ok let's try this for a third time...

hello my dear readers and fellow Shizaya lovers! I hope you all still enjoy this fic and I hope that you will check out my newest fic The Vulture King.

It is another Royal fic with olenty of drama, and fluff. There are alternates, but Shizaya is the main show^^

So for you, here I shall present a bit (little more then a bit) of the first chapter! The second chapter will be up soon!


The wind was a crips tight cold the night their hearts broke.

They had been laughing heartily, sharing fancy foods, and cuddling in the moon light against most rules. The cities were alive and gleaming, plentiful with parks and people, and this night love. This particular city was in Ikeburuo, a country Izaya had come to love like his own. And the source of that love put an arm around his slim shoulders.

"Ne, Shizu-chan~." The small Omega one purrs with a sexy smile." Maybe if the negotiations go bad we could be married."

"If they go well we can still get married." The older responded.

"As if my dad would allow that..." Izaya pouted," And don't tell me that the thought of me, your thrilling virgin lover, being held but invisible chains and given no choice but to say, 'I do'," He leaned closer durning the last two words, his lips brushing against the older Alpha's ear. He smiled and laughed seeing a blush form on the other." You love me~"

"Of course I do." Shizuo smiled and kissed those perfect plump lips.

"Too bad your people hate my guts."

"That's what happens when you screw people over Izaya."

"So cruel Shizu-chan~" The raven pouted," I'm generally honest to them. They just can't handle the truth."

"You managed to scare away Queen Saika."

"She was obviously trying to cause a war."

"... She was a demon."

"We all are demons Shizu-chan~" Izaya hugged his lover, seeking his warmth, and generally showing some rare affection."No one touches my things... But are you still impressed?"

"Impressed that Verona didn't kill you?"

Izaya stuck out his tongue," her search for your hand in marriage, and the throne here was pointless. I only helped her out the door."

"What if she had came for you?"

"... Shizu-chan, I think you forget that I'm an Omega and she was an Alpha..." Izaya pointed out," no babies~"

"She still could of whipped you ass into shape."

"I thought only you wanted to whip my ass~"

The blush on Shizuo's face was brighter this time and Izaya cackled and giggled kisses the blond's nose.


The meeting hadn't gone well.

The two came back holding hands and laughing lightly, but the moment they stepped inside the grand castle, an old western type castle that was the heart of the city and the home of the royals, guards rushed them apart. Izaya had pouted and Shizuo nearly got into fight before being reminded punching a guard wouldn't look so good for a royal.

He growled and walked down a long red carpeted, and golden trimmed hall. Portraits of his ancestors hung next to precious armors, and decor that had seen many ages. The ceilings were high and laced with golden light, and there were many doors to the left leading to grand bed rooms and meeting halls built large enough to fit whole houses. To the right were huge paned windows outlined in beautiful stained glass, over looking the courtyard that had a black gate that tourists looked through. The night was getting later and the golden haired prince threw open the door into the king's private library.

"Father, how did the meeting go?" Shizuo asked looking to the blue eyed king who wore an old blue cape and had just removed his crown.

"... Not well..." Tsugaru spoke and sat at his desk letting his head fall into his hands.".. I am sorry, Shizuo..."

"...For what?" The prince asked and walked over past a grand fire place that housed a warm blaze. The shelves lining the room were almost over flowed with books and trinkets and jewels and golds. It was a room that obviously a rich king too shelter in.

"I'm sorry my son.." Tsugaru sighed," I have given you too much freedom for a royal, and now it grieves me to have to take it all back."

"What do you mean?"


Once again I hope you will check out The Vulture King and fav and follow and comment^^ I hope to make it my best fic ever, and if it isn't comment on how I can make it the best ever

See you soon~