An Oasis in a Sea of Hate

Chapter Nineteen

Epilogue (Sans Luminara)

Please note that this chapter is almost the same as the original Epilogue chapter but slightly changed taking into account recent canon developments. Contains spoilers for the Star Wars Rebels episode, "Rise of the Old Masters." (And some hints of "Fire Across the Galaxy")

I am posting this to lead into a new story, "The Rescue of Luminara Unduli."

(Major changes in underline. I hope I haven't violated FF etiquette.)

Cast of Characters:

*Lux 'Terry' Bonteri: Of Onderon; Vice Admiral of The Alliance to Restore Democracy;

*Ahsoka Tano: Of Shili; Jedi Knight, His wife;

Their Children:
'Beautiful Woman,' Of Onderon, Their oldest daughter, Adopted, Fully human, Not Force-Sensitive;
Zorzan: 'Smart,' Of Shili, her husband, Not Force-Sensitive;
Mina: Their oldest daughter between them, Named after Bonteri's assassinated mother, Lightsaber;
Aila: 'Light bearer,' Their next oldest daughter, Lightsaber;
Arya: 'Noble and Strong,' Their youngest with human hair, Lightsaber;
Alina: 'Maiden,' Their oldest daughter with montrals and lekku, Lightsaber;
Amini: 'Faith,' Their next oldest daughter, Their youngest with a Lightsaber;
Precious: A most cherished daughter;
Almas: 'Scout,' Their youngest daughter but one;
Akila: 'Akul Killer,' Their youngest daughter—so far, Bostaff.

*Barriss Offee: Of Mirial; Their helper.

*Luminara Unduli: Of Mirial; Her Master.

*QT-KT: Of Coruscant, 500 Republica; Their astromech.

Fendo: Their loyal vornskr from Myrkr.

The Crew of The Ghost:
*Hera: Of Ryloth; Their leader and captain;
*Kanan: Of Coruscant; Their sometime leader, A former Jedi Padawan, Lightsaber;
*Zeb: Of Lasat; Their muscle;
*Sabine: Of Mandalore; Their explosives expert;
*Ezra: Of Lothal; A Force-sensitive young man, Being trained by Kanan, Lightsaber;
*Chopper: Of Coruscant, Level 1313; Their trash-mouth astromech.

Of the Jedi Temple:

*Anakin Skywalker: Of Tatooine, Jedi Master, formerly Darth Vader;
*Luke Skywalker:
Of Coruscant and Tatooine, Jedi Master, son of Anakin Skywalker;
*Leia Organa: Of Coruscant and Alderaan; His sister by the same father;
*Han Solo: General of the Rebellion, Her boyfriend;
*Shaak Ti: Of Shili, Jedi Master;
*Oppo Rancisis: Of Thisspias, Jedi Master;
Gullak: Of Ryloth, a loyal worker.

Tok, Doric, Gullah and various others of the crew of the Plo Koon.

* = Property of Disney.


In the late morning, a Twi'lek man was rushing through the solemnity of a very quiet Jedi Temple—that is, as rushing as his advanced age and his limp would allow him. He had been very busy the last few months since the Jedi, under Master Skywalker, son of Anakin, had returned a few months after the Battle of Endor, and with justification he was tired. But his face showed his happiness. Old he was; but just now, he felt years younger.

He was neither Jedi nor Force-sensitive. He was rushing to where Master Luke Skywalker was ensconced. Compared to the old days, there were no formalities and a regular worker, for such he was, could walk up to the new Master without trepidation. Temple workers such as himself had never believed the drivel put out by the Empire. Those such as himself loved the Jedi and what they were doing for the sake of the galaxy.

Soon he reached a wall and stopped. It was full of names. He knew them all and most were his friends. When the hell known as the Purge happened, he and many of his co-workers hid and helped Jedi, Padawans, and Younglings—and just about as many paid with their lives for doing so. And this wall, one of the first new additions that Master Skywalker asked for, held the names of those who paid dearly for all to see throughout eternity.

