passed two other floors that held Sesshomaru's investment corporations which functioned during the day. What could he say his brother, like his old man, had a head for numbers. Sure he had the same ease with numbers, stock projections, all that shit, but he found he liked to use the skill for projecting enemy movements.

A smirk played at his lips as his mind ran over the shock on Kagura's face when his team had shown up at her latest drug exchange. No matter how many time Naraku tried to change locations, dates, even dealer, Inuyasha and his gang had been able to counter one way or another. They had been winning the war, gaining on Naraku. That was until four months ago. The drug deal involving Kagura had been pure luck but he wouldn't tell a soul that truth. All of a sudden Naraku had grabbed the upper hand somehow. No one knew how. Word was the spider had gotten his hands on a seer, but no body could say for sure.

The elevator opened to a frowning half-demon, who looked about to punch someone to death. He stepped into his office as the elevator doors closed behind him. The carpet was black and tight weave so the wear from the foot traffic wouldn't show easily. The walls were a dark red, not quite blood-red but close. Except for the wall directly across from the elevator, it was solid glass. Deep golden-colored furniture littered the office space with a large wooden coffee table in the middle of it all. Inuyasha had allowed Sesshomaru's mate to be in charge of the room. Frankly he didn't care but Rin insisted that to look like an upstanding club owner his office had to look the part. Inuyasha didn't believe it would matter but he let he have her way and she had been thrilled.

Walking over to the glass he looked out on the floor, listening to the dulled pulse of the music that was muted by the sound dulling walls. Lust and debauchery where everywhere in the place fueled by under the table drugs, excessive amounts of alcohol and loud suggestive music. His members were working the floor as bouncers, bartenders, D.J., some where even on the dance floor as props looking for anyone who could give information they needed. Inuyasha watched over all the little things happening on the floor beneath him as the night slowly moved on.

The door to the office opened softly behind him and closed just the same, stopping his observations. Inuyasha didn't turn around instead looking into the glass to see who was going to bother him. He wasn't surprised it was Miroku, his second in command. Miroku was around the as age as Inu's human appearance, twenty-five if he wasn't mistaken. Miroku had been his friend since the monk was sixteen when they ran in Sesshomaru's gang. The man was good at a number of things but at six-foot, with thick black hair that he gathered in a short pony tail and strange violet eyes, he fancied his greatest skill was with women.

"What is it, Miroku?" His voice was graveled not with anger as much as the tiredness that his mind had on days like this.

"There's word that Naraku is investing in a company front. Not like our's but something more uptown. Which isn't clear yet but that could be his new way of moving and receiving the goods he usually does." Miroku dropped himself on one of the couches laying so he was facing the glass and Inuyasha.

"What the fuck does it matter if we don't know exactly what kind of company?" Inu growled pounding his fist to the window. It vibrated in protest but didn't even spiderweb. "Spiderweb." Inuyasha whispered looking at the place his first had collided with the window.

"Spiderweb?" Miroku asked as he laid his head back. "That's demon proof glass of course there's not a spiderweb."

"Naraku you fucktard!" The half demon shouted at him in irritation.

Miroku cracked an eye open with an eyebrow raised. "What about him? I know it pisses you off that we don't have more information but we're doing our fucking best."

Inuyasha wanted to lunge at the bastard and shake him until Miroku understood but instead Inu settled for flipping the couch over so that the "lady's man" was jolted to the floor and rolled into the wall. "I need Shippou to draw up everywhere we have caught Naraku and everywhere we have been too late for the last, I don't know, nine months maybe a year. When he is done I want to know."

Miroku just laid there on the black carpet next to the tousled gold couch, looking at the half demon like he'd lost his mind. "NOW!" Inu growled out. Quickly his second was on his feet and out the door.

On the other side of town in a modest apartment a woman sat on her balcony with a sketch pad abandoned in her lap. She rested the back of her dark head of hair against the top of the chair as she sat with her eyes closed. It was another one of those nights, he was there watching just behind her lids.

"KAGOME?" A voice rang through her apartment followed by the sound of the front door closing. Kagome knew it was only her best friend. Sango and Kagome had been best friends since they were fifteen, they had gone to the same high school, college and now worked in the same office.

Sango was a little taller standing around five foot seven inches where as Kagome was an average five foot five inches. Sango also had beautiful dark brown hair hung around the middle of her back matching her deep brown eyes.

"Out here, Sango." The woman called back as she closed the book and placed it on the low table that sat between the two chairs on the balcony.

"What are you do-" The woman named Sango stopped herself as she caught sight of the sketch book. Swiftly she grabbed it up before her friend could protest. "So, it is one of those nights, hmm? What new drawing do we have?"

