Hello. This is the only big important interrupting author's note I'm doing, because with my story I'm going to clarify a few things:

1) Yes, this is a Klaine story. There will be lots of Klaine, and relationships and drama. HOWEVER, this is also a fantasy story, meaning there will also be a lot of plot which doesn't involve Klaine.

2) This story is also a rewrite of Season 2. This means Blaine does not appear right away, just like in season 2. Sorry to disappoint, but it is necessary to the plot and so on so forth. If you aren't happy with this then feel free to skip to the chapters starting during NBK, and he will be there.

3) This is a fantasy story, and as a result some character behaviour may be altered due to the changes made in the story. Which means some events may differ. But all important ones will still be in there, but they might occur in a slightly roundabout manner.

4) A lot of the episodes will be split into two chapters, because there is a lot of content and I don't think you really want to try and get through 10 000 words in one sitting. If you do, feel free to let me know via PM and I'll alter the format. Until then, it will be in slightly smaller chunks.

5) There will probably be a rewrite of the entire thing once I'm done telling the story itself.

And...that about sums up all the information I want to convey. So, I think I've said all that needs to be said, I hope you enjoy the story and please feel free to drop a review any time you like :) Other than that...I hope you enjoy the story!

(Also, complete side note: Yes, I'm aware my title is very unoriginal, but I had no idea what else to call my story. If anyone has any better ideas, please don't hesitate to PM me with it!)