He himself had taken in a young Twi'lek boy who had just been admitted as a Youngling. From that day, hiding was the norm, and it was a good day when they—he, his wife, and the Jedi child—could sleep two nights in a row in the same hovel or ditch. But survive they did, unlike so many of his comrades. And now, that boy had a boy of his own, and, just as he had hoped, fought to restore freedom and democracy with the Bonteri Fleet under Admiral, now Vice-Chancellor, Lux Bonteri.

As he looked at the wall, he remembered the times before the war against the Separatists, and even before that. If he closed his eyes, he could see the Temple from before the Invasion of Naboo, when he had already been a work-team leader, and could see in his mind's eye the confident and happy Jedi Masters and the pretty, pert, and happy-go-lucky Padawans. Then, as the Clone Wars progressed, the Masters became fewer, and the Padawans, just as pretty, like that unfortunate Tano girl, became more harried; needing to be consoled as more and more heard that their masters had been killed.

And he could remember seeing a boy by the name of Anakin Skywalker being admitted to the Temple. The boy who was the father of the man he was rushing to see.

Today was a very good day, in his opinion. Today, the Old Republic's 'Love Day,' re-introduced by Mon Mothma, was the day that Master Skywalker, after much deliberation with the two remaining Masters, Shaak Ti and Oppo Rancisis, decided to end the attachment rule for the Jedi. Love would again be a page in the book of a Jedi. "Umf," he gruffed good-naturedly while looking at some of the heart decorations about the Temple put up by the master's sister, "About time."

With frustration at his delay, he started again towards the Council Chambers. Riding the turbolift, he soon arrived and, after asking admittance, came before Master Skywalker and his sister, Princess Leia Organa, the only ones there right at that moment. After bowing deeply, he straightened back up.

"Hello, Gullak," Master Skywalker started, "What can I do for you?"

"Master Skywalker, sir, Princess Organa, ma'am" he started, "There is someone to see you. Someone from a long time ago."

"Who might that be, Gullak?" Master Skywalker liked the man, but he just wished he got to the point sooner. 'I suppose when you've lived as long as Gullak, you have seen everything and want to talk about it,' the master mused to himself.

"Padawan Tano is here to see you, sir."

The master's and the princess's heads came up quickly. "Your father's Padawan, Master Skywalker, Princess Organa," Gullak said with tears in his eyes.

Master and Princess shot out of their chairs and were about to hurry down, but seeing the older man follow them, decided to wait for him so they could go together. They were very anxious to see Padawan Tano, but it was just proper to be going with such a loyal man. Soon, they reached the ground level and started walking, at Gullak's pace, towards where the older man said she was. Although they didn't know it, it happened to be at the top of the very steps where Ahsoka Tano descended when she left the Order.

Soon, Master Skywalker and Princess Organa came into view of those gathered there. It was more like a crowd there were so many. They could see a few humans, two Togrutas, one he knew to be his father's old Padawan, and the others who seemed to be a mix of the two. To the far left were a Togruta male and human female, obviously a couple. He could see in their faces the joy of just being married. He could also sense that neither of them were Force-sensitive.

Next to them was the man he knew to be Admiral, now Vice-Chancellor, Bonteri and next to him was an older woman from Shili. The Vice-Chancellor had his staff in two pieces strapped behind his back, as he became famous for, and the woman was sporting a pair of lightsabers clipped to her belt on either side of her.

Ahsoka Tano.

Next to her, and descending down, were a trio of young women, with Togruta traits but human hair. The one closest to Ahsoka he knew was Mina Bonteri. He had flown with her on some missions during the rebellion and had been saved by her not a few times. Next to her was a happy-looking young woman with a prosthetic right arm. He didn't know her or the young woman, slightly younger next to her, standing behind a repulsor-lift chair with a much younger girl with montrals and lekku in it. This girl seemed to be very quiet. The rest of the girls standing also had the distinctive head embellishment of Shili girls, but with lighter skin. They were progressively smaller down the line, except for the last girl, who was a good half a head taller than the girl next to her. All the girls but these last two carried lightsabers and the taller one on the end carried an electrostaff as if it were a part of her. Lastly, bookending the family on that side was a little boy of about four or five. He was as much like his father as the girl next to him looked as much like her mother. But however outwardly in appearance he looked human, he had the traits of a sturdy boy from Shili.