Sango giggled as she flipped through the pages. Most she had seen either by grabbing the book or from Kagome actually showing her. They were all the mystery man who had saved Kagome from the demon in some dark alley. Kagome was a wonderful artist Sango had to admit but every picture left out one major detail of the man...his face. Kagome never drew his face though Sango was sure that her friend remembered it clear as day.

The page flipped over to the last drawing and Sango's laughter halted. There on the page staring back at her were the most captivating pair of dark gold eyes she had ever seen. She had to drag her gaze from the picture in front of her to look at Kagome.

Kagome was gazing out over the city, the lights, the people, the noise, the endlessness of it all. Somewhere out there was this man who had helped her, infuriated her and all in all saved her. He had taken a chance entering that alley and a bigger chance letting her go to the police after basically telling her he was a bad guy too. She didn't feel like he was though, she had felt like he had a good heart or else why bother with her?

"Inuyasha...What are you doing now?"

The dark-haired girl sighed and turned back to her friend who was glancing between her and the picture she had drawn. Kagome couldn't get Inuyasha out of her mind. She tried for the first few weeks while trying to erase the entire experience but soon found she didn't want to forget him. At first she chalked it up to trauma, he had saved her after all. Once Sango found out about the drawings she told Kagome that it was probably the good girls like bad boys thing. Kagome had laughed but there was a good chance she had a crush on the hooded demon that had saved her.

"Earth to, Kagome? Are you there Kagome?" Sango snapped her fingers a the dazed woman and waved her hand in front of those frozen blue eyes. "Hey, sweety you alright?"

"Oh!" Kagome blinked a few times at the concern in her friend's voice then turning her face back to the sprawling city answered softly,"Yea, San, I'm fine just lost in thought that's all.". Drawing her feet up in the chair she crossed her arms over her knees and rested her chin on them watching for things she didn't know how to find.

"You wanna talk?" Sango sat herself down in the other chair on the balcony. The truth was she worried about Kagome. What had happened had been something terrible but what worried her was her friend's infatuation with the person who saved her.

"I don't know what I can say that you haven't already heard or what wouldn't make you think I'm crazy." Kagome closed her eyes listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

Sango watched her friends eyes flutter shut and a half-smile formed on her lips. Looking back at the eyes on the page she realized what Kagome had done. "You drew his eyes."

"Yes, I did." Was the nearly inaudibly answer received. "I just wanted to look at them again outside of my mind." She said the guilt thick in her voice.

Sango stood up abruptly and looked at her watch. "Alright, Moppy Molly, we are not going to sit here and think about mister mysterious. It's been a year, Kagome, time to move on with life!" She announce.

"I don't know, Sango." Kagome said looking cautiously into the night, "It's getting late."

"Kagome, it has been a year now. One whole year today. You've played it safe, you have left for work the same time heavy traffic starts and you are always home before it's dark. That's...okay...I guess, but you haven't gone out and had fun not even once." Sango grabbed Kagome's hand and dragged the reluctant girl back into her own apartment. "There's a new club that opened like a couple of weeks ago or so. Now, don't freak out but it is close to the warehouse district." The mention of that side of town instantly filled Kagome's eyes with worry but Sango didn't want her to find a way out of going out. "I think it will be good for you to go because it will show you that you don't need to be scared the rest of your life. Tons of people will be down there and I'll be with you." Sango thrust her thumb at herself to emphasize her point.

Kagome couldn't help but giggle at Sango's swell of pride. Her brunette friend was descended from demon slayers and since demons still roamed the world she was a modern-day licensed slayer. For the first time that night Kagome notice that Sango was dressed up. Her long brown hair pulled high in a flowing ponytail. She wore a black halter dress that stopped five maybe six inches above her knees with sexy dark pink open toe heels. When she moved the dress gave off a pink sheen Kagome noticed matched the pink eyeshadow her friend was sporting.

Sango noticed her friends stares and halted her rummaging through the closet in front of her. Wearing a small but happy smile she walked over to Kagome.

"Everything will be great. I promise, just a little drinking, a little dancing, and maybe a little flirting." San gave her friend a wink as she walked back to the closet pulling out a short dark green skirt and white blouse with red roses that trailed up the side and would curve around her right breast. "Put this on. Then off we go to the Half-Demon!"

Kagome couldn't stop her mouth from gaping open as she grasp the clothes Sango handed her. Her mind scrambling for how to stay calm in a club sure to be full of demons. The other woman never noticed her friends reaction as she fluttered out of the room to call a cab to pick them up for a much deserved night out.

A/N: Ok so here it is the first chapter. Too clear it up now all the characters will have their baseline personalities but, as I'm sure y'all can tell by Inuyasha, they will as be more mature in lots of ways (maybe not Miroku heehee). Also I have no real idea about how Tokyo is set up so I will be morphing it to fit my fic. Don't judge. Thanks for your time hope y'all liked it. ;) please read and review.