"Master Skywalker," Ahsoka said as she walked up to them, "Princess Leia, I am Ahsoka Tano. Master Yoda knighted me a few hours after you were born."

Master Skywalker went up to them and bowed. "Master Tano. You knew my father?" he asked when he raised himself.

Ahsoka smiled, "Very well. I knew your mother too," she said looking towards Leia. "She was a wonderful woman."

"Thank you, Master Tano, Vice-Chancellor" Leia said. Ahsoka and Lux bowed to her.

Ahsoka started, "Master Skywalker, I have come to take my place here in the Order and I ask your admittance."

"Happily granted Master Tano. Not only do I think you can help teach others, I myself can use your sage advice. This is most opportune."

"Thank you, Master Skywalker. Let me introduce my family. This is Zeri and her husband, Zorzan. They were married on Shili a few weeks ago, where we just arrived from. Zeri teaches Togruti-B to students not Togruta in Corvala."

The Jedi Master nodded to the couple, "Zorzan, Zeri."

"I think you know Mina."

"Yes, I do," Master Skywalker nodded to her in recognition. "Thank you for watching my back so many times."

"My pleasure," Mina said as she bowed. Ahsoka sensed something that made her smile.

Ahsoka continued on to the happy young lady, "This is Aila, our next." They bowed to each other. "This is Arya and Precious."

"Arya, Precious," Luke and Leia said. They nodded to the master.

"This is Alina. Next is Amini." Master Skywalker noticed that these two as well had lightsabers. He nodded to them.

"This is Almas. She'll be getting a lightsaber soon."

"Almas," he said.

"And this big girl with the staff is Akila," Ahsoka continued. Master Skywalker smiled as Akila bowed to the master and said something in a language he didn't understand.

"And finally Salif, or 'Last' in Togruti."

All these children of this couple he could sense were imbued with the Light Side of the Force.

"Master Tano, what—" he started to say, but there was a rustling a ways off and soon could be seen the approaching form of Master Shaak Ti. They all looked towards her. Ahsoka had forgiven and forgotten what happened long ago. She was just too happy to see the master of her own planet come up to her. She rushed to the Master and hugged her, hugged her for old time's sake. Her children were happily surprised to see Master Ti. They had heard so much about her and had feared the worst.

Then Ahsoka broke away and went to her family, "Everyone, this is Master Ti." They all bowed to the Master which was returned. Shaak Ti was immensely happy for Ahsoka.

Ahsoka then turned to Master Skywalker. "Master Ti, Master Skywalker, I ask that you admit my daughters and son to the Order. They have been trained well in the Jedi arts. Akila is scheduled for staff-fighting training on Lasat soon for about a half year. After that, she will return. Precious as well needs to build up more strength, but she can be there for you after a time. Arya would like to continue her training as a healer."

"Very gladly Ahsoka do we accept your children," Master Skywalker said after looking towards Master Ti and, getting a happy nod from her, then his sister. "I am honored and am sure they can become very good Jedi Knights."

Ahsoka walked up to the masters and the princess and said quietly, "The girl on the end, though, Akila, doesn't like lightsabers," with a swipe of her delicate hand for emphasis. Both of the masters laughed quietly at this little secret and the princess smiled. "Daddy's little girl, don't you know," Ahsoka said sardonically as she went back to the group. "Okay, everyone, follow Master Ti and store your gear," Ahsoka ordered to her children. Her children left following the Master from Shili. "Master Skywalker," Ahsoka said whilst looking towards her children, "There is a ceremony or two to do today. Can you spare my children for that?"

"Certainly, certainly, Master Tano," he replied.

Everyone got their gear and headed towards the Temple. As they did so, an old friend from Ahsoka's younger days became visible. "Gullak!" she shouted and ran up to him. "How have you been?"

"Fine, Ahsoka, fine. Admiral." Lux had also come up to the old man. "Thank you for watching out for my boy, Admiral."

"It was more like Gullah watching out for me, Gullak," returned Lux. "It was an honor to fight with him, as it was for all."

"Thank you, sir," he said. Ahsoka then brought him into hug and he shook hands with the Admiral. Then, Ahsoka and Lux started to return to where they were standing before with the master and the princess. As they did so, they looked towards their disappearing children.

Looking at them, Ahsoka could see now how much the Force had been with her all these years. Now she knew why she had so many children, even though couples such as Lux and her had few, if any. Somehow, the Force knew that this day would come. A day when Love would be a part of the Jedi's makeup, and a day when that Jedi Order needed them the most, to help build a new future for the Jedi, and, more importantly, the Light Side of the Force. Yes, the Force does work in mysterious ways. We just have to be patient for it.

"Master Skywalker, there are few more whom I think you would like to meet," Ahsoka after a while informed the master. With that, she went to the head of the stairs she had descended so long ago, and waved. In a few minutes, a group of disparate beings appeared. Master Skywalker knew them now to be the crew of a very famous ship that fought from the very early days for the rebellion, the Ghost.

"Master Skywalker, this is Kanan Jarrus, a Padawan whom I have been training," Ahsoka explained.

"Mr. Jarrus," the master said as he shook hands.

"And this," Kanan said in his deep voice, "Is Ezra, whom I have been passing on what I know (there was snicker aside from the light-green Twi'lek woman next to him) and have been helping to train him," he finished unfazed by the pretty woman. Master Skywalker could only smile at their interaction.

"Ezra," the master acknowledged. The young man seemed very steadfast and confident, but not a braggadocios kind. The young man bowed deeply.

Unlike these two, the rest of those did not have the Force strong in them.

"If I may," started the Twi'lek woman. "I am Hera Syndulla. I own and fly the Ghost. This big guy here is Zeb. He's been so used to knocking helmet heads he doesn't know what to do now."

Master Skywalker laughed at that. "Nice to meet you, Hera, Zeb."

"On the other side of Ezra is Sabine. She's been riding with us helping to put some hurt here and there to the Imperials." Master Skywalker nodded to Sabine and said her name in introduction.

Ahoska came back to the group. "Master Skywalker," she said, "There is one more you should see that we brought with us from Shili." Ahsoka then went to the same head of the stairs but this time nodded solemnly. Soon, a Mirialan woman was to be seen topping the stairs.

"Barriss!" Shaak Ti, who had returned, came up to the younger woman. She then started to look around her but before long she gained a questioning look towards the younger woman. Barriss simply shook her head and looked down, extremely sad. With this, Shaak knew that the worst had happened to her old friend Luminara Unduli and started to cry into her hands.

"Master Ti," Barriss soothed, holding the Togrutan Master's hands, "Don't cry. She is one with The Force now. We have made sure of that," Barriss said with a turn of her head to the family and the crew. After a short time, with the others looking on, Master Ti gained control of her emotions and lifted her head in happiness, knowing her friend was in a better place now. She could see Barriss smiling at her so she went up to her and gently hugged her.

"Yes," said the Shili Master quietly, "Perhaps one day I can see her again, in this world or the next." There was deafening silence for a time.

This woman from Mirial Master Skywalker knew well from within the Rebellion. She had become a hero in helping the fighters for freedom recover from their wounds and to set up care centers, as well as to fiercely protect her charges when attacked by the Empire. Because of her, many could return to the fight and help win this freedom for the galaxy. She had gone by many names, but just recently he came to know her by her real name.

"Hello Barriss," he said with a smile of remembrance.

"Luke," Barriss Offee replied with a slight bow. "Master Skywalker, I am here to return to the Order."

"As with Master Tano, happily granted," was the reply from the master. "The Republic can certainly use all of us now."

"I should say so," entered Princess Leia. "You all have given A New Hope to this fledgling Republic founded on the old principles."

"Thank you, Princess," replied Masters Tano and Offee.

By this time, all those of Ahsoka and Lux who would enter the Order had come back. As they did so, the one Master Skywalker remembered as Aila came up to Ezra and put her good arm around him.

"Everything OK?" she asked quietly.

Ezra looked at Aila. "Everything's perfect." The parents of the young woman looked on this scene with some happiness.

"Master Skywalker," Ahsoka broke the silence, but with quietness. She then looked over to the young man and woman and then Kanan and Hera. They all nodded to her and she turned back to the master with a smile. "Princess Leia, there are a few ceremonies over at the Onderon Mission in about two hours. We would be very happy if you could come."

"I will. Even if it takes all day," replied the master.

"Me as well," replied Princess Leia. "I'll bring Han over if he can make it."

"It shouldn't take that much time, maybe an hour or so. But, umm . . . Han?" Ahsoka asked.

"My sister's boyfriend," Master Skywalker replied, responded to with a shy smile from the princess.

Ahsoka had the best take on the last few conversations, "Yes, Love certainly has returned to the Jedi Order."

The family, the crew of the Ghost, and Barriss started to make their way for the preparations. As they left, Vice-Chancellor Bonteri turned to the Jedi masters.

"Master Skywalker, Master Ti," he started, "Many not with the Force paid dearly for this day, that the Jedi could again reawaken one day. As you continue with rejuvenating the Jedi Order, please do not forget their sacrifice."

"I shall not," replied Master Skywalker, "For I have seen their sacrifice myself, and lost friends in this battle. They will not be forgotten."

"Thank you, Master. From now, I will do what I can to keep the politicians and the Senate away from the Order."

"Thank you," both Master Skywalker and Master Ti replied. And the Bonteri family and the others descended the stairs.

They had come a long way, just this trip, but it was the happiest they had had together in a long time. As they were walking, husband and wife, arm-in-arm, were remembering it.


The Admiral himself had been in the Battle of Endor. They had come out victorious, adding many X-Wings, Mina in one in fact, to the fight. Unfortunately, he lost both the Mace Windu and the Kit Fisto to the second Death Star's evil ray before engaging the Star Destroyers close range—doing so even prior to General Calrissian suggesting it to Admiral Ackbar. Many of the brave were lost then.

With the news that the Emperor fell and that the Empire itself was tumbling, many cheered the freedom and liberty that would come to the galaxy. After securing the remnants of the Empire as best he could, Admiral Bonteri then went posthaste to his wife and family. He was fortunately able to bring along his daughter Mina, but he wasn't able to find the Ghost in all the aftermath. During the trip, when the small shuttle he and his daughter were on was out of hyperspace, he was able to contact the Ghost. They had been fighting so much that they didn't hear of the victory. He deemed it safe now so he gave the coordinates to where they could rendezvous and then they could go from there after he told the Ghost crew the coordinates to the new planet as securely as he could. This accomplished, Lux and Mina then boarded the Ghost and this one ship then continued on.

They met with each other again and had good times together. They all had grown over the five years, Lux getting a little more grey at the temples, but still solid and fit. Most of that grey came from when he heard about the attack on the house by the Pau'an. He neither slept nor ate for days while he was searching and trying to find what happened to his family. He was about to resign his position—it was the right thing to do as he had become too distracted to fight—but he then heard from his wife's mother and father that his family was all right and that they had Fendo as well. He then told Mina and Barriss and the next chance he got, he went to them with the new navigation chip he got from Bail just before—.

When there, he met again his children and hugged each one. He was also overjoyed at Ahsoka's news, but was stunned into silence when she said it might be a boy this time. It took a little time, but he finally stuttered, "I- I-, . . . . Are you sure?" he said still stunned.

"A woman knows," Ahsoka responded calmly. Her husband then let out a big yell and kissed and hugged his wife and twirled her around, her rear lekku flying out. She was happy because he was happy. To tell the truth, she was happy to get a little variety as well.

In these five years, Ahsoka neither grew nor aged—for she was just at that time in life—so she was very similar to how she looked on that beautiful planet five years previous. Even though she and her husband had had many chances to be together—including finally living together after Endor—they never had another child.

They did try to find that planet again after Endor. It took some months and a lot of work by the navigators on the Plo Koon, but find it they did. They all visited the burnt-out house, sad at what had happened. The field of flowers as well had become wild with some burn scores here and there, but there were few weeds.

Lux and Ahsoka also visited the orchard. In the rush to escape, Ahsoka had not been able to take any seeds and they feared the worst. But when they got to the orchard, they were shown the power of Life. Although some trees were burned, those that were not, became rejuvenated, and blossomed so well that the husband and wife were greeted with a small canopy of beautiful pink flowers. With arms around each others' waists, they toured the orchard slowly and even found a few smaller trees where the apples had dropped. They had given up on their experiment, but they didn't take into account that Life will out and rise from the fire. (Little did they know that this little orchard of what would be known as the Shilaron apple was to become the core of their ample wealth.)

Hera and Kanan took a lunch to the little lake where they confessed their love for each other. This spot was still the same as it was before. They were there a long time but they didn't have any grass or leaves attached to them when they returned. Ezra and Aila as well were able to take some long walks together, all the while holding Ezra's right hand in her left—and this time there was no annoying little sister. Zeb and Akila practiced the staff with each other and big Zeb was surprised at how good Akila had become for as young as she was. Mina and Alina were sparring themselves and talking of fighting with the Rebellion. Sabine, with a man from Mandalore who had been fighting with them, saw how much better Amini became with rifle and the sidearms. They were soon wondering how they could adopt her into a Mandalore clan. The other little ones, Almas and Selif, followed the older people and just enjoyed the planet. Arya was taking care of Precious, unaware that a last miracle, a last gift from The Force, was about to happen.

Although the planet they were then on was quite nice, they decided to relocate then and there back to this planet. They would rebuild. But this time they didn't need to hide and they didn't need to worry about getting more unobtanium. Contractors were hired and soon a new house, similar but better, was put on the foundations of the old. This time, however, with big windows in the training room and the house renamed "Bail House," in honor of Bail Organa who helped them with keeping their daughters safe.

They were joined by Barriss; who herself had a new child by her husband of Mirialan upbringing. She was happy that the boy was not Force-sensitive. They were also joined by Saw Gerrera and his family.

Soon, all gathered on the Plo Koon, which had docked in the space above. Presently, the Bonteri, Gerrera, and Offee families were boarded as well as the crew of the Ghost. On the Plo Koon, the crew there were able to see for the first time duels with lightsabers, lightsabers and staffs (they tried not to laugh too much as their commanding officer was beaten by a little girl), as well as between staffs. They were impressed by the stature of Little Akila, who, though young, was sturdy and strong. She and her father did a short bout. He tried to convince himself that he let her win, but she was actually pretty good for as young as she was. To top it off, Barriss gave the crew a lightsaber dance, to show that there was beauty as well in the weapon.


The first and only stop between this planet and Coruscant was to be Shili. There, Zeri was married to the family of her fiancé. It was a good ceremony, one on the old traditions. The crew from the Ghost were there as well as those invited from the crew of the Plo Koon. Certainly Gullah with his little boy, Doric with his wife, and Tok, with a nice girl from Rodia, were in attendance. The family enjoyed being on one of their home planets and the crew of both ships were respectful. The girls lazed around and Ahsoka showed everyone their new boy.

Lux got to know some of the people from the village during the stay, but was not a little taken aback when Zeri's new husband, Zorzan, asked his father-in-law not to use his Togruti-B anymore.

"Why not?" he asked.

Zeri's husband seemed a little reluctant to say. "Well, Zeri we can understand," he began, "But the village elder is afraid that you will ruin the children's Togruti. So he asks you to stop. The little ones are already starting to talk funny." Ahsoka, next to her husband, let out a big laugh. Her husband was just nodding his head and saying "Ok."

"Now you see what I've had to put up with for the last twenty-odd years!" Ahsoka joked to Hera and Kanan standing next to her. Everyone had a good laugh at the Admiral's, now the Vice-Chancellor's, expense. (They had just been informed that Mon Mothma selected him.)

That night, though, Ahsoka suddenly woke from her sleep. She was in her husband's arms, but it seemed he had been awakened as well. They both felt something in The Force or someone calling as they put on their outerwear and boots for the slight chill outside and were surprised that their children as well were waiting for them outside their little cabin, hearing the same call. They all had felt the same. They started walking towards a grove, Ahsoka in the lead. Outside the grove, she asked her family to stay until she could find what was happening. She asked Lux, who started to go with her, to stay with her children in case something happened.

Alone, she went into the grove, towards the center of it. Then, at the center, she saw him—Anakin Skywalker as a Force Ghost; as she knew him as her Master with his long hair. She put her hands to her face, trying to control her emotions.

"Hey, Ahsoka," he said, with somewhat of an echo, "It's good to see you."

Ahsoka had a hard time getting control of her emotions, but she did. "M-Master, it's good to see you a-." She cried for a short time.

"You've grown," he said when she became calmer.

She laughed at this. "Thanks Skyguy," was all she could get out. Then she heard a rustle behind her. She looked to see her family come towards her, Mina in the lead, Arya carrying Precious like she did before. Lux bringing up the rear.

He then came forward, smiled to Anakin and said, "Thank you for protecting my family, Anakin."

"Yes," Anakin returned, "That was Anakin."

Ahsoka replied, "And you still are Anakin, and you will always be Anakin to my family."

Anakin simply nodded in the old way he did that was simple but meant a lot. Ahsoka then introduced each of her children to Anakin, and as each was introduced, they bowed and said their name. Lastly, when Precious was introduced, she suddenly became very restless, so much so that Arya had to put her down. And when she did, Precious stood up on unsure legs and looked at the man. It was a last miracle that the Force gave this family for all they had gone through to keep the Light Side of the Force alive for the future. They were all astonished and surprised beyond speech. They all gathered around little Precious. When they looked to where Anakin had been, he was gone.

"Thank you, Anakin, thank you," Ahsoka said through tears.

They left the grove in high emotion. Arya still carried Precious—it would take a while for her to get strength to stand or walk, but Precious would become as active a part of the family as she could from that moment. In the morning, the family was tired from lack of sleep but very, very happy. All in the village were surprised the next morning to see a little girl with lekku and montrals who had not been walking before, practice doing so with her big sister Arya, and Ezra was especially happy. Precious seemed to want to be with Ezra a lot—enough that Aila started getting jealous; just a little.


After this miracle, everyone made their ways towards Coruscant, formerly known as Imperial City. And now, after getting her kids into the Order, they had all gathered today for some final ceremonies. Wedding ceremonies.

The first was to be between Aila and Ezra. The boy had improved immensely and her father was only too happy to trust her future to him.

It had been a beautiful ceremony. Ahsoka cried a little when she put down Aila's veil before she went down the aisle. She knew she would do well and would be a good mother, a very difficult job. Then, her father took her and led her down to where Ezra was waiting. When he gave over Aila to Ezra, he went to the side of Ahsoka and they stayed close with each other through the ceremony and held hands. All there marveled that love knew no boundaries.

Ahsoka put her hand to her eyes when Aila said her vows, and from then she knew that she had gained a son. What she couldn't see, and even here no one could see the future, was that a daughter of a daughter of this daughter would be with Ahsoka when she breathed her last many, many years from then in a place close by.

All their children were there and Precious as well seemed to understand the joy of the time. The crew of the Ghost was there as well. Kanan and Hera were sitting on the groom's side, across from Lux and Ahsoka, where Ezra's parents would have been if they could have been there in person. (But they were there in spirit.) Zeb was next to these two and next to him was Sabine. Next to Sabine was Leonidas, another Mandalorian they picked up in their fight against the Empire and he and Sabine became, to use a phrase, very good friends. These both were wearing Mandalorian armor, naturally, but the armor was very clean and only had a few scratches. Leonidas had a scar across his cheek but was so happy that it was not prominent. Lux Bonteri liked the man and he had helped give Luminara her final peace. Fortunately he kept his droid with a hair trigger away from the ceremonies. Wouldn't want it to shoot up the ceremonies. Bad manners, don't you know.

Their loyal vornskr, Fendo, was waiting patiently outside; and inside, off to the sides of either bench on the front row were their respective astromechs, Chopper next to Sabine and Leonidas, and QT-KT stationed next to Arya. She and Aila had gotten over what happened and they remained friends. The reason Aila had her mechanical right arm was in protecting her and Precious a few years previous.

When the ceremony was over and the new bride and groom had left the mission (but to return soon for the next ceremony), Ahsoka saw Masters Skywalker, Ti, Rancisis, and Princess Leia in the front rows. She then went to inform them that there was to be one more ceremony and asked if they could stay. They said they could and they waited for the next to begin. For today, there were to be two ceremonies joining man and woman in matrimony.

And again, Ahoska was to put down the veil of the bride and her husband Lux was to bring her down the aisle to her groom. They were honored to do this for these two who seemed more family than friends—they had formed such a bond some years ago.

"Are you ready, Hera?" Ahsoka asked at her entrance.

Hera only gave the response that millions of brides before must have given; "As ready as I'll ever be," she responded nervously.

"Don't worry," Ahsoka soothed her with a smile, "If you take care of your husband like you take care of the Ghost, you'll do all right." Hera gave a sweet smile at that as she lowered herself so Ahsoka could put her veil over her head as the ceremony started and everyone was watching. As she raised herself, Ahsoka put her hand on Hera's arm in assurance and then hugged her. Then, Hera turned to Lux and put her hand into the crook of his arm and let him lead her down the aisle. This was the second time today for both his wife and him, but both were very special. It was with no lack of confidence in the man that Lux gave her over to, Kanan, so the two may wed. After twenty or so minutes, the ceremony was finished and the galaxy had two new married couples to prove that love will prevail.

During the receptions for the couples, dancing and singing was the norm. Some drank too much, like Tok, to the consternation of his girlfriend, and some drank none, like the Jedi Masters, Luke Skywalker, Shaak Ti, Oppo Rancisis, and Barriss Offee, in attendance—except, of course, for the one who played a big part in today's ceremonies, Ahsoka Tano—but she drank just a little, no more than Princess Leia and Han.

Many were dancing to the soft music, and though Ahsoka and Lux tried to prevent it, Mina yet again snuck in another jumpy tune and the oldsters had to put on a show for the assembled, yet again—and this time in front of all those Jedi Masters. Everyone laughed and had a good time looking at the parents make fools of themselves again. Fortunately, it was an older tune that they had danced to together long ago before the Empire, so they didn't do too badly. Ahsoka especially liked the lyrics at the end,

Ooooh, broken hearted melody
Won't you bring him back to me
Sing to him until he yearns
For when he returns
No more will he be
A broken hearted melody

Zeb and Akila danced together again, but this time Akila was a lot better and Zeb didn't have to get on his knees to dance with her. The Mandos danced pretty well with each other in all that armor. They must live and sleep in that stuff, Lux and Ahsoka thought.

When things started to wind down and some guests, including the Jedi Masters, had left, Ahsoka went out to a balcony overlooking the Jedi Temple. She had had mixed feelings about the Jedi over her life, but now, when things mattered for the future of peace and love, yes, love, in the galaxy, she felt more confident now in the Order than she had ever felt since she was a Youngling. If there were sadness in her thoughts just then, it was for her good friend, Barriss.

While she was musing, Lux Bonteri, her husband of twenty years came up to her. He could sense she was a little sad just at that moment. They had come a long way together, and they still had a ways to go yet.

It was getting a little cold so he wrapped his arms around his wife who, like himself, came from a warm planet. He hugged her like he always did so he wouldn't put pressure on her lekku—off to the right side of her rear lekku, his left hand on her left shoulder and his right wrapped around her slim waist under her front lekku. She put her small hands on his arm. They stayed like that for several minutes. He then looked up into the sky and saw something.

"Hey," he softly broke her out of her thoughts.

"Hey," his wife, this woman of Shili, responded just as softly.

"Look up there."


"Second star to the right."

She was looking up in the sky. She saw it. The star for the Raxus system, where it all started between them two dozen years ago. She lowered her head in contentment and rubbed her cheek against his arm, holding him more closely. She put on a soft, peaceful smile and responded softly,

"And straight on 'til morning."


Thank you for reading this.

For those who don't know, Luminara was executed by the Empire and her remains were used for the Force essence that still remained in them to lure remaining Jedi to Stygeon. Since this story is AU anyway, with the appearance of Ahsoka in Rebels, I was torn about the existence of Luminara. In the end, I thought it would make a better story to follow the canon, as emotionally hard as that is. I am deeply saddened by her death. If anyone deserved a break, it was Luminara, but yet she gets used to the worst possible end.

Thank you for reading this. I publish the new story in one week.
